Don’t Text Them Back: Numerology Edition (111-999)

I’m not actually sure what the codes of angel numbers people use, nor do I really care. I develop my own meanings based on occultism/symbols mean and go with that. If you don’t agree, I don’t care! This is a slight rundown to hold y’all over until my article/YouTube series is complete where I go into detail of the meanings and why I interpret them this way. This may not resonate for everyone because your chart matters in these contexts. Know anything after 5:55 can’t be a time, but also if you’ve been seeing this numbers thinking of someone, still no reason to hit them up. If this person texts you at these times, ima let you know what they may mean:

Meaning= Where you are in life

Inverse= Their intentions


Meaning: You are seeing other people, going out more, living life

Inverse: They see you doing good and want to be apart of that again


Meaning: You moved on and are now building

Inverse: Trying to come in and break your routine of building something great

1, 111, and 1111 article here


Meaning: Self Care

Inverse: They coming in trying to fuck with your self care


Meaning: Booked and Rested

Inverse: They trying to distract you


Meaning: You have made peace with the situation and have moved on/working on making peace

Inverse: They trying to remind you of the past so you can come back


Meaning: You are reinventing yourself. Probably dyed your hair or changed your style

Inverse: They see it and want to match your vibe as if they aren’t the reason why you changed it in the first place!


Meaning: You taking care of yourself, not caring about how anyone feels. You live for you now.

Inverse: They may see you as lonely and helpless, and wants you back to fill a void that ain’t even there. Even if it is, they would just add a void by being in your life.

Again, Know anything after 5:55 can’t be a time, but also if you’ve been seeing this numbers thinking of someone, still no reason to hit them up. 

Seeing 666:

Meaning: Not evil, contrary to belief. You are now enlightened on how the game goes and are closing a chapter

Inverse: They tryna reopen that chapter and bring you back to your worst self.

Seeing 777

Meaning: You we’re lucky to get away from them. Trust me, they have PROBLEMS

Inverse: They wanna find things to take out on or blame you for. Be careful around this person if you think of someone toxic and seeing this number.

Seeing 888

Meaning: Life is working in your favor. You let go of the toxic past because you learned from it. You are moving how you want and everything is working out.

Inverse: They want to gain control over your life because they hate seeing you being in control without them.

Seeing 999

Meaning: You understand that all things eventually need to end. Fuck them! A new chapter awaits as long as you deal with the scars they left without them inflicting more damage.

Inverse: They’ve learned absolutely nothing. If they did, they would know coming back isn’t an option after what they did.

And so on, don’t text that mf back PERIOD is the whole point lmfaoooo. You know they toxic anyway.

Here’s my site index for more numerology info:
