The Numerology of 420
This article is nuanced asf but it can resonate for some. What I’m about to explain is the energy behind the number. You do not have to have these placements for this to effect you, but is giving you a reason for how we are numerically programmed in this matrix and how it feeds off of what we name things and people. The Matrix movie didn’t have numbers for no reason. This reality is the original computer. I’ll talk more about that later.
Let’s get into 420. 420 is reduced to 6, which is Venus ruled. There’s a types of high people:
A functional person on Sativa
A paranoid person on Sativa
A sleepy person on Indica
A person fighting sleep on Indica
A person who is everywhere or balanced with a damn hybrid strain
Fun Face: Beyoncé is a Sidereal Virgo Venus!
Now, functional high people would be the Virgo archetype of Venus energy. Keeping things in order, can become a clean freak, etc. Virgo Venus is in its fall placement. A fall planet is basically a planet in the opposite of its exaltation. Venus is exalted in Pisces, so it’ll be falling in Virgo. This means this Virgo is improperly placed. Because of this, this can bring about opposite traits of relaxation and living your best life, which is pragmatic Virgo energy.
A Paranoid person on Sativa is placed with the Detriment of a Scorpio Venus. This is funny because in Tarotstrology, Scoprio Venus is represented by 7 of Cups, which is the fear of making the wrong decision based on temptation. A detrimental planet is basically a planet that it in the opposite of its domicile, which is a home planet. An example of a domicile planet is Venus in Taurus/Libra.
The sleepy person on Indica is basically a Taurus Venus archetype. Taurus is known to be the sleepy one, not doing much at all. This is why Scorpio energy is the one always being paranoid, because their astrological opposite, Taurus, is always somewhere relaxing and looking for ways to get what they want without thinking about what they don’t have too much. Scoprios work hard, Taurus work smart.
The person fighting sleep is the detriment planet: Aries Venus. This is because Aries are known to be fighting types, doing the opposite of what they get told to do. Hard headed ones, as Aries does rule over the head! Aries is also the opposite of Libra energy, so it will oppose the want to relax and let things be as they are. Which is funny bc my Sidereal Aries Sun friend said they be fighting sleep when they smoke Indica so, fitting I deduced this now 😂
The Hybrid Strain is a Libra or Pisces energy. Pisces is exalted in Venus.There a mix of two. Hybrids aren’t always balanced, but there are two components are mixed together. The scales of justice aren’t always even, but depending on the strain, you won’t be too sleepy nor too alert. The hybrid can make you go all over the place, which is Pisces energy. You may not even know how you’re effected because of not being sure what percentage is hitting you in that fashion, and Pisces rules over the unknown! In Tarotstrology, Pisces is The Moon card, which represents finding out what the unknown means to you.
Meaning if you see this number
If you see 420 a lot this means to relax! You may be super paranoid, trying hard to make things work out, or confused. Weed teaches you a LOT. Go with the flow and let life teach you. When you do what you love (Venus) you are already in flow. You can learn a lot from what you connect with. Relax a bit. Not everything is a serious as you make it. Even if it is serious, there’s a way out and an answer to help you out!
Numerology Index for more numerology info: