What Is Sidereal Astrology?
I’ll make it short and simple because I don’t want to complicate it. The system that everyone uses, they don’t know that that is called Tropical Astrology! The system I use is called Sidereal Astrology in which the degrees are actually pushed back by about 23°. Tropical astrology relies on the Earth’s Seasons while Sidereal Astrology relies on the Fixed Star placements in the sky. That’s why the sky star maps like Star Walk have their planets different than what the Astrological Season on Earth is in. There are no Sidereal books as Sidereal interprets the signs the same based on sign, but the interpretation is going to be reflect on your Sidereal placements, not Tropical. For example if you’re a Sidereal Libra, you’ll be interpreted as a Libra. I sometimes help people understand this by telling them why they’re more like a Libra than a Scoprio based on my practice. This is only if I’m giving a secondary interpretation, but I don’t use this in my daily practice. It just helps people understand. Call it Sidereal Translation. If someone speaks Spanish, you’ll translate the English for them into Spanish if you can speak Spanish. This shows that Tropical and Sidereal is merely perspective. Sidereal isn’t more accurate than Tropical, it’s just what I prefer.
Uranus is Tropically in Taurus, but Star Walk shows Uranus in Aries, which is Sidereal!
Now with Sidereal Astrology, how is that different from Vedic Astrology/Jyotish? Let’s talk about what the difference between the two are.
Vedic Astrology/Jyotish is based on Hindu Mythology and subdivisions they call Nakshatras. You’ll also hear them referred to as Lunar Mansions because these Nakshatras are based in the phases the Moon moves in, creating tinier homes than the houses you see in a chart based on Signs! For example if you have a Scorpio 1H, the moon has created 3 subdivisions within Scorpio that are Vishaka, Anuradha, and Jyestha! Wherever your rising falls into is what Nakshatra you have! Same applies to your Sun sign!
The difference between Vedic/Jyotish and Sidereal is that Sidereal doesn’t use Nakshatras. It follows the planets ruled by the signs only.
Here are the Nakshatras and the degrees:
Ashwini: 0°-13°
Bharani: 13.20°-26.40°
Krittika: 26.40°-10° Taurus
Rohini: 10°-23.20°
Mrigashira: 23.20°-6.40° Gemini
Ardra: 6.40°-20°
Punarvasu: 20°-3.20° Cancer
Pushya: 3.20°-16.40°
Ashlesha: 16.40°-30°
Magha: 0°-13°
Purva Phalguni: 13.20°-26.40°
Uttara Phalguni: 26.40°-10° Virgo
Hasta: 10°-23.20°
Chitra: 23.20°-6.40° Libra
Swati: 6.40°-20°
Vishaka: 20°-3.20° Scorpio
Anuradha: 3.20°-16.40°
Jyestha: 16.40°-30°
Mula: 0°-13°
Purva Ashada: 13.20°-26.40°
Uttara Ashada: 26.40°-10° Capricorn
Shravana: 10°-23.20°
Dhanishta: 23.20°-6.40° Aquarius
Shatabhisha: 6.40°-20°
Purva Bhadrapada: 20°-3.20° Pisces
Uttara Bhadrapada: 3.20°-16.40°
Revati: 16.40°-30°
Fred’s to VSCN on blog spot!
If you’re the same sign in two systems it merely means you stayed in the zones of that sign. It doesn’t mean anything extra, you don’t get extra points for it because Sidereal isn’t codependent on another system to validate it.
Sidereal also has other systems that include 13 Sign Astrology, but that doesn’t speak for every Sidereal system.
Here’s my video for what is Sidereal Astrology:
You also have degree systems called Ayanamshas that are used to calculate degrees. For Sidereal, Fragan/Bradley is preferred. If you’re into Vedic Astrology, use Lahiri/Hindu. Above is how to pull up a Sidereal Chart!
Another great place to apply Sidereal is through three links.
Cosmic Insights is a great app for calculating your Nakshatras, though they be charging for extra bells and whistles. Time Nomad is a great app to calculate your Sidereal placements, but it won’t have the Nakshatra feature. I’ll be soon posting book resources for learning astrology in general!
Y’all keep asking about Nakshatras, check out my index for more info. If you don’t see a Nakshatra it just means I haven’t covered it yet. Please be patient as I’m constantly getting requests: Taisoleil.com/index
If you’re into Tarot my TarotStrology calculator has a Sidereal option you can check out here!