Rahu is your matrix, Ketu is your out from that matrix

Before I get started: Already covered the intro and Rahu in each house in full in this multiple part series exclusively on my Patreon: Patreon.com/taisoleil

Full Rahu + Ketu Prelude: https://www.patreon.com/posts/87110486?utm_campaign=postshare_creator

Full Rahu house interpretations: https://www.patreon.com/posts/87207650?utm_campaign=postshare_creator

Full Ketu house interpretations: https://www.patreon.com/posts/88295244?utm_campaign=postshare_creator

More about Rahu here: https://www.taisoleil.com/articles/2020/12/25/bb6zv75860blfx8nrbibj8z8ocjcfv

I talk a lot about how Rahu is illusions. But what exactly am I talking about? Well, I’m talking about Rahu being the matrix. The blue pill is symbolism for this energy as Rahu os blue bodied. Along with this, I wanna talk about the realm of delusions we have to get real about through Ketu. Ketu gives us the harsh truths behind information that makes us reactive.

What’s your paradigm? What’s your habits? No, I’m not talking about the 6H habits per say. I’m actually talking about your 12H to an extent, along with Rahu.

In my journal July 22nd. I had a revelation. That revelation was about how linked 6H/Mars, and 12H/Saturn are closely linked to Ketu and Rahu. Why? As I’ve said, the Mars and Ketu corule Scorpio. Ketu finds similarity to Mars. Saturn and Rahu corule Aquarius. Rahu finds similarity to Saturn. Mars finds joy in the 6H for a reason, so that means we can get a glimpse of Ketu. The 6H is the place where you do things you don’t want to do. Ketu is the energy that delivers painful truths.

Rahu is the hunger that is never really satisfied. It always wants more, and does what it can to get that sort of acceptance in whatever house its placed, or whatever planet it is impacting.

1H Rahu: The biggest illusion may be self perception. Feeling like you have to be someone you aren’t in order to adapt into this world.

Rahu 7H - You are on the opposite scale of the 1Her. You are someone who knows what people like and doesn’t have to play this game in order for acceptance.

Rahu 2H: Your values may be skewed here. There may be a want to obtain obtain obtain, but none of it has any inherent meaning. You may have a more objectified sense of life.

8H Rahu: There may be a tendency to have self destructive habits. To you, nothing may ever be enough or have an impact, so why care?

3H Rahu: So many ideas, so little time? Nope. No need to cram things in in order for things to get done. You may notice your quality being impacted a lot because you put a time limit on things in fear that things are overstaying its due date.

9H Rahu: Your mind may be set on a lot to the point where you’re not really thinking about the details.The Sun finds joy in the 9H. Because of this, you may be applying a lot and not slowing down.

4H Rahu: You may be someone who doesn’t really like to put yourself out there. And that’s fine! Just know some things are not better locked up.

10H Rahu: The want to be out there means that eventually you’re going to want to be discerning for your audience. It can become a thing where you become fully attached to how people perceive you.

5H Rahu: All there is for you to do is recognize your creative gifts without watering them down. The 5H is the second part of the triad that deals with knowledge.

11H Rahu: Are your dreams really what you want? Be careful of thinking your vision is predicated on something that isn’t evolving.

6H Rahu: Living life in a hamster wheel. This placement gives Truman show energy where you are spending a lot of time being told what to do and how to do things.

12H Rahu: This is the other side of the Truman show energy when you realize something isn’t right, but you’re not actually sure what to do about it.

Ketu Site

1H Ketu - Walking away from the noise and focusing on yourself is what’s best for you. When you don’t want to make things digestible for others, opting to be away from everyone may be the best course of action.

Ketu 7H: Are you okay with pissing people off? That’s sometimes what you’re going to have to do. Breaking these groups down will take away from feeding into things because people want you to be everything packaged into one.

Ketu 2H: You’ll learn that some of the things you do aren’t worth the money you spend on it. Becoming more picky with what you spends allows you to find Rahu for benefits. Using Rahu as a tool to your disposal rather thinking everything is replaceable is a better way to look at things.

Ketu 8H: Your hungry eyes need to slow down and find the root of why you desire so much. When you’re able to figure out what the addiction is, you can take steps to minimize it.

Ketu 3H: Your out is by reflecting on what’s going on and why. You may be able to get even more detailed and precise when you think about your reasoning.

Ketu 9H: The no quality approach can cause you to go through a cycle of doing whatever and not getting the proper feedback. Some things require you to build up until it’s digestible enough to go through a process.

4H Ketu: Being mindful and picky about what you intake can be beneficial. It’ll help you come back to yourself and reflect on that sort of stimuli. How do you separate and what separates you from everyone else.

10H Ketu: Sometimes getting out can actually be your out! Sometimes trying to keep things hidden can cause things to come out.

5H Ketu: This is all about remembering where you came from. Some things are not worth the energy you put into it. Remember your out is the reason for why you’re creating in the first place.

11H Ketu: Remember that your outlet for your goals means that things are wayyy bigger than the creation. They have an impact that inspires people on their path.

6H Ketu: You are tearing down habits that aren’t resonating with your spirit. Even though though may not be sure what the full root of the problem is, but it’s about you knowing that there is a break in this life somewhere.

12H Ketu: You are tearing down the system. When you are no longer complacent in the status quo, you start to do something about it. When you’re tapped in this way, it’s about gutting the situation from the inside out.
