Vulcan and Vulcanus: What Drives You?


Vulcanus is a point in the chart that describes the ability to push forward regardless of the obstacles that surround you. It is the reason you live, and the reason you continue to live. It is the driving force you have. Vulcan is very similar, but deals with more of the transmutation of compulsion and bad habits to reach these goals. This is an esoteric point you’ll commonly see in Esoteric Astrology. Vulcanus is the energy where you get pushed to that point, whereas Vulcan is the foundational driving force you started with. Vulcan is like when you have a passion, Vulcanus is going to show you how far you’re willing to push your limits to have it, your willpower, your ultimate source of energy. Both of these points are very similar to Arian energy, in this is the perfect season to find out what can motivate you when things seem to be overwhelming. You’ll find these points in astro under “Hypothetical planets”.


In Roman mythology, Vulcan is the God of Fire, Volcanos, destruction, and fertilization. You may wonder why this God is attributed to fertilization, but so much new growth happens after fires. It’s never an end, but a new beginning. Similar to this Aries season! Vulcanalia is celebrated during Leo season, so this contributes to this fire triad in some way, and I’ll be sure to swing back by this placement when Leo season comes. This is the point of harvest that comes. He also impregnates Fortuna, so this can be considered the point of sacrifice and getting rid of things to gain more in life. I wondered if he also relates to Agni in Hinduism and he does! Fire is the driving give, the backbone of creation. It’s the small steps and efforts that make a big difference. Agni rules over the last phase of Krittika energy that resides in Aries/Taurus Nakshatra, so this last quarter of the season is the best time for you to create something great for yourself.

For how Vulcan and Vulcanus applies to your houses, check out my Patreon, Tai Soleil, for more info.
