All About Venus

My Venus collection on Patreon of exclusive posts can be found here:

From my 07/18/23 tweet:

NASA said Venus is “Earth’s Evil Twin”

and I’m Vedic we say Venus is evil. King Ghidorah, also called The Devil, came from planet Venus. Venus is also the “Morning Star” of Lucifer, who became the Devil. Venus also taught Rahu, which is the demonic malefic in Vedic astrology.

Venus finds Joy in what’s considered the 5H of intelligence/learning in Vedic.

In Godzillas Wiki: “At some point long before the events of the film, Venus was home to a vast and heavily-developed ecosystem, complete with an advanced intelligent race of its own, the Venusians.”

Venus is the council of demons Rahu resides in. Venus is corrupt because too much focus on pleasure can create evil and greed because on focuses on themselves. Rahu is mirrors and Svarabhānu (Rahu/Ketu) parallels Lucifer’s fall from grace to become ruler of Sins.

From my 07/21/23 tweet:

Sidereal Libra placements, we are very interesting. I would say we have a wishy-washy attitude bc we have a tendency to try to be okay with something we aren’t okay with. We can have very extremist tendencies. All in or all out. No in between. Our biggest flaw is lack of communication. We don’t want the person to feel like they hurt us. We just don’t like what happened. It’s not personal to us, it’s more so about it being an ugly situation we want no part in. I hateeee having to tell someone bout themselves bc it feels like I’m being dramatic bc I know they meant well or I don’t wanna lose my temper so I’m battling with a lot of ways to go about it without going off the deep end.

Being a Sidereal Libra Mars for me was knowing when to correct something and when to leave things alone bc that’s not my business. Not everything needs to be handled. Chaos is okay if I’m being disrespected. If it’s up then it’s stuck idc. Are you an opp or are you coo? As a Sidereal Libra Mars if I had to exhaust all avenues to handle something with grace and you still playing w my top I’m well within my rights to make you cry or worse bc you asked for it 🤷🏽‍♀️ stop playin w me! I was nice for your own sake, not mine.

With being a Sidereal Libra, airy and Venusian really means we can make words pretty enough to get people to do things for us. Bonus points when it’s genuine (I always recommend authenticity). Does very well in sales. We can also tell when someone is being manipulative and can maneuver our way out of that. You know how many people tried to play and got played? Lmfaooo. I would say I don’t think we need to “lie” as Sidereal Venusians unless we are in a danger, but knowing when to say things and how to say it. Libra is the scales for a reason. We understand people twist the truth to make themselves look good. Instead of playing into that, we corner those people in their own lies.

Naw but as a Sidereal Libra placement I like handling things with grace and people continue to play w me bc I let all that build up until I’m ready to snap and it’s when they least expect it or when they’re in a great mood and I can ruin it. What goes around comes around 🫶🏽 I’m never gonna do things at the right time. Ima do it on your happiest day and idc what people say about it. I’m playing chess. You didn’t care about my feelings so idc about yours. I got my result and I got you and the people around you bothered by it bc my “timing was off” no baby, the timing was just right bc all y’all mad and thinking ab me all bc you was being mean first 🥺


Let’s take it a step further: The Moon exalts in a Venus sign and Venus finds Joy in the 5H of knowledge. Cancer exalts in Jupiter, the place of higher knowledge. Both Venus and Jupiter are Brahmin, which are the caste of Priests and Spiritual teachers. The Moon loves to learn the spirit. The Moon is the mind in Vedic for a reason. The Moon is the left eye for a reason. Perception is key to the Moon in analysis.

Light has Sidereal Pisces Mercury/Libra Moon/Sun, Jupiter, and Venus Aqua Stellium and L is a Libra Sun/Vishakha Venus. Both being L represents 3/Jupiter in numerology. This shows that Venus and Jupiter are Brahmin. Representing knowledge as they are both geniuses.

More about L and Swati here:


No actually the fact Shuri and Riri are both Vishakha women is an attestant to the relationship between Venus/Jupiter with Jupiter and Venus being Brahmin, which is higher knowledge. It also makes sense how Dominique auditioned to play Shuri lmfao astrology wins.

Sidereal Libra being black in Vedic Astrology and Beyoncé eating in black is >>>>

Her blonde hair and gold she looks good is attributed to her being Sidereal Leo Sun

The Spiraea/Meadowsweet, part of the Rosacease family (where Roses reside The Romance /Venus flower 🌹), the flower diagram looks like the movement of Venus. Rosacease mostly have 5 petals as a characteristic. The 5 being Mercury and Venus being friends with Mercury is fitting.

“What You Won’t Do for Love” by Bobby Caldwell came out when Venus was in Sidereal Libra. The Heart Shape Pressing was released with this song as an exclusive. As well as this being the 6th (Venus number) track on his album. He also has a Venus rx in Sidereal Leo/Uttara Phalguni (A Solar Nak), in which Leo is the heart.

“Make me do for love, what I would not do” is a perfect way to describe the Sidereal Leo Venus rx. Putting that pride (Leo) to the side to the side for love (Venus).

“The single that gets to the heart of the matter” Very Leo Venus indeed. The Sun burns any BS it comes into contact with. Remember that ☀️❤️‍🔥

I been saying this but ima just add this here:

Pisces being exalted by Venus makes sense. Libra is the Scales, Pisces is the Scales:

A snippet from my Venus intro article on Patreon:

Venus is the bells and whistles self care. The Moon cares about the basic forms of self care (skincare, hair care, minimalist beauty). Also health as Jupiter, the planet of cleanliness and health, exalts in Cancer. Venus offers something extra. It allows you to build more on top. It’s extravagant. Venus puts on the makeup, overdresses. It is the projection that enhances who we are. Makeup and beauty can be illusion. Makeup is illusion work. That level of falseness can show the Rahu-Venus relationship. Why Rahu is in the sign of the glamorous side of Venus, Libra!

Your Venus placement is how you love yourself. It is how you love others. It is how you're supposed to be loved.

How you love yourself

Venus house interpretations on this can be found here on my Patreon:

How do you give back to yourself? How do you spoil yourself? You may not need it, but what do you want? Venus makes for the rewards we receive from Mars hard work worthwhile. It’s that “don’t be afraid to splurge” type of placement. How do you give to yourself outside of the basics? Yeah you do the minimum, but what is the luxury, the emphasis to what you want?

01/07/24 tweet @ 9:32pm: Bell Hooks is a Sidereal Taurus ASC. Her chart ruler is a Libra Venus. Venus doesn’t operate well in the 6H because it’s the Maraṇa-Kāraka-Sthāna. It suffers there. The 6H loves to compete, work, and abstain. Venus loves to love and enjoy.

It’s cool to see the dynamic coming from someone who has a domicile Venus placed in an uncomfortable house. Libra tends to want to solve for what’s lacking. Libra will tell you “this isn’t enough!” And we mean that. Knowing there’s more and better forms of love created this book. Venus always wants better.

Her Mars is also domicile, but Maraṇa-Kāraka-Sthāna because Mars doesn’t operate well in the place of partnership when it wants to fight.

I think these dynamics served her well in creating a book that highlights when something isn’t right from the lens of being hurt. When the planets “aren’t in the right places.” It highlights where people don’t look at when a planet is in good condition, but is in a house that doesn’t support the planets potential. There is a want for change. Seeing how grimy things can get.

Gundam’s Amuro Ray and Hello Kitty are both Sidereal Libra/Swati and share the same color scheme: Red, yellow, blue, and white. Their Gundam vs Hello Kitty crossover series makes sense as they both were celebrating their anniversaries.

Tbh I like to see it as the 4 respective colors of Venus finding determent in Aries (red), Libra falling in the Sun placement (Yellow), Venus exaltation in Pisces (blue), and Vayū being white. Vayū represents the Nakshatra of Swati. Also Hello Kitty’s whole plot is getting everyone to be friends in this crossover.

Also based on facts on Amuro quote:

“One of the more purposeful aspects of Amuro is that he’s actually really nice. He’s frequently merciful to his opponents when they don’t pose a threat, and doing things like offering water to Zeon pilots and wanting them to change in general.

While he has no problems —— if he has to, it’s clear Amuro would prefer if they weren’t at odds. This is almost certainly intentional, as Tomino wants to show how war can alter kind souls, taking advantage of their compassion for their fellow humans.”

So he’s def Libra energy.

11/8/3023 @ 2:57pm

Venus being neutral with Jupiter and Jupiter hating Venus is funny. Venus exalts in Pisces (a Jupiter sign) so it always gives Why Don’t You Love Me skksksk. Venus is like “B- but I got ass 🥺” to Jupiter.

It’s like Venus craves that affection from Jupiter but because of the neutrality, Venus can live without Jupiters love, but Venus def wonders what it would be like if they got along.

11/23/2023 @ 3:01pm

People be easy licks because they don’t think to understand people’s intentions behind being nice. Niceness can have motives. It’s a passive form of war.

That’s the Sidereal Libra code. It’s a form of negotiation. Diplomacy has always been used to justify a sort of means to solutions that benefit a party and benefit the other person. Someone can be nice to you to make you feel good so you can do what they want you to do for them.

This is also corporate speak used to dress up aggression in professionalism. What’s really being asked is through what’s being passively said. Venus links with Saturn through exaltation because business gets handled through how someone can turn harshness into grey areas, niceness, and convincing tactics.

Am I kind? Yes. Does it make it easy in life and people to help me? Yes. Do I like being nice because I want to? Yes. While there’s nothing wrong with being kind, a lot of people are just nice to get needs met they’ll never actually honor the other way around.

I survived a lot of jobs bc I understand corporate speak very fluently. That just came with age (Saturn) lmfaooo. Do I know everything? No. But a lot of people don’t understand the basics of what’s being said behind wording.

12/14/2023 @ 3:33pm

Venus is supposed to be beauty and people turned that into performance that you don’t believe in. Venus requires passion and commitment. Performance is a high extension of yourself. You can’t half ass something within your ability. It’s not art.

12/6/2023 @ 2:25pm

Sensuality is such a lost art. I love slutism but people are not mastering the art of craving. They’re just consuming. Craving is the driving force behind desire. You’ll go an extra mile when you can smell it and not immediately taste it.

This is why learning to sell something and how to sell something is so important. Your senses need to be played with. It’s all an experience. This is why Venus is tricky to master for some and why it’s hard to really hone in on art and the appeal of whatever you’re doing.

That’s why the 5H is not just about being creative by painting. How are you selling the dream? The opposite to the 11H? You have to be creative as in offering a pleasant experience towards what you’re doing. Luxury is more than just expense. It improves your well being.

12/6/2023 @ 3:28pm

Learning the art of sweetness is important and something you learn as you get older. Especially in your Moon (24) and Venus (25) maturity ages. Those are the best times to cultivate that energy. Kindness is everything and it opens more doors.

Ketu, that of doors and liberation, is found in Ashlesha, a Moon Rasi and the birth star of Ketu. Venus exalts in Pisces/Mīna. The Vishnu avatara of Ketu. Jala/Water is nurturing and supportive 💧🩵

10/26/2023 @ 6:15pm

Venus not doing well in the 6H is the reason why I don’t get too close with people at work. Venus is love and love cannot be found at work imo.

This was a general statement about why planets don’t like operating in certain houses through lessons about not mixing work (as in 9-5 JOBS because that’s a 6H theme) and having job relationships. Not that your natal 6H Venus won’t find love and can’t operate from love. Y’all gotta stop centering your chart in statements. It’s giving main character syndrome when idk who you are.

9/4/2023 @ 3:24pm

Sidereal Libra energy not that mf hard imo. The Sidereal Scorpio placement is much harder. Venusian problems give pretty privilege vibes but it’s not an actual issue. Just stand up it’s that simple. This is coming from a Sidereal Scorpio ASC w Libra Mars as the chart ruler btw.

“Venusian issues” from some people sounds like “being pretty is hard” and that’s not an actual issue. Being targeted for being pretty means you’re scared to get ugly and grimy. You need a mean streak. You’re not above anything if it’s bothering you. Fight back.

Some Venusians cannot live w/o the extra materialism and it’s a “why me I’m so g- good 🥺” complex bc they fear filth from Scorpio and aggression from Aries. Some things don’t require makeup and bad bitch attire. Put on some sweats and get to the shadow work.

I’m sorry to whose feelings I’m gonna hurt. It’s not my intention. Y’all my sisters but I need to talk to y’all as well about the true tea. People don’t see the Venusian as one to watch out for bc they not gon threaten someone’s position. You get ostracized bc “why aren’t you docile” but if you learned to play your role based on manipulation. You’d be better off and gain what you want. Some of y’all are still tryna force a Martian rhetoric on Tropcial Scorpio when that’s not how you need to move. Your goal isn’t to attack, it’s to maneuver.

If you’re like me and have a Libra/Scorpio position, you need to balance. Some things require a bite, but it’s like a subtle energy that someone doesn’t know they’ve been bit until their vision gets blurry. Everything in due time. You still need to honor the Martian war within you.

As for those who are only Sidereal Libra: It’s faking it until you make it. Ima keep saying y’all gon have to bimbo it up. Trying to keep a Trop Scorpio strategy is gonna mess you up. Venus is not a strategist. Imo: they’re a manipulator that plays things by ear. Your strength is playing a social game and making people think you know nothing.

Lmfaooo y’all did NOT like this post but I said what I said. It’s not changing anything. It’s always poor Venus, which is valid, and never poor Mars on here. Some of y’all will never know how it feels for your looks to not carry over and your softness gets diminished.

I said this to shake the table too. I do a lot of Venus topics but at a point y’all do not be reflecting on shit outside of beauty. Venus is a wonderful planet. But y’all do too damn much ab it. I ain’t see not one Venusian on here ever take accountability they hold other planets to. Be real.

Y’all be like “Venus can be evil haha” and play into it without accountability. Meanwhile every other planet gotta pay and if it doesn’t fall in this Venusian archetype y’all get mad!

Martians don’t nearly complain as much as we should before we get told to shut up for being angry. The amount of times I express distaste on here before I get shut down vs the well placed Venusian that manages to skate by. Please.

Venus ≠ good and Mars ≠ bad.

These planets shouldn’t even have been socialized into gender we are getting these takes of “Well Venus has actual issues” and while that may be true some of y’all play victim. A LOT.

I’ve seen the shit happen to where when y’all aren’t told what you wanna hear y’all get mad bc nobody danced around the issue. The amount of times I tried to tactfully say things and y’all just get mad bc it wasn’t something you wanted to hear PERIOD.

Y’all doing the shit now! A post you ain’t wanna hear now y’all tryna be like “Venus is misunderstood” actually no. It’s not. Y’all do so much underhanded shit and get mad bc YOU didn’t stand up for yourself in a situation because you know like everyone else knows making a move as a woman PERIOD puts you in a situation. Stop tryna planetary energy that shit as if your silence is scarier than any other woman. At a point we ain’t even talking about astrology anymore. We talking about actual breathing life behind being a non man.

Take some fucking accountability. Be Venus AND stand tf up. Martians didn’t have a say so in this matter. We do it automatically. That’s your homework and deal with it. A person that’s passive always chooses a side. KNOW that.

If I were to call out the amount of times a Venusian will talk shit ab someone and kii in their face like it’s nothing stop tryna do this. And don’t try to defend it either bc if I know you on my TL ima pull your card. Tread LIGHTLY.

I give Venusians praise on here all day as a Libra Mars chart ruler. I have rights to this conversation from a perspective. It’s just POORLY placed. However, I also have a well placed Venus given it’s exalted and in the 5H Joy. I wouldn’t be heavy on a planetary energy that lack in my chart, but we can def get into some things.

If I had to work on my Martian energy being a WOMAN, we gon get to y’all. And in the end ima piss y’all off anyway bc y’all always want me to create your words to make y’all feel good but the amount of times y’all drag my placements and I say nothing. You’ll get over it. I even drag my own placements. I know Venus isn’t weak, do Y’ALL know that tho? I told y’all to stand up and y’all started crying 💀

Y’all problems have always been lack of action and improper application of it. If I wanted to pull your card and say y’all don’t like working on it because Venus hates being in the 6H of work and weakens in Mars (guess what, that’s one of my placements). You gon get mad. This what happens when y’all soft life everything with NO balance. Again do not make me start pulling cards bc a lot of y’all be fake anyway and that’s why y’all get along on here until it’s not anymore 💀 this was an accountability post. I would never talk like this about placements I don’t even have.

The fact my post called for y’all to make a private space about Venus just hones on the fact that y’all will never do your Venusian homework and say nothing with your chest.

Some of y’all be so scared to show off flaws and shake the table. Accountability and growth is not something that is always done in private and/or passively. It requires you to have shame.

REAL Venusians extend their social grace to help others. The poor trait of Venus is avoidance. A dishonorable representation of Venus. Again, you don’t have to handle shit like a Martian if y’all read my thread. All y’all gotta do is pick a side and make that shit look PR perfect.

9/29/2023 @ 1:00am

I never care about pissing off Venusians. Some be butthurt ab everything. Sometimes you need to be cussed out. We not giving out grace passes for fuckery. Welcome to the world where fruit doesn’t grow in your front lawn and you see a dumpster bin instead. Get mad. You need to be.

In the world where most Venusians are overly picky about who is and isn’t Venusian especially in astrology I def don’t care. You’ll get over it. Your hierarchy doesn’t apply here. Venus is beautiful. It is glam, but most cannot handle how dark Mother gets. You not built for her.

People think Venus is this beauty and sit by and do nothing energy and it’s laughable actually. Like you did all this astrology and know nothing about Venus outside of patriarchy. Venus does get mad and handles business. Tropical folk suffer the most with underestimating Venus and hiding behind being a victim. Be unapologetic. Some people are not worthy of you. Say it with your fucking chest. My Sidereal Libra Mars isn’t afraid to say NO.

9/6/2023 @ 6:43pm

Unorthodox Venus remedies to boost the energy astrologically:

• Listen to Beyoncé

• Stock up on lingerie

• Buying quality and not quantity

• Do your makeup for no reason

• Eat your skincare

• Get dressed up and go out for no reason

• Do sexy things

8/28/23 @ 11:08am

The Moon takes on pleasures based on what feeds the soul. Why it likes Sidereal Taurus, an Earth sign that is more about natural beauty/. Not the glam of Libra. The Moon rules Cancer, where Jupiter exalts that deals with health and betterment. The Moon is beauty through healing.

Venus is the vanity. The appearances. The makeup, the beauty is pain. Why Venus and Saturn get along. Venus doesn’t consider much health, it considers enthrallment and looking your best based on external factors and beauty amplification.

Venus is why we have the tortured artist through the relationship with Saturn and Venus exaltation through Pisces. It’s to creating based on the physical, Rahuvian plane (art) through finding truth within Mīna/Ketu.

8/20/23 @ 7:07pm

Venus lessons from me:

• If they started out a friend, keep them a friend unless you’re old and y’all like “fuck it”

• If y’all messed around, don’t make them a friend. You gon complicate all your future relationships if you’re monogamous. That’s your piece you run into again when you single. Someone you’re sexually attracted to ain’t a friend. Idc what nobody say. Y’all just FRIENDLY. There’s a difference

• If they got that “lil friend” cut them off. Idc.

• Like don’t always lead to love!

More Venus lessons:

• If they not hitting YOU up, trust they hitting up someone else. Sorry, the better bitch (for them) won! Nobody that busy when head and attention are involved.

• If they already full of red flags the first month it’s not gon get better cut them off. Some things go without saying.

• If they did it once they gon do it again.

9/25/23 @ 11:25am

“Dark feminine” still falls into Venus, the Guru of Asuras sksksks. Sidereal Libra got them scales for a reason. Taurus got them horns for a reason.

10/17/23 @ 11:29pm

Venus is a skill. It is artisanship that lets the body enjoy life visually, emotionally, physically, and spiritually.
