6, 33, 666, and 6666 in Numerology: Astrology Edition

To start, I made a YouTube video covering this, BUT there’s some things from this article that’s not in the video, and vice versa, because information can be added to this article because it takes more time to think about what you wanna type, than what you wanna say. Once the video is up, it’s up! Please read this article and watch the video for full context.

Intro to Numerology: https://www.taisoleil.com/articles/2021/4/30/lv7h7k1chv9fyckz923can5osazt33

6, 33, 666, and 6666 video:

Let’s get into what 6 is. As you may know, 6 is a Venus/Taurus/Libra number. With that said, it’s all about living your life and enjoying what life has to offer you! The 6s in Tarot are:

The Lovers

6 of Wands

6 of Pentacles

6 of Swords

6 of Cups

The 6s can really show the sacrifices and giving needed to make things happen. We notice with the 6 of Swords, Cups, Pentacles that these cards are giving to people who need us. The 6 of Swords is transporting someone and themselves to a destination. The 6 of Pentacles is giving to the less fortunate, and the 6 of Cups is giving to a child, a form we once were. It’s a reminder of where we come from. Venus has a sort of service energy here. We can see how the 6H plays into that as the 6H is that of servitude (despite Venus hating the 6H) With this form of service we start to see how much Venus/6 deals with relationships.

6 is also The Lovers, a Gemini card, but also deals with connecting. I talk about this in my Gemini Tarotstrology article here: here:https://www.taisoleil.com/articles/2021/3/9/jfsrpl8riymybloe1sby98hu37ijow

“Let’s start with The Lovers. Many think this card shouldn’t really be about love, but in Vedic Astrology, the Mithuna is represented by Gemini. Mithuna means twins, and represents sexual unity and divine creation! This is why it’s very important to not judge a card by its sign until you develop a well rounded understanding of mythology, which helps you understand symbology far beyond Tarot.”

In contrast, we see the 6 of Wands getting people away from him. This is because Wand energy is Leo/Fire. Leo Jupiter to be specific. Wand energy is a fire that thrives on independence. The 1 energy of the Sun, not interdependence. This reminds me of what I said about Solar energy on Twitter:

“You know a planet (technically star) I feel that’s not clingy? The Sun. That mf doesn’t even retrograde and depends on itself as the source of light. Bc who tf are y’all? Exactly. Leo is also a FIXED sign lmfao. It moves 1° everyday bc who tf are you rushing? Ohhhh ok. The Sun can do without the planets and be fine. We literally cannot live without the Sun. The Sun being the distance it is from us is the reason why we even have life. The Moon helps us as well.

But the Sun doesn’t need us to shine. And the Moon cannot shine without the Sun. But that’s also where I feel like Solar energy forgets that just because you can do it alone, doesn’t mean you should and can. It takes two to tango. This is what Cancer teaches Leo. This is why Cancer is 2 and Leo is 1. These energies together create life. This is why Solar/Leo energy becomes too independent as a consequence. This is when the hierarchy from the Sun becomes a problem.

Yes you created life, but life wouldn’t be here if life didn’t decide to collaborate with you based on what life had in store. The Sun can be super independent and Moon can be super dependent. The Sun has to learn to let their guard down because they impact every move with their energy. So you have to have good energy. The Moon has to learn none of this shit can move without you setting the tone/mood.”

With that said. Even though the 6 of Cups is Scorpio Sun energy, Mars still runs more on command from another source than anything, and works alone. Water is still water, and there’s an interdependence in a more isolated form when it comes to adapting to circumstance. In which the 6 of Cups tells someone to recall their past and see how they’ve grown. You can’t be where you are without your past.

I did a segment on 420 and 6 energy here: https://www.taisoleil.com/articles/2021/9/7/ns6xznsjmiwdx4o4lwgv72yjjo8mm9

For 33, let’s start reducing:

3 + 3 = 6

3 = Jupiter/Sag/(can be Pisces)

6 = Venus/Taurus/Libra

For this it’s about learning that there can also be more to life than just artificial beauty. It’s about knowing that life wants you to tap in with things that fill your soul and make you proud of who you are. There may be a need for you to be more spiritually connected with what you’re doing than anything. Do you actually love it, or are you connecting simply because you hope it’ll make you feel better. There are so many people out here right now reaching for things that aren’t making them happy. It can make them want more to fill a never ending void because it is not true happiness.

For 666, (the “devils number” haha)

6 + 6 + 6 = 9

9 = Mars/Aries/(can be Scorpio)

My fav interpretation is that there is an opposite to anything you do in this life. With that said, look at the perspectives of things. Thinking single minded every-time can make you miss opportunities. You want to make sure that you are keeping in mind what could be. Maybe it’s time you learn something new and start applying it. Venus does well in the 5H, and the 5H of knowledge. The Mars principle is the application needed for you to move forward with something. Things cannot be used if it is passive and idle, which are downsides to Venusian energy. But also, without the mindfulness, you can also make careless mistakes, a downside of Mars, when you aren’t patient and waiting.


6 + 6 + 6 + 6 = 24 = 2 + 4 = 6

Remember to enjoy life. Maybe you’re spending more energy on working than you are enjoying. Life may be reminding you to take a step back and smell the roses. You may also be needing to balance the Venusian energy, which I talk more about via my video about this here. On a Tarot note, it’s about you knowing how to learning to combine all of those tarot elements. What about these cards are not coming together for you? Are you not learning from your past (6 of Cups), are you not defending yourself (6 of Wands), is it time for you to move on to better (6 of Swords), or are you not remembering that you are in a better place than a lot of peoples situations (6 of Pentacles). This isn’t to say you can’t be upset. But, remember your position and know you can turn things around.

Tai 💚
