What Retrograde/RX planets actually are bc y’all keep missing the mark.

Alas, I’ll be covering retrograde transits as a Patreon exclusive + doing interpretations on each planetary retrograde via houses on there as we. Be there or learn it yourself because you are your own teacher and have the potential to be so: https://www.patreon.com/posts/66214422

Everytime retrograde season comes around EVERYONE misses the mark. Every. Time. “You shouldn’t do this” without any reasoning. They’re regurgitations of the same thing that gets nobody anywhere. This is why I’m making this article. 

If you remember this tweet you’re an OG lol:

This is the eras of reflection and DNA upgrades. The Shadow periods of the retrogrades mean that this is the clouds forming. In a technical sense, the planet is passing through degrees is going to retrograde over. Don’t mistake me saying this for saying that a storm is coming in, but this is being prepared to get taken aback in time. These retrogrades represent time to process whatever planet theme is activated. The sign is the context of what you must reflect on:

Mercury rx: Thought process

Venus rx: Self esteem

Mars rx: Temper

Jupiter rx:  Consumption

Saturn rx: Discipline

7/7/24 Update: Saturn rx is fixing mistakes you made when you should’ve slowed your ass down. It’s going back to fix any roadblocks. Sometimes what you don’t think was supposed to serve you is a blessing in disguise. Sometimes rejection is God’s redirection. Saturn isn’t here to coddle you. It is here to remind you that your greatness requires work. It requires you to double back. Saturn contrasts the Sun and Moon through Capricorn and Aquarius because perfection (Sun) didn’t come without work. Feelings can warn you that there is a problem/blockage (Saturn).

For this Sidereal Aqua Saturn rx transit:

All of these things are here to remind you that effort, intention, and problem-solving are the building blocks to being unstoppable like the Sun and stabilizing like the Moon. Without the Moon, we would have no control over the water on our planet. Our emotions are the same way. Capricorn is the sea goat that swims. It adapts to water and isn’t afraid to swim if it has to. Saturn finds joy in the 12H of the unknown. Aquarius is the water bearer. It holds water because it likes to assess it without touching it. Saturn is adaptable. The Star is Aquarius and relates to the opposition of Leo, ruled by the Sun. To be a star like Leo? You have to be unique to capture such an energy. What makes you shine (Leo) IS what your individuality is (Aquarius). If you were like everyone else, how would anyone be able to capture your brightness?

The Saturn rx asks everyone to see why their uniqueness wasn’t captured in the first place. What marks did you miss? You’re not digging deep enough. You may not feel good enough. You’re just scared to push the envelope because of how much this all is. Aquarius is building energy by starting from scratch. You learned good things from Gemini, you learned how to socialize with Libra. Aquarius is asking you: Who the fuck are you and why the FUCK should we care?

More about this current Saturn rx and how it’ll look in your chart is exclusively on my Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/posts/77169370?utm_campaign=postshare_creator

PDF Version in my shop: https://www.taisoleil.com/shop/saturn-in-sidereal-aquarius-transit

Neptune rx: Imaginations

The rest will be up to you because I’ll be all day explaining this.

This isn’t your time to project onto anyone, but focus on how you cause the shifts in this world. This is the moment to organize and assess. This means tying any loose ends. The reason why starting something huge at this time is discouraged is because of the past energy that must be taken care of. With that said, there’s things that you’re going to be starting anyway because that’s how life works. That is okay, just be mindful, and be careful during those time. You’re here to learn lessons and grow. Take your time and gain the perspective needed so after the retrograde, you can have enough clarity to move forward.

This isn’t the time to be in fear. Fear is ignorance of self. If you are ignorant of your own intentions, I can see why this time is hard for you. Get your shit together and start putting power back into yourself. These concepts were never meant for the public to know. Either you’re going to separate yourself from the public and boss up on these concepts, or leave this time of work to the real niggas.

Update 8/3/2022: I also learned from Freedom Cole that Retrogrades act like Rahu and Ketu, so yes, there is an imbalance of that energy that creates a complete regression. When a planet is direct (non retrograde) it operates like the Sun and Moon, the luminaries.

A direct planet operates like the Sun/Moon. Retrograde planets operate like Rahu/Ketu. This is why a planet doesn’t act right during these times. Also this explains why the Rahu represents illusions. The planet isn’t actually moving backwards, and yet it still controls people as if it is actually doing something. This is because Rahu has complete control over this matrix.

I would say to look into what Ketu destroys planetary and Nakshatra wise. and what Rahu destroys as far as luminaries (Sun/Moon) and house it destroys (Rahu) whenever there is a retrograde. For example, it’s a Jupiter retrograde right now. Check out your natal, transit nodes and see how this can possibly impact your Jupiter. How this retrograde can help you grow instead of hold you back.

Posting this so we can get into the love energy of this Sidereal Pisces Venus transit based on the ASC period and the Jupiter before I cover the progression. This is still good info to refer back to and I kinda wanna cover our next upcoming retrograde on 4/21 today.

3/4/2023 @ 7:03am on Twitter:

If Mercury rx energy comes and someone is spinning the block on you it’s because they’re bored. It has nothing to do with them liking you. Mercury falls in Venus exaltation sign: Pisces. That should let you know about how Mercury operates. It’s not inherently loving on its own. If there’s a Venus rx and someone is spinning the block? There’s feelings there. Jupiter rx? They may have wanted to marry you. Mars rx? They want the toxic vibes back or possibly willing to put in the work. Saturn rx? Unresolved trauma from family they working through you. Now, with MARRIAGE of the Jupiter rx don’t get delusional. Just because they wanted to doesn’t mean y’all should. Use that big brain of yours. Also no I’m not covering outer planets. I do traditional work. ….Actually I’m feeling generous and I kinda wanna bite anyway. I don’t think this can actually be inherent is bc outer planets are weak and move too slow imo. Take these with a grain of salt.

Uranus rx: Random

Neptune rx: Delusional

Pluto rx: Something within them changed.

But yeah I think that’s why people confuse Mercury rx with there being some love there. No lmfao they ran out of options and you’re the last resort bc they know you’re going to entertain them. The illusion (Pisces) is that they like you. They don’t. They just wanna quick vibe. That’s how I am as a Sidereal Pisces Mercury. Some people think I like them more than I actually do. I don’t. I’m just a flirt and people drag it. I have a Sidereal Pisces Venus so once I block you it’s over with forever so I can’t speak to the energy TOO much. I don’t spin back.

Let’s break it down further:

Venus falls in Virgo, they’re putting their analytics to the side to pursue what’s on their heart even if it’s not the best.

Jupiter falls in Capricorn, yeah this serious skskks.

Mars falls in Cancer, wanting a connection, toxic or not.

Now Jupiter in Capricorn falling here can also mean serious but I do think this is also a test of fate. Is pursuing this person repeating a mistake and it’s a test to see how much you’ve learned, or can you see long term that this will be stretched thin?

Mercury is not in Pisces in Sidereal so it’s not giving the energy I threaded. Now when Mercury goes into Sidereal Pisces? We can have the conversation. Still kinda odd for Mercury to be in a Rahu house so this is merely desperation obsession. Drunk in love energy.

Now more info I didn’t post on socials:

Lmfao what’s wild about this is Drunk in Love by Beyoncé is actually Jupiter detriment energy (Beyoncé is Virgo Jupiter) and actually she has a Cancer Rahu and Cancer Mars (Mars falls here). It’s that want to connect “can’t keep my fingers off you” as the lyrics go. This covers that Mars falling to when I talked about how Mars rx can show someone just wanting to connect, toxic (drunk = play on inTOXICation) or not. Jupiter detriment is Jupiter = Marriage and her talking about having drunk sex (Rahu perverts a planet) with her husband. The math is mathing!

08/20/2023 Update: When this song came out there was a Jupiter rx and detriment Moon (Cap Moon) lmfaooo.

From my 07/18/23 tweet:

Pre-shadow retrogrades are highlighting what we are about to be retrograding over. Post-shadow is going back over the degrees that were retrograded over. The pre-shadow is a warning shot, the retrograde is the action, and the post-shadow is patching them wounds up. Freedom Tobias Cole [Cole:68:2021] says retrogrades operate like Rahu and Ketu, Lunar nodes, malefics unless it is debilitated or exalted. Debilitated retrograded planets act exalted. Exalted retrograded planets act debilitated. There’s levels to a retrograde. Shadow periods are not insignificant. They are attached to Nodes which means you are given foresight as to what’s to come. A holographic projection of said future before it even plays out in this reality.

As for the post shadow? This sums it up perfectly:
