All About Saturn

My other Saturn post:

Saturn = 4 in Western Numerology

The Sun reminds you that you are amazing while Saturn reminds you that you can always be better. The Moon let’s you know that you can feel while Saturn reminds you that there is a lesson behind those feelings.

From my Twitter archives:

12H and Saturn 12/27/2022 @ 9:25am

12H energy reminds me of in The Series of Unfortunate Events when the Baudelaires told everyone the hotel was on fire and some said they were a liar, stayed in the building, and perished in the fire. What makes this more interesting is there was a trial of if the Baudelaires were guilty or not and it makes me think about how Saturn/Karma/Law fits perfectly at a 12H joy because you cannot get everyone to believe you with Justice. You are working with unknown (12H) variables. Unknown variables (12H) need to be worked out when it comes to law and Saturn can do that. However the problem comes from the 12H theme of hidden enemies that can sabotage and manipulate the facts. This is also why Saturn and Venus may also have a friendship due to contrast. That book is the pure definition of the 12H/Saturn joy energy and now makes me wanna go back into the books bc I already had notes from The Grim Grotto earlier this year. Only responding for the sake of the topic but no. Can the house bring deceit? Yes. Confusion? Yes. House of enemies? Yes. But that’s not all the 12H has to offer. Sometimes it’s foresight the public does not have. How someone intenralizes the 12H only magnifies the belief. Now let’s expand. I have a 12H Mars. I would call things that people else didn’t notice and I would know play by play how something would go. Most times I’m right. However how I perceive something is MY business because the 12H is personal and open to interpretation. The amount of times I’ll tell someone how something will go just for them to find out I’m right. When I stopped trying to prove my truth and do what I do, I let everyone else get caught up. The ones who “listen” to me gon do what resonates by what they see me do. Perception. When you’re a 12Her and you lead by example you’re gonna have people more so study you than you trying to explain something people mentally cannot keep up with. We are human and we have mouths to communicate, but you should have a boundary of how much you say. As a 12Her your biggest success is going to be in the result, not what you say, but what you do based on what you express (Sun), know (Moon), process (Mercury), love (Venus), discover (Jupiter), build (Saturn), process the ego (Rahu), and what you let go of (Ketu).

1/12/2022 @ 1:43am

The reason why Capricorn and Aquarius are both Saturn Ruled traditionally is Capricorn follows the timeline and Aquarius likes to bend time and its limits. Both are important Time Gods of polarity. Capricorn is the foundation of time so Aquarius energy can have something to support itself when it starts to create on top of that. Aquarius cannot move without Capricorns rules. Aquarius just finds grey areas. As an example: It’s like when Capricorn tells Aquarius “Don’t go down to the left”. The Aquarius will go to the right, down the street and make another right to go to the same area that’s on the left, but as long as they didn’t go left, that’s the grey area of rules 😂

Saturn 4/23/2023 @ 10:07pm

Saturn just likes problems to help you grow for the sake of you always needing to be better. There’s a lot of rewards in Saturn that builds toughness. It’s doesn’t rejoice of one of the most gut wrenching houses (12H) for no reason. You WILL do better. And maybe this isn’t unpopular but people think it’s all bad. No nigga. Just grow. Saturn is mostly unimpressed bc you can be better. When you know you can always improve, your rewards will maximize. Saturn loves Venus and cohabitates with Rahu bc Saturn is aware of the issues with being dumb, lost, and pleasured. Your pleasure should come with discipline. If you can’t handle the depths that come with feeling good, you will get lost/snatched up in the 12H. When you know pleasure is a void that is insatiable, you will learn to never take it for granted and use it for your highest good. Control helps you not get lost in the sauce. Also Saturn is BDSM. Pain/pleasure dynamic falls here with the combination of Rahu/Venus connections. Life is this cycle of pain in growth. We can have fun in this illusion, but to grow means you can always have this life if you’re willing to do what you’re supposed to do.

08/04/23 @ 3:09pm

At the end of the day Saturn is a malefic. Whether or not it brings long term benefits that means nothing. Having to make a tough decision based on doing what will help you in the long term is still painful. Heeding the warning early will not stop that disappointment. And I talk about how Saturn is there to grow but to deny the pain is you ultimately denying the Moon side of things and that’s why a lot of people come out of shadow work devoid of feelings and emotions spiritually. It’s okay for the process to be painful.

Nobody has to like Saturns lessons while they’re in their journey. Will you appreciate it later? Yes. But tryna say any of that was fun denounces the trauma. It’s quite literally disorienting and I can almost bet a lot of y’all haven’t seen how ugly it can get. Too many of y’all haven’t seen Saturn in the eye. Not even Rahu nor Ketu. We not applying Saturn to any of y’alls bitch ass fantasies. The average person ain’t even Satuning right. Y’all have a lot of long term nothing and have nothing solid built that you’re passionate about.

The 12H year is Saturnian bc Saturn finds joy there. The house of disillusionment. Y’all be going through Saturn hell and still don’t be doing shit with it. Please spare me until you can show me what you built with Saturn other than tolerating everything. If you’re gonna teach Saturn you’re gonna have to teach it correctly and have some amount of suffering in your experience with it to be efficient. I don’t take everyone’s advice as a Sidereal Saturnian other than other Saturnian folk who been with me in the trenches. Why do you think the average rich person still be suffering? Saturn work without Moon work is a fools game that will leave you emotionally drained and dissatisfied.

Spiders represent ancestors because Spiders are Saturnian. Saturn is that of the elders.

The Phantom Troupe being they use spiders as their tattoos and Phantom means “illusion.” Saturn co-rules with Rahu to create this paradigm. Also 4, which is Rahu/Illusions being Hisokas number and he’s a transmuter.

“Transmuted aura can be made to take on the properties of natural elements, man-made substances, and even animals, among other things. Altering the shape of one's aura also falls in this Nen category.”

Hisoka also named his moves after candy (Candy is Rahu) LMFAOO.

1/26/24 @ 11:36am

I talk more about this on my Patreon:

People fear getting older and it definitely feels Saturn coded. Being older is Saturn and it’s a malefic. I find it interesting because Saturn has a great relationship with Venus. Grown and sexy is a Saturn and Venus pairing. You get more mature like Saturn. Your beauty, Venus, then becomes a beautiful piece of vintage people seek to gain with time.

The Earth took a long time built to be of such beauty. So much tension, friction, and pressure from the volcanic activity and tectonic plates. All the pressure that has been in your life has been set for this moment for you to become more beautiful with age. Your features refine. Holding onto youth? You’ve been through too much to disregard where you are now. Embrace age. It’s beautiful.

2/5/24 @ 1:26pm

Almost everyone I know in their 30s wished they took their 20s more seriously. Your weaknesses in your 20s need to be worked on now so in your 30s you can redefine it with a more mature eye. No decade goes without work. You never stopped learning. You just stopped having fun.

Why your 30s is the Saturn return and why Venus finds joy in the 5H of fun and knowledge. Learning is supposed to be fun. Learn a craft that you like in your 20s and start fucking these mfs up when you in your prime. Your 30s.
