The Darkness of Mercurial Nakshatras

What exactly is sin? Is sex sin? Is purity found in sin? Can sex be purifying? Can be it cathartic? How do we challenge our earthly pleasures for the want for spiritual liberation in which we can be without the temptation, without the shame, without the regret. Even in my personal experience as a Jyestha Rising, Revati Venus, and Ashlesha Ketu, this was something I dealt with in my life to understand. The people I chose are actually my fav artists and who I later found after I had a period in my life during my 5H year, where my Revati Venus resides, in a Moksha house. This was where I challenged sin, religious trauma, and sexual themes in my drawings, and in reflection. During that time I also started my spiritual journey in full force from the lens of shadow work. It’s a heavy time and something that taught me that life isn’t love and roses. You cannot run, you cannot hide, you must face the darkness of your mind.

Today I wanted to talk about the Water Triad, but specifically, the Mercurial Nakshatras Ashlesha, Jyestha, and Revati. Here I will cover themes from the foundations of my previous work that can be found here:

Sources that helped me with this article

What themes that bring these Nakshatras together is the perspective of The Magician. This is the Card of resources, as I’ve mentioned in articles linked, but also that of trickster energy/trickery I like to mention here and there. This is due to the Hermes energy in Greek mythology where this God liked to play games. In Vedic Astrology, Budha/Mercury is the son of Tara and Chandra. Tara is symbolized by hopefulness. Chandra is the Moon who is also considered Soma. He rides a Lion as well with a chariot. This is where we see the depictions of Ashlesha (Cat), The Chariot (Cancer in Tarotstrology), Hope (Pisces). Budha also hold a scimitar, which I would correlate to Scorpio energy due to this item being a weapon.

Based on what I’ve mentioned on in these articles, this shows how much Mercurial Nakshatras depict a sort of longing through pain. This can be said for the Water Triad in general, but specifically for these Nakshatras that tend to thrive with little to nothing. We must remember that Mercury is neutral in energy, and it can thrive in a number of situations. Here is where Mercury is all about perspective. There is no good nor is there bad, there just is. We get a blank canvas of peoples personalities put on display in a way that would unsettle most, but is met with a cool/neutral demeanor from the artist themselves, as if the abnormal is nothing more than common knowledge nobody wants to talk about. It’s normalizing discomfort, because we all have felt that way before. Moksha. This energy of moksha can cloud the mind, thus making Mercury understand through a lense of confuddlement and confusion.

I wonder if the inspiration behind FKA Twigs LP1 art are from Francis Bacon. Francis Bacon oftentimes created works that were distorted. Both works are depicted how they felt bruised by life itself, how people made them feel. Also Zdzislaw Beksinski also made distorted facial art. I want everyone to keep in mind the influence Ketu has on water houses as a whole, which I talk about on Patreon here:

When we mention moksha we must understand that Meena means Pisces and also Ketu is Meena because that’s the form it takes on the fish as the Viṣṇu Avatāra. Ketu co-rules Scorpio. Ashlesha is Ketu’s birth star, which is in Cancer. These signs are not moksha just because of house placement. It’s much deeper than that. Jupiter aims to have liberation just as much as Ketu does. Purva Bhadrapada is Jupiter but represents tapasya to reach moksha. PB is the Sky God. Water placements are the release. You come out the wombs waters through Cancer, you learn and grow through Scorpio to then die and go back to the universal cosmic pool that is Pisces. Back to the sky.

Francis Bacons art also has 8 of Cups depictions in my opinion. The 8 of Cups is Pisces Saturn in Tarotstrology (more about Tarotstrology in my index on this site):

FKA Twigs- Jyestha Moon

Francis Bacon- Jyestha Venus

“I love another, and thus I hate myself” -FKA Twigs Jyestha Moon

I remember reading an interview where FKA Twigs said she wanted these pictures to be depicted as a sort of battered self from what I remembered. People were constantly talking about her face, making her feel unattractive. This is the depiction of these images using distortion. Let’s even get into the realm of MELI55XA where she depicted herself as a doll that gets controlled by her partner. Many people said on set they were a bit uncomfortable, but again this has nothing to do with Mercury. It is there to show you a raw and honest truth behind the darkest of emotion just how we normally put a cheerful demeanor on display.

Francis Bacon had a long life of Masochism with lovers stemming from his Fathers rejection of him being gay. He was beaten by his fathers horse groomers, as well as he had relations with these men. This was a reoccurring theme in his life where if the man wasn’t abusing him, he would antagonize them into making him feel something. Most of his works are violent, conveying this hellish landscape that became curated on a canvas.

Pisces and the Concept of Dark Religion

This is super interesting Frank Ocean has a Revati Jupiter and has a song called Bad Religion where he questions God.

What draws all three artists together is trying to capture and conceptualize God/Jesus in their own rights. FKA twigs with Mary Magdalene, Francis Bacon with his Studies of Crucifixion, and Zdzisław with crosses in his paintings. It’s finding hope. All of these three artists have Revati placements:

FKA twigs: Revati Jupiter, Jyestha Moom

Francis Bacon: Revati Saturn, Jyeshta Venus

Zdzisław Beksinski: Revati Venus

Zdzisław Beksinski is also another one of my favorite artists. He is a Revati Venus who liked to depict his works based on dreams, wars, etc.  He also draws crosses and crucifixion, crosses, etc. They have a whole section dedicated to him drawing these crosses here:

Pisces is known as the empathetic and the sacrifice of Jesus. The Mercury rulership questions God and begs the question, are we really that different from God?

Prussian Blue is the color of hydrogen cyanide that Zdzisław Beksinski used. Hydrogen is a component water, water sign Scorpio/Pisces Energy. His IC and Lilith is in Jyestha and the underbelly of his work is of thin figures suffering or being feasted on. Mercury tends to deal with themes of weight loss and Mercury poisoning has weight loss as a symptom. His figures also tend to blend in with the environment, or become objects. This reminds me of the ruler of Libra being Venus, the only inanimate object in the Zodiac. It’s a highlight of the depersonification that comes from this exalted Venus.


Triptychs are pretty common between Francis Bacon and Hieronymus Bosch. These are works of art divided into three sections these are usually to show religious pieces. The saints on two sides, the main biblical scene in the middle. Let’s actually start with the numerology of a Triptych, which has three sections. This is Jupiter energy right? These people are Mercury Naks, which adds a darker, more blatant undertone than your typical bright and religious themes that are ruled by Jupiter.

Hieronymus Bosch has a Jyestha Rahu and Revati Jupiter that depicts sinning in the Garden of Eden on his work the “Garden of Earthly Delights”

Both triptychs from each artist both follow a more linear form, while a traditional Triptych uses the side panels to further highlight the main image. This further highlights the organized nature of Mercury, and the emphasized energy of Jupiter as choice of art form.

What’s amazing about these art forms is that Hieronymus Bosch covers Adam and Eve. Gemini, being ruled by Mercury, in Tarotstrology, covers Adam and Eve and the duality of these natures. We also see that with Zdzisław Beksinski who has a painting that is untitled but described as Lovers:

What we can see from Hieronymus Bosch and Zdzisław Beksinski have crowds of people. A mentally scattered image. We can see something similar for Francis Bacons depictions of crowding when it comes to bodies being compressed, as well as FKA twigs. It’s the claustrophobia that seeks to get out due to the duality that comes from Jupiter, their opposition.  The Amygdala is impacted, which are two clusters in the brain. To further the numerology, 2 is Gemini because of the Twins. In Numerology 2 is the Moon, but is also known as the mind in Vedic Astrology. The Moon and Mercury create the Mind.


This comes into the conceptualization of Magdeline by FKA twigs

“If you don’t pull me back it wakes a thousand eyes.”

FKA twigs

The thousand eyes is Indra energy, who rules over is Jyestha. The snake on her neck on the cover is Jyestha energy

“The more you have the more that people want from you, more you burn away the more the people earn from you, more you pull away the more that they depend on you.”

Ofc in Jyestha fashion, FKA twigs has these heavy, jarring tones she makes for the bass of her music and feelings of that giving/martyr energy that often is associated with Pisces energy. Mary Madeline was one of the closest to Jesus. She saw him die and resurrect.

Kanye has a Revati Ketu where we’ve seen the heavy tones of religion in Jesus Walks and Yeezus being depicted in this way. We also see how Ketu can sometimes convey messages that the public doesn’t accept. When Kanye proclaimed himself a God everyone had an issue with it. He also does Sunday Service and did Christian Rap albums.

Drake has a Revati Rahu which is the 6 God. Much more accepted and nobody really says anything about it because of Rahu’s level of social acceptance.

Another lil tidbit is when Lil Baby did a prayer in the one song called Grace and this was his sort of prayer:

Thou shall not try one of us, if they do, I'ma bust
Please don't reach for no chain
Not 'bout the set, but it's more 'bout respect
If they get me upset, they gon' die, that's on gang

Same with Nicki, a few bars about God. I’m aware people usually talk about God but these conversations really come off as authentic moments of reflection:

Dear God, If you're here God
Make the fire disappear when they stare God
Take away my fear when they interfere God
Do you fear God? 'Cause I fear God
And in my backyard, that's a deer, God

And here:

“They’ll never thank me for opening doors

But they’ll never thank Jesus when he died on the cross”

Nicki, Freedom, Jyestha Sun


We can also get into how all four cover topics of Sadism and Sex.
With I’m Your Doll. The contorted images similar to Francis Bacon.

“I’m feeling like a loaded gun”

This reminds me of the image Francis Bacon made of a figure shot dead on a bed and distorted.

In this part of the video where Fka Twigs is like a doll where she lets a man do what he wants with her body. The video is pretty uncomfortable to watch. The man is drooling, almost animalistic.

Zdzislaw Bekinski has some erotic drawings like ofc any other artist, but again these images have animalistic tones because Mercury doesn’t interfere with the nature of water, especially Scorpio. In fact, it encourages the behavior.

Indra tried to seduce Ahalyā, her husband Rsi cursed him, and covered him with a thousand vaginas on his skin, which he eventually turned to eyes (Cole:261:2001). This is a representation of sexual discipline.

Katsushika Hokusai is someone I’ll add here. He has a Jyestha Ketu but he can potentially have an Ashlesha Moon in which we see a lot of similar themes where there’s an animalistic approach, although actual literally, of a woman and an octopi in a sexual manner. He actually is the foundation on octopi hentai but in his depiction it’s not as violent.
