My Technique: 0 Point Methodology

So this is my technique I use to gauge anything planetary wise. I do all of this on Patreon (Patreon: Tai Soleil) that’s why y’all don’t really be seeing it. The planet has to be at 0.00° so I can know when and how this planet is going to act. I start it at this because 0 is the egg, the starting point. It’s the conceptualization point between nothing and something. The brew point, if you will. When I’m getting into energy for any planet going into the new sign, I only primarily use the chart to see what exactly what this chart is going to be giving. Give or take tho sometimes the planet will be at .11 or whatever but I only want it at 0.00 if the ASC will change due to that minute difference. Be sure to catch that! I gotta be sure to catch that as well because it’s easy to slip up!

Down to the date and time, I also reduce the numbers for date and then the number of the time to see what planetary influences color this with numerology. The date number and time number I do separate, btw. I’ll expand more on this later but I just wanted to cover the basics. How to do numerology is on my index here:

ASC point

So for everytime the date hits midnight AND there is a 0° point, I consider that the ASC timing/theme for that time period. Last month was a Gemini 0 point until it went into a new ASC. Give or take tho sometimes the ASC will be at .11 or whatever but those sensitivities don’t bother me too much. This is an example of how I delineate this:

Along with that I overlay this with the new season chart to see how the energy combines. Ima also start doing the composite charts for this omg that’s gonna be so fun!
