Mars vs Venus/Rahu: Motivations and Distractions

Remember that interpretations of Vulcan, Vulcanus, Mars, Rahu, and Venus via house and sign interpretations will only be found on my Patreon Tai Soleil:

Mars is that consistency Venus tries to break down with vices. I think figuring out procrastination can be found out by figuring out your motive through Mars, Vulcan, and Vulcanus. The vices and distractions from Venus and Rahu.

Vulcan and Vulcanus post:

Mars is celibacy in the birth chart. Venus is sexuality. Rahu is perversion because it was taught by Venus. Venus weakens Mars, and outside of sex, this can correlate to distractions that keep Mars from fulfilling the goals you’re motivated by through Mars. To further exemplify this, Bharani is Rahus birth star, and the Nakshatra is Venus and ruled by Mars in the sign of Aries. This Nakshatra really covers the basis of this concept when I think about it and research. Bharani in a Nakshatra is what that planet can typically go against that planets energy. This is because of the influence of Venus and Rahu though the Nakshatra itself is the ability to overcome negative influences.

Even if we were to talk about the exalted interpretation based on Shatabhisha and Aquarius/Rahu/Saturn influence. Varuna sent Rahuvians out as spies in order to see who will be tempted to do wrong. You see Mars is up against Rahu/Venus and Saturn up against Rahu because sin cannot exist without the want to do good. What I found funny about Veruna wanting to send agents is because I already correlated Rahu to the matrix in tweets and subtly said it in this post. If you never seen the matrix the agents are basically people who maintain the matrix so they don’t know the truth:

(I really need to update my Rahu article it’s been so long omg).

Rahu article:

Rahu is also the representation of Junk food, so this would be a good house to explore why you crave sweet foods, and what’s the motivations behind why you eat what you do in order to make up for a lack of sweetness in your own life, or for a sense of comfort that no good really comes out of. If you’re a junk foodie like me you’re gonna appreciate this as I’m gonna cover this in this series sksksks.

Venus is the principle of Jala, which is water. The principle of water is also another reason why Venus is exalted in Pisces.

So when you think about it from that area of Mars, Rahu and Venus weakens Mars, but this is how Mars can overcome. Keep Vulcan and Vulcanus in mind because this is important to help Mars embody the full potential in more detailed ways.

Tai 💚
