All about Ketu


More about Ketu with these links:

Ketu + Matrix

Jyestha (Ketu co-rules Sidereal Scorpio)

Ketu + Eclipses

Ketu + Ashlesha (this covers Megan!)

Ketu = South Node

Ketu’s Birth Star: Ashlesha

Ketu Naks: Ashwini, Magha, Mula

Ketu co-rules Scorpio

12/9/2023 Update:

confused on the tl. Lemme clear it up bc I’m not having it:

Ketu CORULES Scorpio. Period.

Ketu is also responsible for Pisces because the Vishnu Avatars is Mīna which is the fish.

Mīna is also the word for Pisces. Ketu has its birth star in Ashlesha, in the sign of Cancer. Moksha is found in the 4H/8H/12H. These houses are the “natural” places where Cancer, Scorpio, and Pisces are found in VEDIC.

Ketu is moksha. In Vedic there’s ties to Ketu and water as well as Ketu in those houses.

The thing with Ketu is: some of your known hated artists have it. On Clubhouse awhile back with a friend Avalldar when we were talking bout Ketu, I came to the revelation of how people only care about these artists “Bodies” of work, and it makes a lot of sense considering that Ketu is the body. If you want to check out the story behind Rahu and Ketu, check out my article on Rahu for backstory. When they try to use their Rahuvian edge, they actually end up looking very egotistical. When the body cannot have the Head (Rahu) to help them digest, they’re always looking for sensations that can help them capture what they cannot taste if that makes sense. They’re never actually satisfied because they always want to capture their art so they can fully be integrated into what they’re doing, almost as if they want to taste it in a way. I’m still working on the Kanye article some of y’all have been waiting on, so he won’t be mentioned in this post when I comes to him, but he is the key foundation in me understanding this Nakshatra. This will be more unorthodox than the Rahu article, just because this part of the Node is more complex.

There’s 3 Ketu Ruled Nakshatras:

  • Ashwini

  • Magha

  • Mula

As well as Scorpio, which it co-rules

Ashwini is represented by the Kumars, which actually extends an olive branch to people who need help. The best thing about this is that they are very wise, and are healers. They restore people from the dead and have brought someone back from the dead ancestors. Again, having experience with medicine that can help people. Ketu has a power to heal very well, because of lessons learned through many lifetimes to do so. Ashwini is Aries energy in which being a physician (physical) is apart of them. They also slay darkness, as Aries represents fire.

Magha is represented by Pitris, which represents ancestors. It’s a metaphor for how ancestors never die, they’re old and experienced, and continue to live without a body, but also lives within us as beings, as bodies. They’re also represented by a throne, which represents a high status and self importance. You’ll notice these people be very cocky 😭 like “You ain’t gon do it how I do” type energy. Magha is also Leo energy so 😭

Magha and MAGA energy are in a sense synonymous because of the red hat feature and the wanting to bring the old way of living back, but ofc, not in a good way. That’s one of the negative effects of Ketu, not learning from the past.

Mula is the energy in which is represented by Nirrti, which is cosmic disorder and sacrifices. This cosmic disorder comes from the fact that Ketu is the only one who knows how to solve this with the older and knowing nature and is the older (Ketu energy) sister of Lakshmi, which is one of fortune. Nirrti is the energy in one much one must go through hardship in order to experience the lessons. We cannot learn if we always make it by. Sometimes life has to provide us with truths in order to do something about it. Mula is under Sagittarius/Jupiter energy, so one must learn (Jupiter) in order to grow (Jupiter).

07/27/2022: I wanna add bc I found out that people bash Ketu a lot. When I made this article, the intention wasn’t to say that this node is bad. There’s so many benefits to this node! I just never updated this article with the details outside of why Ketu was like “that” when this topic came to surface in 2019. This is what I said about Ketu on a twitter thread 01/11/2022. I’ll post the SS below bc Ketu will help you grow and Ketu Nak artists have the best originality out:

Off topic to what I was discussing but a lot of y’all disregarding Rahu aren’t really working with Ketu either. If you’re not willing to organize the chaos you’ve lost the plot. If you’re not choosing to acknowledge your pitfalls you cannot get what you want. And when I say pitfalls I mean stuff you’re embarrassed to even admit as to why you are where you are. Acknowledge it, improve, and use the lesson as a way to carry forward. Alchemize it and create better intentions. And when I say pitfalls I mean stuff you’re embarrassed to even admit as to why you are where you are. Acknowledge it, improve, and use the lesson as a way to carry forward. Alchemize it and create better intentions. Ketu is all about refining any BODY of work you got. Working with that ancestral trauma. Making sure you’re not wasting no time being the one who carries the torch to be a better you. If you want better, be better. Put action into it. If y’all was really working with Ketu y’all wouldn’t have a choice but to change or it’ll be spiritually aggravating to continue to live a certain way. You would be over it.

Speaking of Over It…

My biggest example of Ketu energy (aside from Kanye which I’ll cover later) is Summer Walker:


I already had her chart but Avalldar mentioned Summer’s Ketu aspect to me and that’s when it clicked and I had the idea of why Ketu has this malific pull specifically, especially with Kanye, even Rahu folk didn’t have. That’s when I noticed the link between her and Kanye. Notice how with Summer Walker people love her “Body” (she also has a song called “Body”) of work but don’t really care for what she has to say, nor what she represents? This is because she has a Ketu conj Sun! I’m going to eventually cover Revati in another article but her having Ketu effect such a main placement in her chart says a lot about how she’s seen the way she is. Whether or not you agree, it has nothing to do with how I feel, but based on how the public treats her character based on what she wants embodies. I also notice she has an Ashwini Mercury, which is a Ketu ruled Mercury. Here it shows everytime she speaks, she creates controversy. This is where we get into Ketu’s nature: Brutal honesty. It’s not the same as the Rahuvian Ardra Nature, but they fr rude as fuck. Ardra has a passive aggressive mean where they mean no harm, and they’re the easily forgiven type in the public.

Ketu folk, also from my experience, have this way of making you feel like shit when you’re talking to them. Like they try to pair their suffering as if you’re someone who has more privilege than they do. They look from the lens of lack because they have everything that they need, but they lack the head, the senses, to truly enjoy it. They’re also, in a sense, headless like Ketu. That’s why it sounds like they’ve “lost their minds” because their archetype lacks a head! These celebrities were not made to be celebrities, but they’re posterfronts of how everyday people operate that go beyond what polished people we get from the Rahuvian side of things. Also, when you think about Ketu, Rahu eats while Ketu has to digest and shit all of that out. Shit is undesirable, but the only orfice they have with a hole, whereas Rahu has the mouth. A lot of shit, whether you like it or not, comes out of their mouth. It can either be their manure for fertilizer or their biohazard. Notice how the Rahuvian’s I mention in the Rahu article deal with controversy or criticism well, Cardi because that Mula Rahu, in which her Rahuvian energy goes through a Ketu filter, which creates a lot of turbulence for her. That’s why it’s hard for her to handle, especially since it squares her Jupiter. Her having a Ketu Gemini in Mrgashira also can show problems with being able to handle Press (Gemini), hence the song she has.

Update 07/07/2022: With that said, this doesn’t mean Ketu is unnecessary or bad, but they’re going to show you how raw a human can get. This is important because these two artist set themselves apart. Aaliyah, Michael Jackson, etc have Ketu placements and we’re the sweetest! This topic is very flexible, but what they have in common is originality that is carrying the music industry today.

6/24/2023: Ketuvians have to learn that coming up on their own and finding niches that aren’t popular is how they gain popularity. Ketu to me is originator energy that knows how to make something out of nothing. That is your gift. The pioneer. When you see people like Michael Jackson (Magha Sun), Aaliyah (Magha Moon), you think people who were ahead of their time.

Something I said 2/20/2022 about Ketu on Twitter: Aaliyah, MJ, and Kanye have Ketu rulerships. Ketu energy in people are originators. Always ahead of their time before Rahu gets ahold of the energy and makes it digestible. Unfortunately, Ketu people tend to live fated lives as a risk, but their imprint is unmatched 💚

Snippet from my Patreon:

Saturn is dull/throbbing pain. Mars is sharp pain. Makes me think ab how Mars/Ketu is sharp pain that feels like it lasts forever, but it doesn’t. People would rather deal with the complicated/drawn out issues that Rahu/Saturn brings bc it comes with a layer of BS to escape to.

6/12/2023 @ 9:33PM on Twitter:

Love how Monster’s Inc came out while Ketu was one of the home Nakshatras: Mula. Ketu is doors.

Tai 💚
