House Joys

To be a 12Her you already understand Saturn. 6Her? You already understand Mars. 5Her? You already understand Venus. 9Her? You already understand the Sun. 3Her? You already understand the Moon. 11Her? You already understand Jupiter. 1Her? You already understand Mercury. Why? These are house joys.

House joys are simply where a planet enjoys its time based on characteristics of the houses.

The joy of the 11H being Jupiter and the joy of the 5H being Venus shows the space of Brahmin and how what we learn through the 5H is based on what we learn from out journeys through the 11H.

The 1H/5H/9H are all places of knowledge. This is where we find the 1H Joy of Mercury, the 5H Joy of Venus in the house of knowledge, and the 9H Joy of the Sun that deals with enlightenment.

Moon finding joy in the 3H shows that the Moon is the mind in Vedic Astrology. With that said, you are the intuitive mind that understands a personable amount of information. It’s enough to make you feel comfortable without overwhelming you. On the other note, Sun finding joy in the 9H is the expansive amount of information that you can gain because the Sun spreads everywhere. It is expansive as far as energy.

Mars finding joy in the 6H is because the 6H is the house of things you don’t want to do. Mars knows how to bare the stuff they don’t want to do for liberation. It’s knowing things aren’t right. Saturn as the 12H reminds us that something isn’t right, but there’s a way to correct that course of action. It’s to highlight something is wrong, and that nothing is real. So, what do you do with that information? You can’t change what’s out of your control. What’s in your control?

Jupiter finding joy in the 11H shows that your dreams and accomplishments are unlimited in reach. When you start in one place, you can expand it in many directions of your choice. There’s a reason why you’re told to dream big (Jupiter).

Tai 💚
