Life Path Numbers: Astrology Edition

So this was supposed to be on Bustle in July but this got scrapped lowkey so ima just post it here! They only posted 7 and 9. Enjoy 💚

You can read the preface here that I did do with Bustle:

Life path numbers help with understanding the physical world in relation to where you’re going. It’s sort of like the hero’s journey in where your life is lived in stages towards completion and the understanding of life. Life Path numbers can be used to further understand the physical world when you get distracted and down in life. Life path numbers will always bring you back to reality.

You calculate your life path by adding up all the numbers in your birth date!

These interpretations are based on my Astrological interpretations of Numerology, which a guide can be found on

Your Life Path can show you what you’re particularly influenced Planetary rise in Numerology. Be sure to check that planets Sign and House for more info:

1: Leo, Sun

2, 11: Cancer, Moon

3: Sagittarius, Jupiter

4, 22: Aquarius, Saturn

5: Gemini, Virgo, Mercury

6, 33: Taurus, Libra Venus

7: Pisces, Jupiter, Neptune

8: Capricorn, Saturn

9: Aries, Mars

0: Scorpio, Mars

If House is empty, you know I don’t care. Here’s an article about Empty houses:

Before y’all ask me, Uranus/Pluto can be factored only if you know what Modern Astrology is. If you ain’t catch that reference don’t be asking me bout no Uranus and Pluto you ain’t ready to factor that in yet to understand the difference between traditional and modern. 

Full interpretations of the Life Paths can be found on my Patreon:

Life path 1: You are coming into knowing who you are. You are Solar ruled, which means you are now establishing your identity based on experiences.

Life path 2: You are establishing your relationships due to the Lunar rulership. You’re quickly finding out what brings you together with others, and what separates you from those very people.

Life path 3: You are here to see how far things can go based on what you know. This is the place of exploration and finding out what more can be out there for you based on this Jupiter/Sagittarius rulership.

Life path 4: With the exploration from the 3, you are in the life form of refinement based on Aquarius/Saturn rulership traditionally. You are creating boundaries that ultimately creates structure so you can map out your life in your own terms.

Life path 5: You are here to take in as much information as possible. You’re someone who probably knows a lot of topics based on your Mercury/Gemini/Virgo rulership. Use this time to gain an understanding on new things.

Life Path 6: This is the number of living your best life. This can be the number of luxury based on the Venusian/Libra/Taurus rulership, trying to find ways to live more comfortably and happily.

Life path 7: This is the mystic number, the number of the teacher as well. You are here to help people understand the unknown with your Pisces/Jupiter influence.

Life path 8: You are coming into the understanding of options. You know that life can go any way, and you can use this to your advantage with the Saturn/Capricorn influence. Not all manipulation is bad, as we work with the universe based on this principle.

Life Path 9: This is the symbol of peace for some, but in my experience, it’s also turbulence and chaos, which is Aries/Mars influenced. This is the after effect of the storm that will become peace. In order for you to find completion, you have to go through the parts of life in which they are broken to mend your own self.

More about numerology can be found here:
