Ultimate Guide To Eclipses

So I did a bit of research before posting this! Some of this is developed theory and I’ll update it with more info. If anything is outta place I’ll be editing kdkdkd it’s a lot of info. My Patreon (Tai Soleil) will always be covering eclipse energy via sign and house detail.

People push eclipse energy so far out before it even happens but ignore retrograde pre and post shadows. Retrogrades astrologically and date wise, last longer. Eclipses don’t have these periods of full/complete strength. They have Penumbral, Annular, Partial, and Total strengths.

Before we get into this, keep this in mind:

Full Moon: Sun opposite Moon

New Moon: Sun conj Moon

Both are considered Syzygy

Let’s break this down further because nobody talks about it, it gave me an idea that Eclipses have strengths that vary. My interpretation on Eclipse strength:

Penumbral Energy: Not easy to see = Not as strong

Partial Energy: Kinda visible = Kinda strong

Annular Energy: Visible = Strong


An eclipse energy lasts based on these factors. Anything under Total doesn’t last as long. Let’s put it this way. Penumbral energy impacts the umbra of Earth. Umbra is conical, meaning cone shaped, shadow of the earth that blocks parts of the moon.

Think of this as similar to the conical cells of your vision that come into your retina. He conical cells help you perceive light in Yellow, Red, or Blue light. This is similar to the red, yellow, and rarely, blue Moons from Lunar eclipses as a lil fun theory and overlap.

Eclipses are different from Moon phases. Moon phases are relative to the Sun. The New and Full Moon are Syzygy to Sun and Moon. Earth is where we watch it happen. Eclipses are relative to the Sun, Moon, Moon’s Umbra (Solar Eclipse) the Earth’s umbra (Lunar Eclipse), and conj nodes in sygzy.

The Solar eclipse is from the Moon’s umbra. The Lunar eclipse is the Earth’s Umbra.

Now, let’s talk about

My interpretations:

Penumbral: The Eclipse is light work. A taste. A sampler of the upcoming energy in the years. It’s going to be the start of the buildup to what comes into totality

Partial: You’re getting more perspective to help you fill in the blanks. It’s like if you got a hint of something so you know where to go from there. You still may not know everything, but you can figure it out.

Annular: The energy is blatant and telling you what’s going on.

Total: If you wasn’t ready, that’s where you feel that eclipse energy bring out a forced hand energy.

As you can see, the preumbra of a partial eclipse has a more general, less defined space covering the surface of the earth, while a total, umbra eclipse has a more direct, specific energy. The brighter the Sun or Moon, aka, the more it’s in the Umbra, the more direct the energy.

Interpretation Of Each Eclipse

A total eclipse shows the suns chromosphere, the suns stellar corona. The light outline of the Sun when there’s a solar eclipse. This is like the eyes cornea is the full outer layer of the eye that allows light to come in through refraction. Both share the etymology of -ker which is horn, something curved, or to cut. What these words (cortex, cornea, corona, Capricron) have in common it’s it’s the surface/outer layer of something or the start of something. “Cut to the chase” energy. It’s direct. The horned animals of Aries and Capricorn are cardinal. Aries is the head, -Ker is cranium. Cardinal energy is the start of something. Also deals with violence which is Martian. Also, Rahu (a node) is the Head!

Anyway, This totality brings light to a situation. Your ability to see the situation. The situation comes to light, to totality. This is the same thing I said about the Full Moons power. However with Solar eclipses, which are New Moons, the dark moon may add obscurity to the most basic of a situation.

Lunar eclipses may bring highlight to a sensitive situation. The Lunar eclipse resides in the Earth’s shadow, the umbra. In Lunar eclipses, since the Earth has an atmosphere, light is refracted, and THAT’S why Full Moons are bright despite the opposition of the Sun and Moon. With Eclipses, the Moon lies completely in the Earth’s Umbra, thus creates a Lunar eclipse.

This would make sense as to why eclipses are considered the shadow parts from of the Moon when it comes to Rahu and Ketu. Eclipses fall during the nodal areas. If you see a Sun opposite Moon near any of the Nodes on a chart? It’s going to be an eclipse. If you see the Sun and Moon near a node with a Sun conj Moon, it’s going to be a Solar Eclipse. This is the chart for the last Solar eclipse we had during Sidereal Aries Season. Look at how the Sun conj Rahu, the Ascending/North node and the Moon conj Ketu the Descending/South node.








Tai 💚
