All About Ardra

Bit of a half baked post just but I wanna archive my findings instead of keeping it all locked up.

“Why so serious”

- Joker, The Dark Knight, released during an Ardra Mercury

The person who conceptualized Joker is Bill Finger, an Ardra Mars

You’ll notice Ardras are very animated. The more fun of the Rahu triad. Loveee the chaotic energy 😂

From my 5/7/23 tweet: Gwen Stefani is an Ardra Moon is Ardra’s symbolism is the teardrop 😢

From my 6/29/23 tweet: Love that @yosnier_ work features teardrops because they’re an Ardra Sun. Ardra’s symbolism is the teardrop 💧 also their like to add pink is very Cancerian as well. Pink represents Cancer 🌙

These are Ardra Mars Nails for sure.

Missy Elliott The Rain. Rudra controls storms and she has storm references in her work.

One Minute Man is also Ardra as Rudra controls time. Look at her taking her head off. Very nodal headless energy. And the clocks in the music video.

Cloudy with a Chance of Meatballs came out 45 years ago during an Ardra Moon and Magha Mercury. Both representing Destruction from the Rudra (Ardra) side and the Regulus fixed star influence coming from Magha. Ardra represents storms.

Adele is Ardra ASC. That one eye intensity 👁️💧

Soulja Boy, Ardra Sun, has some Ardra stuff happening as well. Rudra is the one who howls.

Ludacris is an Ardra Mars! Why does this matter? Well not only is he on One Minute Man and he’s pretty chaotic too 😂 but because Mars is considered a Rudra. Ardra and Mars are a match made in Heaven. Look at the magazine saying “disturbing tha peace” lmfaooo. Very Ardra.

“MOVE BITCH” with Luda and Mystikal. Mystikal has a possible Ardra Moon LMFAOOO. If you ain’t know Mystikal loves to shout!

Busta Rhymes is an Ardra Venus and Mars. And it shows in his work for sure.

WooHah with ODB (Swati Mercury and Mula Venus, Mula is opposite of Ardra) features them in a mental asylum. Which I notice are common nodal themes. I said on my Matrix article that I have a theory Rahu and Ketu meet at the 12H due to Saturn finding joy here and Ketu taking over the moksha part of the 12H. The 12H is imprisonment and asylums. You can see the padded room themes from Mystikal as well.

Notice how Luda, Ardra Mars, flexes more of his muscles for fighting when Busta Rhymes, Ardra Venus and Mars, uses this energy to fight, but also to flex. Hence he includes body builders in his video to showcase.

8/30/2023 update: MF Doom is an Ardra Venus. Here we have another example of mass arm size, clock themes representing Rudra, storm themes, and the signature Ardra cartoonish/silly character 💚 RIP to my childhood fav.
