All About The 8H

Consistently making updated and house interpretations exclusively on my Patreon about the 8H: Tai Soleil

Here’s my Patreon collection covering the 4H/8H/12H:

Speaking of the 8H I’ll share another theory I came up with and use quite often: The stress and problems you endure in an 8H transit will come to light in the 9H. The Suns joy sits in the 9H and will bring situations to light, so don’t worry 💚 I almost always feel better when planets go from my 8H to the 9H. Also, now I’m thinking about it, you can use this natally to help you bring your 8H feelings to light through the 9H 😌

2/26/2023 @ 12:42am

8H Mars:

Ivan the Terrible having a natal 8H Mars this makes sense as to how I’ve the 8H is where you can actually see the horrors in front of you. The 8H is not a private place. It is high in the chart. You can see the trauma in your face. It isn’t hidden like the 4H/12H.

It’s that realization he offed his son. The eyes. Dark situationally, but they shine with expression. He also got an 8H Leo Sun.

Most of these from notes but I’m drafting this before I’m tweeting and these are notes from 12/15/2021 I never finished:

The 8H can bring a lot to us. Stress, loss of money moments where life feels like it’s no longer worth it with you in it, etc. But on the flip side, this is how we can use this house to conquer these fears. People forget that the 8H sits at the top of the house. This means that you can see the actual problems compared to the 4H, which is at the lowest part of the chart, hidden, whereas the the 12H sits in the middle of a chart, why I think the 12H can be considered a confusing house of the unknown. The 8H can be hard because the energy is very blatant and more so of quick bursts of pain that hurt a lot, but leave as quickly as they arrive. How do we conquer the 8H, is learning that we cannot prevent problems, but change how we handle them.

Snippet from my Patreon:

…the biggest hiccup that comes from these 4 corners is the gain from the 2H but not the willingness to release from the 8H. We never want to lose anything, just gain. This is not how life works. In order to reach a goal, what causes you to slack must be let go of. If you are someone who likes to go outside, you have to sacrifice video game time in order to reach that goal. If you want to be better at communicating, you have to get over your fears that cause you to not speak. The 8H is the blatant issue. It is in the light part of the chart, which means the blatant things you must learn to deal with and/or utilize in order to get to the next stage. Avoiding the 8H means avoiding the 11H, avoiding that dream. Avoiding the 8H also means avoiding the understanding that you gain from your most polarizing moments.

5/21/23 I was talking a lot lmfaoooo:

Everything comes with strings. You pay debt with paying it back or sticking to being the good person you are that got you it. That’s the condition. Be prepared for some retaliation if you can’t comply. That’s why you can’t accept everyone’s offerings. Some people have ill intent. And here’s the thing? You can’t please everyone even if they invested in you financially or emotionally. Be sure to pay that debt when it comes knocking even if you think you did nothing wrong. That’s why you need to protect yourself and keep your integrity. 8H shit.

I see through fake nice bullshit. You want me to honor and use you up so you feel like you have the right to be a vile person when I don’t comply to your unwritten rules. I don’t trust people who are too generous. Those are the main ones who want you to pay in undisclosed ways. Growing up I seen how transactional people. It’s not a bad thing. It’s the truth. People think that things don’t come with strings is laughable. Just because money ain’t involved don’t think you have to owe something. Your emotions, your heart, your time, your body, your life. Some of that ain’t bad. If someone is giving you what you want, give back. We all need that. Purity of it is when things start to get eh. If you playing dirty? Be ready to pay an ugly debt regardless if you invested or stole. Dirty is dirty. You both pure? You both will be rich. This is also a lot of how people get indoctrinated into cults, dead end situations, and etc. You think everyone is pure/stupid and that things are just there to be consumed. When you’re not making sure that persons needs are satisfied, you’ll be paying that 10x. Don’t get comfy. Earning is from honoring who/what got you there and giving back. 2H = investment, 8H = paying it back, giving yourself. Why the 8H can be torturous. If you gave nothing, you’ll be collateral. Why Scorpio/8H thrives on pain. Our risk taking is what gives the rewards tenfold. All Goldilocks did was eat and sleep (2H). Her consuming without respect lead her to be chased out (8H). My fav story is when she got eaten (it was based on a twisted tale I played when I was young). The consumer (2H) getting consumed (8H).

Your consumerism (2H) can get you plump enough to eat (8H). Pigs/cattle don’t realize they’re eating to be slaughtered. Why Chihiro’s parents turned to pigs in Spirited Away. They took what wasn’t theirs. Chihiro had to work to pay it off. Why the 6H (work/cattle) and 8H sextile. It wasn’t about the food. They took what wasn’t theirs. They ate ignorantly not knowing consuming comes with a price. Chihiro had to remember her name bc that is a part of her identity. When you are a worker, your name/identity doesn’t matter. You are free labor and replaceable. This is why the 6H is slavery. This is why identity removal is important when it comes to slavery. Why changing your name without your consent alienates you. It was designed this way. Why the 12H can make you a robot and have to learn to REFIND yourself. When you understand the true root is slavery is to depersonalize. When you learn the 6H is what we have to do when we don’t get what we want (Freedom Tobias Cole:144:2021). When the 6H is labor/cattle/servitude/slavery. You can learn to use the 6H to work AROUND and end cycles. This is why refinding yourself (12H) comes from the 12H of self undoing to the 1H of self. You have to refind yourself based on the habits of your 6H. The 8H coming before the 12H year is the understanding that in order to pay off 8H debt, you MUST not forget who you are (12H).

8H Pisces.

(Artist: Ken Currie)

Tai 💚
