If You’re Not A Fighter, What The Fuck Is Your Purpose?


Life is about becoming. It’s about being confident in who you are. Becoming doesn’t mean having to be number 1. There will be times where you lose, but it doesn’t mean you aren’t talented, it just means there were others just as good as you. Being great doesn’t mean being number one, it’s utilizing you abilities that are unique to who you are. When you are fighting to be number one, you are fighting to be like other people. You will start comparing yourself to others, asking why are they gaining compared to you. Being great in your own right will mean people can appreciate you for who you are at your core essence, so when you gain success, life will be much sweeter, because all you had to be was yourself. Allow life to shine brightly on you not because you have to be seen, but because you cannot help who you are, which is greatness. Life will try to challenge you on your perception of who you are, but when you live life in a virtuous, that is merely perception and projection of the light they cannot seem to find within themselves.

My friend has told me (to make it a nice quotable, so verbatim):

Your light will attract anyone, butterflies and moths alike.

With that, knowing who you are means knowing who cannot be your sky, your clouds, your moon, your rain, and your atmosphere. The people who support you are a reflection of you. Being the full package means that the people around you can compliment the resources you’re looking for, and add to you. You are the sun, moon, etc, but it is nice to have people when you are emotional, when you are the Moon, when you need to speak up, when you need to be Mercury, when you need to be brave, when you need to be the Sun. What can become of you if you cannot stand in your own light, the core of being? The ego will never die unless you die, so what do you want people to know about you before you do so? Be the best you you can possibly be, because that is all you can be.

As my profile states:

I am all that I can be, because I am all that can be.
