Numerology isn’t just your Life Path Number. Let’s Upgrade You.

To start: A person to get a numerology reading from has to be from Viriyaakarunaa, who has the website An amazing woman who inspired my numerology journey. Please do not bother her too much. Please be patient and respectful. I will be doing mine sometime in 2023. That date feels right to give y’all something new from my arsenal, and time to really dive into this stuff myself on a personal level. She did my reading but I’m ready to expand on my experience and take a look for myself and understand my numbers, as well as the other ones. Always about the baby steps for resonance.

Now. I’m not unloading the clip and giving y’all each interpretation for each number. Will be for my Patrons only bc I love them and I like y’all (I love y’all lmfao I’m being cheeky). Y’all will be getting celeb examples tho! I’ll be updating this article as time goes by just because you’ll never know what I see and gain from the patterns I notice in these numerical charts.

Y’all know the drill and how I do it, here’s the astrological Numerology for each number. Remember that I do have an article that covers something similar. See what resonates based on your calculations:

My numerology index is here:

Other good numerology resources:

Book: Numerology and the Divine Triangle by Faith Javane and Dusty Bunker

Also: Use the name YOU like to go by, especially if you have a dead name. Use the name you prefer to be called. That’s what matters.

We have a few different numerology calculations:

Life Path - Add up all the numbers of your birth date

This is your human experience, your heroes journey. This is what your path you’ll take in this lifetime

Soul Number - Adding all the vowels of your name first, middle and last. For Y you count that as a vowel ONLY if it sounds like a vowel “Yarrow” vs “Macy”

The soul number is, you guessed it, the number of the soul. This is how you connect with your inner, spiritual self. This is about you on a deeper level.

Personality Number - Adding all the consonants in your name first, middle, and last. Consonants are basically non vowels (A, E, I, O, U)

Personality number is how others perceive you. This is really simply honestly it explains who you are. Know that the personality has a LOT of flexibility and can be interpreted in many ways depending on who you encounter. Overall, like any personality, it all falls into one specific category of who you are.

Destiny Number - Soul number and Personality added together.

This is what you’ll become based on the energy set since birth, why you decided to come back, and what you’re here to do in this lifetime.

Birth Day Number - Number of birth

This is all about your gifts and how they were gifted into this world.

Current Name Number = All the letters in your name, including middle, added up

This is the development of you through your strengths, weaknesses, and etc.

Maturity Number = Life Path Number added to your Destiny Number

This is what you’ll be like 30-40 or 35-45, depending on who you ask and what resonates. Ballpark it to 30-45.

Update 10/13: Every year you live has numerology attached to it, like Profected Years!

You know how you have a Solar return/birth date and a profected year, you have one in numerology as well!

Profected year and Solar return article for anyone confused:

I’ll be updating that article with Solar return info just bare with me I’m a busy ass bitch lmfaooo.

To find your number year you just add up your birth date and the current year to see what your theme will be. For example:

04/05/2024 = 4 + 5 + 2 + 0 + 2 + 3 = 16 = 1+ 6 = 7

7 is this examples numerical year!

As I always say, each number carries a different vibration astrologically.

Tai 💚
