Love Asteroids: Eros (433), Cupido (Point), Cupido (763) and Psyche (16)

I lumped all of these together for a reason because all of them are Cupid in some way, but they have respective differences. Eros is the Greek version of Cupid.

I did not proof this you’re getting my raw notes from last year! Enjoy!

The 4th of everyday is sacred to him (Eros) because he’s the 4th to come into existence after Choas, Gaia, and Tartarus.


Covering Eros in full on my Patreon:

In some myths he’s considered the son of Aphrodite and Ares. Also pictured with dolphins, flutes, roses, and torches. He’s often super mischievous. His arrows can be gold and bring love, or be lead and cause things to be mislead, causing aversions. The lead arrows actually cause people to repel. This is funny because Lead has the Saturn symbol, and Saturn often repels certain energies.

Lead is the father of all metals, Saturn has been considered the parent planet! It can also be turned into Gold in Alchemy. Aquarius opposes the Sun for a reason!

Cupid (763)

Going over this in full on my Patreon:

Lovers are flighty a lot, the reason why Cupid has wings. Flighty energy is very reminiscent of Libra/Venus energy. He is also blindfolded, which represents the Libra energy. It’s not always about justice either. A blindfold os the sign of being on the spur of the moment when it comes to love. Blind loves as blind as blind dates are. Constantly surrounded by fruits, Dionysus and animals.

He is also considered a honey thief that told his mother that something so small shouldn’t cause painful wounds. His mother said; “He is too small, and yet delivers the sting of love.” Him representing and being a bee means the flower of youth, virginity lost, or honey as a secretion of love.

Remember that Cupid represents desire, but this can be an area where you cannot control who desires you! Just like the arrow, love can hit and anyone can fall for you. This is the area where people love you for the most for.

This can show where someone is frontin, trying to be what others think they need to be to be liked.


In the Mythology of Eros and Psyche, basically what happened is Aphrodite was jealous of the attention Psyche was getting based on her beauty, so she sent Eros to make her fall in love with someone ugly. He ends up falling in love with her after accidentally piercing himself with his own arrow and whisking her away unbeknownst to her. She was never able to see him until one day her hating ass sisters was like “If he love you why you ain’t see him ain’t he supposed to be ugly” so she was like “See I ain’t really think about it like that” just to find out he was beautiful. Eros ran away and Psyche still longed for him. It was so bad even Pan wanted to look for this man for her after she acknowledged his divinity aka “numen” so she eventually knew she needed to consult….

Aphrodite. LMFAOOOO. Now y’all know Aphrodite was ready for this she was like:

(Cardi I’m glad you asked)

She made the whole process difficult. But before that she made the whole process just violent. Had her whipped by Worry and Sadness and was like But wait, there’s more and bashed her head in when she found out she was pregnant. Then told her to literally sort out grains and beans before Dawn while she was out. WILD. It was so bad the ants decided to sort them out for her because they knew damn well she couldn’t do it. Aphrodite threw her a piece of bread but she was mad asf.

She was then asked to get Golden Wool from Helios violent Sheep. That girl was like “okay” but she was like “Ima just go drown myself bc nah” but a Divine Reed gave her instructions.

Third task was when she had to collect black water from Styx and Cocytus. She tried to climb the cliff but the wind and dragons made it difficult. Zeus decided to help and sent his Eagle and Dragons to retrieve the water.

Her last task was to use a box (Pyxis) and retrieve the beauty of Proserpina because her beauty is fading tending to Eros. Psyche was like “okay bet ima just go try to throw myself off a roof” until the tower SPOKE and told her where to to: Through the gates of Dis. She must carry Honeyed Barley Cakes and two coins in her mouth. She has to ignore the man driving a mule. A dead man in the river separating the living from the dead. The cakes are for the watchdog Cerberus, the coins are for the Ferryman to get accros and come back.

Everything goes well until her ass decided to open the box that only put her to sleep. Luckily Eros was healed and pricks her with an arrow before sending her to Aphrodite. He then goes to Zeus to tell his mom to chill out bc she doing the most. It was so bad Hermes had to do an announcement for Aphrodite to leave her alone 💀 Hermes gave her Ambrosia, an immortality drink so she can be Eros equal in marriage. This also absolved Eros of cheating and causing messy connections.

At the wedding even Vulcan was cooking that mf FOOD. Chefing it tf up on that Grill with the Uncle sandals.

Psyche kept getting saved by basically Deux Ex Machina, which is basically divine intervention. You can attribute that to this Asteroid. This asteroid can also represent staying focused and not staying from your goal. Basically, persistence. Based on MLW, this is your mental health, memories, etc.

Cupido (Point)

Community, partnerships, and family. Appreciation for the arts. More versatile forms of love, general love.

Eros (433)

This that FUCKIN asteroid, just straight lust and sex. Turn ons, and overall love for life as well. The God of Love and Desire. He is also a primordial God as well those who celebrate homosexual love like Himeros and Pothos. He is often depicted as the Greek Cupid. Along with this, I consider this Asteroid the Asteroid of pure lust.

Amor (1121)

Amour is basically the Roman name for Cupid! Meaning “passionate desire”, he is the God of Desire, erotic love, attraction, and affection. Son of Venus and Mars because he is apart of the Erotes

In the book by Martha Lang Wescott, this is the asteroid of conditional love and what blocks love as well. They also show what you use as a placeholder for love.

Tai 💚
