Your Era of your 20Somethings in your Birth Chart: What You Need To Work On Emotionally in Numerology

Your 20Somethings can be turbulent because you have a lot emotions you tend to act out more on than anything. This is because based on my Numerology Decade Theory, the era of 2 is Lunar ruled and Cancerean in nature. Check your Cancer/Moon house for context.

Now, you don’t have to have cancer in your chart for this to be a theme. The Moon can be somewhat turbulent, and being young, this can amplify this energy that you can tend to wax and wane from. This is the waxing and waning of your emotional state based on house. This can be your decade of trying to figure out your emotional needs. This is why we tend to drink, smoke, have sex, experiment a lot during these times. We are trying to figure out what feeds the soul, so we be out here just doing what we can to fill those immediate needs. We are slowly trying to carve out a life where we are understanding of our depths. Those are the moments we don’t really have during our 1 nor 0 decade. It’s not to say we didn’t emote during those times, but we were under the guise of our parents. Our 0 decade was the era of learning in general, and our 1 décause was more so about establishing and expressing our identity. In our 2 decades, we become more focused on our relationships, romantic or not, as well as our feelings that we couldn’t figure out under the guise of our parents.

And no, having Cancerian placements won’t make this extra prominent. You just have Cancer placements that you still need to utilize. Please read about empty houses here:

To know more about my Numerology Decade Theory, check here:

These are snippets. For full interpretations, check out my Patreon post here:

Moon/Cancer 1H: You have to learn to find comfort in yourself during this stage in your life, especially when it comes to personality making up a percentage of appearance anyway!

Moon/Cancer 2H: Think more long term on what you wish to invest in that will fulfill you emotionally. Something that transcends a lifetime will feed your soul.

Moon/Cancer 3H: It’s okay to have feelings, it’s just how you express them that make all the difference. It’s sometimes not even about what you say, but how you say it.

Moon/Cancer 4H: You may want to assess how you feel about your family, and how that’s emotionally impacted you. From there, you can start crafting out your own family values, and what having a family means to you.

Moon/Cancer 5H: Having fun isn’t just a kid thing! You can mature and be who you are. That’ll never go away.

Moon/Cancer 6H: Some of you will need to learn how to express yourself anyway regardless of what you need to do. There’s time for both.

Moon/Cancer 7H: Give them enough room to reciprocate before you start accommodating for a relationship that other person and probably you aren’t ready for.

Moon/Cancer 8H: Just because you see the truth doesn’t mean you don’t have the tools to maneuver obstacles.

Moon/Cancer 9H: Just be mindful about what you’re learning and why. There is a reason, and it’ll best help you understand your life purpose on this planet.

Moon/Cancer 10H: Be better than others to be the best. There’s even ways to handle negative emotions to get your point across without much bloodshed to put it metaphorically.

Moon/Cancer 11H: In order to fully come into what you care about, know that people have to have as much of an emotional capacity as you do.

Moon/Cancer 12H: There may come a time where you know so much that you may think you need constantly seek out everyday. You’ll miss the journey of getting to know yourself in the beginning stages.

Tai 💚
