All About Swati

From my Rahu article:

Swati is represented by Vayu, which represents the wind/breath. A less destructive form of Ardra, as Swati is under a Venusian sign of Libra, so this Nakshatra speaks life. In the etymology Vayu also plays a role in the Sanskrit word for “atmosphere”, Vātāvaranam. This is where we again are taking about the universal meaning Rahu tends to have when we are talking about cosmic energy. He is also a destroyer. It’s the Libra duality where one will bring the peace and abundance (Rahu) but also destruction if need be to maintain that balance (Rahu). He is also known to be a force that can pull other people out of their own bodies. I always said that Sidereal Libra energy will be used to uplift or drag, depending on what is necessary.

Talked on Patreon about how L is a Swati Sun and loves sweets. Rahu is a lover of Junk Food.

Lmfaooo waittt so going back over Beyoncé birth time even if we were to pull her chart from her mothers estimate of 11AM hour she would still be a 12Her but that also makes Beyoncé Swati ASC. And Swati is actually the honeybee in Vedic Astrology.

Honey came out during a Swati Venus. Swati is the Honeybee.

New Amerykah came out during a Swati Moon as well. Tell me this album cover ain’t Rahuvian as hell. Rahu is junk food drugs. Saturn exalting in Libra shows that justice will be served when we address the issues and problems.

Rahu can look from a problematic lens and learns how to make the message artful, catchy, but also impactful. We’ll notice Swatis often popularizing what has already existed as this is primarily a Rahu trait (ex. Drake, Doja, etc.)

Drake article can be found here:

08/06/23 Update

The original voice for Bumblebee in The Transformers cartoon, Dan Gilvezan, is a Swati Sun. Swati in the honeybee in Vedic Astrology.

It’s making more sense about the Swati/Bee thing and how bees can reject the Queen because they feel she’s unfit bc a Swati don’t give a fuck who you are lmfaooo. We are Rahuvian and Rahu has bucked up on the Gods just to get a taste of power. Amrita is nectar that turns into honey.

The illustrator of Winnie-the-Pooh had a Swati Venus. Swati is the honeybee. Winnie-the-Pooh was also the symbolism for glutton. Swati being a Rahu Nak shows how Svarbhānu wanted the Amrita (nectar = honey) for power. And Rahu’s greedy nature as an aftermath.

Clive Barker, the maker of Candyman, is a Swati Venus. Rahu is the symbolism for Candy. Swati is the symbolism for the honeybee.

1/10/24 @ 11:53am:

Gundam’s Amuro Ray and Hello Kitty are both Sidereal Libra/Swati and share the same color scheme: Red, yellow, blue, and white. Their Gundam vs Hello Kitty crossover series makes sense as they both were celebrating their anniversaries.

Tbh I like to see it as the 4 respective colors of Venus finding determent in Aries (red), Libra falling in the Sun placement (Yellow), Venus exaltation in Pisces (blue), and Vayū being white. Vayū represents the Nakshatra of Swati.

Gundam’s Amuro Ray and Hello Kitty are both Sidereal Libra/Swati and share the same color scheme: Red, yellow, blue, and white. Their Gundam vs Hello Kitty crossover series makes sense as they both were celebrating their anniversaries.

Tbh I like to see it as the 4 respective colors of Venus finding determent in Aries (red), Libra falling in the Sun placement (Yellow), Venus exaltation in Pisces (blue), and Vayū being white. Vayū represents the Nakshatra of Swati.

Also based on facts on Amuro quote:

“One of the more purposeful aspects of Amuro is that he’s actually really nice. He’s frequently merciful to his opponents when they don’t pose a threat, and doing things like offering water to Zeon pilots and wanting them to change in general.

While he has no problems —— if he has to, it’s clear Amuro would prefer if they weren’t at odds. This is almost certainly intentional, as Tomino wants to show how war can alter kind souls, taking advantage of their compassion for their fellow humans.”

So he’s def Libra energy.
