The Symbolism behind JoJo’s Bizarre Adventure

Let’s start with the JoJo’s (that I know so far!) LMFAOO sorry for lack of pictures it’s just on a iykyk basis for this stuff. Shoutout to my nerds 💚

Thanks to for helping me put things together bc reading manga and watching anything you can become forgetful!

Jonathan Joestar & The Starust Crusaders Arc: Hero Section

Johnathan Joestar is a Sidereal Pisces who is compassionate person. Wanting to be a gentleman. The softest of the Joestars. His stand was similar to Hermit (Virgo) purple. Which is interesting as Pisces is the sister sign to Virgo. Hamon is the ability to channel Solar like energy through the body from breathing to produce an effect. Johnathan Joestar was a Leo Moon! William Anthonio Zeppeli was a Leo Jupiter. Jupiter is Guru and was Guru to Johnathan Joestar. Zeppeli was more than likely a Swati Moon and Swati is the breath.

Joseph has trickster energy which is fitting for his Virgo Hermit Purple stand, as Mercury is trickster energy. Virgo is also the hands, and he’s a Hasta Sun, and he told the crew to use hand signals when scuba diving when they were trying to get away from a Tarot stand user High Priestess. He is well versed in information, even when he gets things wrong because he’s a Sidereal Pisces Moon lmfaooo. When he was playing with older D’Arby he was able to play tricks and identify if there was trickery with younger D’Arby’s equipment. He always predicted what someone is gonna say as well before they said it.

Jotaro can bust through teeth bc star platinum is Aquarius and Saturn is bone. Star platinum is an overseer because Rahu influence, similar to Shatabhisha in which Varuna sent out Rahu to see who would be the ones to break the rules of the law. Justice/Rta. Hence the card game with the gambler in which he broke his finger for cheating. His stand is very detail oriented in which it is an overseer of the unseen, like Varuna.

He’s really great at accuracy. Very detail oriented at the moment of randomness. Him being able to pick up on video games quickly was very Rahu/Aquarius of him. And him picking the Jaguars for the baseball game and Rahu is the cat is very interesting. Baseball is Martian and Saturn placements exalt there. Also his stand is quick to throw punches when he couldn’t control his stand and that reminds me of Rahuvians quickness to fight.

Jotaro’s ability to deceive is some type of Rahu level deceit. “To believe, or not to believe”. He had his dad play the game in order to evade the younger D’Arbys tricks which reminds me of Varuna getting Rahu to do work for him.

Dio’s The World stand can manipulate time and is the same as Jotaros stand bc they’re both Saturn ruled. The World is Saturn and can automatically manipulate (Aquarius) linear (Capricorn) time. Jotaro has an Aquarius stand so he is able to manipulate time as well. Enyaba telling Dio how his World stand works plays right into her Justice/Libra/Saturn exaltation. Their stands are similar is because both have Saturn influence. Jotaro is now able to stop time for 1-2 seconds.

Dio having heart symbolism when his numerology is 1 and Dio is the Sun makes sense bc of Sun = Heart and Heart = Libra = Saturn exaltation

I talk about Libra Saturn and the 3 of Swords energy here:

Polnareff has silver hair and eyes. The Chariot is Cancer/Moon/Silver color. He’s very emotional, but also compulsive and reckless like the Moon. He hates filth and because he’s a Sag/Jupiter type, Jupiter represents cleanliness. Moon also represents showers. Him not liking filthy toilets specifically reminds me of him being the opposite of the lunar nodes of Rahu and Ketu because Rahu represents toilets! He lost his right eye, which is the Solar eye. All he has is the Lunar eye, which is the left eye!

I wanna talk about the scene where he regresses as a baby and he had a maternal figure take care of him. That’s very lunar!

Ofc Kakoyin was the antagonist turned protagonist. He is as stubborn as his stand, Taurus Card in Tarotstrology: Hierophant Green. He’s also a Sidereal Leo. He cares about his appearance (Taurus) and gains attraction from others (Leo = Attention). He uses a feminine diction in Japanese, which I think plays on the Venus in him. He also knows how to paint! Him having a battle with Death 13 was also applicable as Scorpio and Taurus are Sister signs. Death is Scorpio.

He felt nobody could understand him. This plays on the Hierophant because The Hierophant is a card that is all about learning. I think he was easily manipulated by Dio because fixed signs tend to border a sort of cult like influence.

Kakoyin spinning cherries in his mouth (gif above) is very Taurus as Taurus is the mouth skskks.

I need more Kakoyin tea. Why I feel like he wasn’t referenced much??

Advol is the stand of The Magician called the Magician Red and is also an Aries. Red is fire and Aries/Mars. He brings about flames which is firey in nature ofc. Very loyal, but panics, which represents Aries impulsiveness.

I think I need to read back over chapters with Advol to get a better feel for his character to make sure I ain’t miss anything. I wanna catch up first and come back to the SC arc!

The Enemy Stands of SC are coming soon!
