All About The 4H

As always, archiving my tweets!

More about the 4H here through ancestor work:

4H placements need as much alone time as we can possibly get to recharge. It’s okay to be MIA at times 😭 we need it more than anything to reground and recenter.

4Hers may not have a lot of friends but we talk to the spirits in our dreams and they be around us so I guess we do have friends 😭💚

“I’m a recovering undercover overlover”

- Erykah Badu

yeah Sidereal Cancer/4H placements/Lunar Kendra 4Hers are never beating the Martyr allegations. She got y’alls tea.

I think tho the biggest issue about being a 4Her is I wish I didn’t know certain things about people and people weren’t so comfortable saying anything to me. Like, why. Just no filter and now you just dumped all this fucked up shit on me. It’s very traumatizing and I get confused like wtf is wrong with you. And I hate that bc I know people have a shadow side. I’m usually unphased but some things be too far like…are you okay? Some things are a border between being upset and just underline you really meant what you said and now I’m concerned bc I wanted to hold space for you but now I’m like…Uh?????????????? I remember saying how I felt like the 4H was a dumping ground bc it sits at the bottom and can collect trash. I’m starting to fully understand why I said that.

4H synastry and being the 4H person is that partner knowing your childhood trauma. You feel like you’re the immature one in the relationship orrrrrr if you get serious with them, having to heal and change toxic values that were instilled in you since young for your new family. But the planet person can hold space for you and understand what brings you comfort. It’s just jarring to deal with wounds that go so far back and someone is like “it’s okay I still love you  let’s build something better 😊” like I’m a mess out here hello?? Childhood trauma isolates. You can feel that part of you never really grew. It can just be highlighted more in the relationship and you’re like “yeah I need to get off my BS” bc you had to normalize an emotion for protection, you realize how unnatural it is outside of toxicity.

4H hot take: Being afraid to tell people how you feel deep down because you haven’t been given the space to be emotionally understood by your family. So, it can translate into you turning the 4H into hiding yourself from others. We can also talk about how the 4H is moksha and can deal with energy from a lot of sources. That being that you either never had autonomy depending on the house condition or you are the black sheep that’s often not considered when it comes to family events. As a 4H person the main one who is the one to figure out where the generational trauma fame from and wanting to figure it out. This is because you notice that you’re not very different from the rest of your family. Everyone just handled it differently.

I’ll share a personal example and tw: SA.

More about the 4H and ancestors are here:

Me as a 4Her I dealt with childhood sexual abuse. To make a long story short I found out that my abuse story matched what other family members went through down to the type of person. If I didn’t ask, I would’ve never found out. I thought of the lyric “And I know that it’s hard to digest, but maybe your story, isn’t different from the rest” Life is a fractal, an image inside an image.

This isn’t to say we aren’t special, but that we are here to heal timelines our ancestors didn’t get to yet. This taught me the 4H is the maternal lineage. I’m not worried about putting a timeline on healing timelines because I have time to do so 💚  This also helped me understand what fractals really mean. That song and fractals really play a huge role in my understanding that I couldn’t hold resentment being a 4H Aqua Sun and a black sheep.

Everyone suffered in their own ways and it’s up to me to branch out and be better. Being a 4Her I had to carry more empathy. I can’t heal timelines if I’m mad about how things got handled especially if that’s how they thought protection was. They were trying just like how I am. I’m the complete opposite of my grandma lmfao she hated astrology and was anti h*e. But now I understood WHY and it was because she had sexual trauma that shut her down and locked her out. There was a lot of trauma I had to deal with in my own situation to absolve me of self shame from feeling pleasure because I was told in so many ways my body was not mine. So in my grandmas case it translated into taking back control through repression. I had to grapple with repression in my own ways and so it makes sense as to why it got like that. But again it took for me to understand in order for the cycle to not repeat.

A snippet from my Patreon:

The 4H specifically deals with the familial issues, ancestral understanding, and your private life until it reaches the 5H of the inner child, self cultivation/understanding, and creating based on your individual terms.

Tai 💚
