The Numerology of where you Live/Where you are

So I talked about this on Twitter before but I really wanted to make this an article for the simple fact that I’ve been gathering so much tea on this…And never posted my examples. Like the source I provided is nice ( but examples/more ways to utilize this really help people relate or help the, see what to look for for themselves! That’s why I’m making this article.

Reminder that I have a numerology index here:

So basically, where you live/are at even has numerical value. All you have to do is add up the numbers of your address, building you’re in, etc. Get creative! If you live in an apartment, use the numbers of that apartment only. If there’s a letter, find the numerical conversion, and add them up like so:

If you wanna try adding the whole address/building number you can just to be extra.

Remember that each number has planetary meanings:

1: Leo, Sun

2, 11: Cancer, Moon

3: Sagittarius, Jupiter

4, 22: Aquarius, Saturn

5: Gemini, Virgo, Mercury

6, 33: Taurus, Libra Venus

7: Pisces, Jupiter, Neptune

8: Capricorn, Saturn

9: Aries, Mars

0: Scorpio, Mars, Pluto

Along with this, let’s get into examples:


In Monster, the anime, the show/anime there was a room where there was poisoned candy. It was found in the hospital room of 6, which is Venusian. Venus and candy go hand and hand.

On The Parkers, professor olgavee stayed in room 24, and always had a number of love interests on the show. 24 reduces to 6, and 6 is a Venusian number.


On Teen Titans GO, there was an episode about Grandma’s restaurant. The restaurant was a 4 building, which represents ancestry/family.


Nikki and Kim Parker stayed in room 34 on The Parkers. 34 reduces to 7. Kim went to Harvard and had a music group with her friends. Nikki was running a pyramid scheme unknowingly with her products and that can get real Jupiter/Culty.

My experiences:


I lived in a 1 building home. Nothing really to note that I took away from it. It was a 1 building and a 2 home so maybe some eclipse/new/full moon energy to where the opportunities were abundant based on the foundations I created. I’m going off of my natal chart to explain this so you always wanna do that to apply how this is impacting you like so:


2/11 home was nice. My online business grew but I was very emotional and there were things that emotionally stressed me out. Really lunar frenzy energy but I gained a lot of rewards and benefits (I have a lunar 11H that’s also Bādhakeśa so hahah we’ll discuss what that means later).


4 homes gave me a nice foundation of where I wanted to be moving forward. I had the most focus and discipline out of them all, while also not compromising in how innovative I got. Very Aquarian. I have an Aqua 4H so the foundation was hitting with my work (My natal Saturn 6H). Spell work hit hard when I was living in a 4 home.


5 home is nice to live in! Lots of ideas. I find myself more mentally like omg omg omg omg omg omg omg lmfaooo I’m always gone too.


I lived in a building 6 area and I can say my makeup improved when I was living there. A mix of 6 and 7 energy it was cute!


From personal experience I gained the most weight in Jupiter number homes. 7 homes I’m usually always learning some harsh ass lessons for whatttt. Most places I’ve lived were 7 homes.


8 homes were, hm. Chyle. I overworked myself so much when I lived in a 8 home. Granted my Saturn in my 6H and my Ketu is Capricorn. It was very chaotic and I wasn’t getting much sleep due to stress.


I don’t recall living in a 9 home and how my 9 year whooped my ass? I don’t think I want to lmfao.

Anyway dassit for now I’ll add more later when I get more info or remember stuff about my time in homes and shit.

Tai 💚
