
All this hatred comes from literal things we were born with. We came into this world this way and the way it is weaponized..Over literal skin. There was no reason for it and there still isn’t. The dehumanization all over skin color..People as a whole cannot evolve if your source of hatred is about someone’s skin. It’s petty, weird. The way we judge others for being different than us through racism, homophobia, sexism, ableism, etc. You can not be racist and still fall under hatred that has nothing to do with color, which is also an issue because what I listed is the offspring of racism. I want people to even think about the way you treat other people because they are different from you. If they’re not harming anybody, leave them alone. On this platform we judge people for being different. We then have to put people in boxes, in categories. It’s maddening to see people who are racist but don’t like when people disrespect them or people who aren’t racist disrespect people who are different from them. There’s a lot of hate in this world. The biggest one is antiblackness that will always be full priority to me, but the other irritating thing is how in a human population it strings about other issues that still fall under a problem: Hating other people because they are different than you. I really dislike when we have anitblackness coming from non black communities and we decide to separate ourselves further by picking and choosing what black people we are going to help based on black queer, trans, gay people, and even women. We pick each other apart as black people for being different and only come together when our lives are cut short. When we say our lives matter, we have to matter especially when we are still alive. Leave people alone if you’re not going to add value to their souls. This toxicity needs to stop. The projections need to stop. The generational hatred that comes from non black people perpetuating further harm to our communities needs to stop. You don’t even know why you’re mad, you just were told to be mad.
