All About The 3H


Planetary Joy: Moon

8/9/2023 tweet @ 6:47pm: Not sure why the Moon being the mind is getting looked over when even in traditional western astrology, the Moon is in joy in the 3H of mental communication. Your thoughts will always be attached to feelings whether or not you’re emotional or not about something. That was a hard thing to grasp when I started in astrology back in 2017 because people tried to separate that from the Moon and you can’t. They intertwine. Mercury is merely how we organize thoughts and communicate in the most understanding way. The moon is unfiltered thoughts.

2/23/23 tweet @ 7:41am: Mothers are super perceptive. They notice things that get overlooked bc they’re protective. I remember someone saying they watched AOT and their mom already knew Eren was a Titan before it was announced. That’s why the Moon being the mind and the 3H being its Joy makes sense. The 3H is meticulous. Having a lunar joy only means that the Moon picks up on energy nobody else tends to notice when it comes to someone’s actions, how someone feels, and reading the room.

5/21/23 tweet @ 3:52pm: This type of thinking does damage to your 3H btw if you believe in Astrology. Communication is important. The 3H is neighbors. The Moon thrives here. They are on the lookout for you and can give you information if anyone is being weird around your place. The 3H also operates in a space of neutrality because the Moon has no beef with nobody as far as planetary relationships. The Moon is the mind in Vedic Astrology. So information can be passed on without it needing to be personal. It’s just looking out for each other. Community.
