Dark Coochie Shaming Is Anti Spiritual And Ima Tell You Why


As an artist Ima always credit the pic source first which is from Biomorphica on deviantart.

Plays the Burnt Pussy Lips vine

So on Twitter months back before my suspension I went on a whole tweet rant about dark vaginas being representations of the universe. When we think about the cosmic mother, we think of space. Space is dark. When I talk about using the yoni to manifest, we manifest by connecting with universal energy. Burnt pussy is universal energy! The pussy is as dark as the universe is. We can manifest because burnt pussy is the physical manifestation of the cosmic universe as it is. We are Sun beings! The dark spots on a Sun are far brighter than any Star that shines in the sky, contrary to perception. The obsession with lightening the body and hyperpigmentation is okay, but the lack of acceptance towards our skin just being skin is considered “dirty” and “uncleanly” as long as you are brown/black your body will produce melanin. You are here, show up as yourself at all times. They want you to see your body as unkempt and dirty because people fear darkness as much as they do dark skin. It’s ignorance across the board that creates the avoidance of shadow work, the shadow self, and things that people have no clue about. Melanin is misunderstood like darkness is, and it’s gotten to a point where people are trained to hate it and not even know why.

The 4H is the deepest part of the chart, and it also represents the Womb, the lineage that comes from the womb bearers of your ancestors. The 4H is the deepest and darkest part of the chart. So tell me why you aren’t already in alignment with the universe? Yes, most pussies are bright like stars, but you are the manifestation, the reason why those stars even exist. The Eve gene comes from a Black Woman for a reason love!

My Sex Magick article can be found here: https://www.taisoleil.com/articles/2019/12/14/39bt2963soyvdj0cu00gogvkgvedla
