Introduction to Dimensions

“The mysteries of Flatland will become plain to you IF you pay attention.”

I feel like before my spiritual journey, what inspired this type of thinking the most is when I was in math class with a teacher I hated, but liked later, and we watched a video about 2D figures finding out about the 3D world. When we think about anything beyond us, we often tend to think very ignorantly like these 2D figures. It’s called flatland. As I rewatch just now I realize how much this connects to my mindset, and how much this simple video changed my perspective on life when it comes to dimensions.

Flatland has two different versions. I prefer the green one but I haven’t bought it to watch it again sooo I watched a bit of the other one.

The 2D figures have to feel in order to understand them. This is what I consider our most immediate, emotional needs. They also have to learn through shading in order to see shapes, which they consider the ether, the aura. The shading is what they said the “children” and uneducated cannot see, because it would be considered, nothing, and invisible.

Ain’t that what a lot of people think about spirituality? 😂😂😂

The 2D for me is our survival needs. This is where our most primal self sits at. It’s immediate emotions. It’s knowing one thing causes another. It’s knowing that one needs to get from point A to point B. Like a line. The 3D is more complex. It’s our everyday life. It’s you witnessing life and knowing you can’t only go left to right, but you can fly a plane, you can swim in the ocean and explore what’s below the surface. It’s knowing there’s more layers than what’s immediate, and understanding WHY those layers are there through science, chemistry, math, and poetry through our 3D realm. I consider the 2D realm the shadow self, similar of how these 2D figures in Flatland see each other.

Problems in our world are merely 4D/spiritual barriers on a 3D level. Let me explain further. Ants see on a “2D scale”. Quotes around this bc it’s kinda inaccurate but can help you get the gist of what I’m saying. If us 3D being draws a line on the floor, they see it as an actual wall. So basically any thing that is blocking us that isn’t an actual 3D wall, is a 4D wall.

So this answers the question, what is the 4D? I know you see this image a lot, but this is exactly what we mean by the spiritual realm and the dimensions beyond that in the 5D and etc. It’s something beyond the physical. It can be what we consider auras, the supernatural, etc. We cannot see it because our eyes perception cannot pick up on it, but we feel it. This is why the box is inside of the box. Like the 2D cannot see the 3D, we cannot “see” the 4D. We can feel it though, and it impacts us. Just like how we 3D figured impact the dimensions below us. For all we know, our emotions exist on the plane that are beyond facial expressions and what chemicals are released in the brain. The box being extended by another box is the holographic reality we are living in that we physically cannot see. Don’t doubt what seems to be unknown, and emotions are doing to you on a spiritual, 4D level. We are complex, and energy has to go somewhere.

The 4D from my perspective is the realization that things impact other things. We may not be able to physically see it, but that doesn’t mean it’s not there for use to feel it. This means planets that have their own atmosphere can actually impact us based on the positions, the gravitational pulls on us on a 4D level. On a 3D Level, this is considered false. On a 2D Level, the shit is too far fetched to be conceptualized because the 3D isn’t understood at this level. Whether or not you believe in God, the 4D is the pool of what we believe, even if we believe in nothing. What we co create with on the 4D level and beyond is the 4D creating the start that there is something more than just our world, and that we can live in sync with our emotions, and understand how to get through our 3D though understanding how we can use the spiritual/4D to help us tap in. It’s okay to reference outside sources to help your physical environment expand. Our higher self lives in this realm to ensure we stay aligned with our purpose. Our 2D self ensures that what we feel about life at its rawest isn’t forgotten.

When I was having talks with my lower self/shadow self, what I consider the 2D, she kept telling me not to let her die nor get left behind. I was tryna figure out what the fuck she meant, and realized that she doesn’t want my growth to make her feel like she was left. I figured she would be happy with my growth eventually, but still factored her in. But now I’m fully realizing it was because she doesn’t want me to forget my core principles that went corrupted due to life bringing her down. The 2D helps us bring the idea to refinement, to the 4D and beyond, so we can live in our truth at its purest. And I think that’s all we are here to do. Live happily and let life be an experience.

This is a foundation of my Layers of Subtle Bodies reading, actually. I target the 2D, 3D, and 4D self. It’s actually my deepest spread. I’ve seen people, even friends really purge from this spread. But for the greater good. This is my go to for when I need a spiritual cleanup. The service is here to those who are curious:
