The 5H: It’s Not That Serious

Been working on the 5H in extended interpretations here on my Patreon:

5H = False Fame

5H = Create

The 5H is that house where things are not that serious. It’s all about having fun! When I say “shake some ass” I really mean that. Shake some ass! Some people take life too seriously. I’m one of those people where life is serious, but I wanna enjoy myself and what I need to do.

The 5H is also the house of knowledge in Vedic Astrology 🧠 the 5H is fun, and knowledge is FUNdamental. Possibly the house that can create enjoyment through said learning. The 5H being the inner child and the house of knowledge. It is child like curiosity that helps one learn. When a child creates, they’re not thinking about it making sense. They’re thinking about what looks good to them. With interaction, they learn more about the world around them. A child spends their times in school to develop skills. They are taught by their parents. However, it’s up to them to decide how they want to be when they grow up. We don’t inherently choose our lives, but we can choose what we want to do with what we’re given.

Being a 5Her is knowing that you can do what you love and not get tired of it. You find more things to love and enjoy.


Inspired by the convo I had with @rahuserpent about the 5H, I further thought about what I said last year about the 5H being creation/inner child and the 11H being reimagining it. I thought about how the 5H can be stunted by our parents and adults non beliefs in us, and how to rectify it.

You must remember that when your inner child (5H) is being told that you can’t do something, you’re already getting your 11H connection to those dreams blocked off. That’s why it’s important to heal the inner child that comes from the 5H. That’s your creative source and where your source of energy comes from anyway. That’s that “in your bag” energy. This is your underrated energy waiting to be explored.
