All About Rahu


More about Rahu here in these links:

Rahu + Matrix

Rahu + Tech

Rahu & Swati

Rahu and Eclipses

Rahu + Distractions

Rahu & Ardra

Rahu = North Node

Rahu’s Birth Star: Bharani

Rahu Naks: Ardra, Swati, Shatabhisha

Rahu co-rules Aquarius

12/9/2023 Update:

Okay I’m seeing stuff about the nodes being confused on the tl. Lemme clear it up bc I’m not having it:

Rahu CORULES Aquarius.

Rahu is ALSO serpent. It is the “lower vibration snake” called a Sarpa. Ketu is the Naga.

Rahu finds BHOGA (material enjoyment) in Gemini.

Rahus birth star is in Bharani.

Rahu is also the North Node as you are all familiar with. Rahu is basically the head that was detached from Ketu when Svarbhānu wanted to destroy the whole planet by eating the Sun/Surya, the reason why we get Solar eclipses. Svarbhānu got too consumed and wanted more than what they bargained for as well, drinking Amrita, giving him immortality. He was then beheaded and that created the enemy of the Sun/Rahu. Rahu is ruled by Aquarius for a reason, and that is also why we tend to see people saying that Aquarius is often jealous of Leo’s energy. Not because they want to be Leo, but they feel like they are better, more original than Leo. Rahu creates solar eclipses because it always wants to swallow the Sun. I attribute Rahu energy to Kirby. Kirby is a consumer, as well as Rahu. Look at how similar their pictures are! Kirby’s creation was made public where Kirby has a Rahu Satabhisha, where this Nakshatra is Rahuvian ruled.


There is also a vaccum brand called Kirby as well so that’s very fitting as vaccums suck up things 😂 also a good vaccum brand 10/10 from my experience.

Here’s the Rahuvian Nakshatras for reference:

✨ Ardra

✨ Swati

✨ Satabhisha

And Aquarius, which it go-rules

These nakshatras all fall in Air signs. Air in a way can be attributed to the Energy of Ether, especially when we are talking about Aquarius energy. Air is expansive and it gets to where it needs to be regardless of what is going on. It is all consuming in a way. Think of Rahu energy as a black hole, it’s there to consume anything because it is a available.

Ardra is attributed to Rudra, which rules over the wind and storms and brings about destruction/is the personification of destruction. You can most definitely see that when it comes to what I told you about how Rahu can be destructive in so many words. This nakshtra can be very 🥴 because Gemini energy does not care about being nice about things, and you can see this with this Rahuvian based Nakshatra. These types are brutally honest to a fault, and can be very destructive with their own words. The good thing about this Nakshatra is they can manifest with their words as well when they learn that their tongue is a healing just as much as it is a weapon.

Swati is represented by Vayu, which represents the wind/breath. A less destructive form of Ardra, as Swati is under a Venusian sign of Libra, so this Nakshatra speaks life. In the etymology Vayu also plays a role in the Sanskrit word for “atmosphere”, Vātāvaranam. This is where we again are taking about the universal meaning Rahu tends to have when we are talking about cosmic energy. He is also a destroyer. It’s the Libra duality where one will bring the peace and abundance (Rahu) but also destruction if need be to maintain that balance (Rahu). He is also known to be a force that can pull other people out of their own bodies. I always said that Sidereal Libra energy will be used to uplift or drag, depending on what is necessary.

Now we have Satabhisha, whose symbol is a an “Empty Circle”. It’s not necessarily empty, but that in which can hold anything within. The Water Bearer is becoming the container as represented by this empty circle. Varuna also rules this Nakshatra, who rules over the sky and the waters. That’s that Sidereal Aquarius energy where one is an Air sign, but also the Water Bearer. He is the punisher of those with sins. Many would say this is a Libra quality, but think of Aquarius as the more refined version of Libra, as it is the oldest sign. Aquarius is the head of the universal, cosmic order of Universal energy.

Now that we got that cleared away, let’s get into some Rahvian Rappers/Influencers:

Let’s start of with Saweetie who has an Ardra Sun, Swati Jupiter, and Satabhisha Saturn. She basically has a grand trine between three planets. When I’ve been talking to you about the consumer energy, I’m mentioning food as well. She’s been known for her interesting combinations of food.


She’s also known for her theme of Ice and being the Icy Girl, representing her bling. Her using Tap In and showing people how to become the greatest in their lives is Rahuvian energy, which tends to thrive in luxury and tapping into universal consciousness to get what you want. Manifestation energy. It’s the cosmic egg energy coming from her Swati Jupiter. We can also see her sporting a Saturn chain which can represent her Satabhisha Saturn. This look also mimics the globes cruciger, the cross bearing orb. It’s actually held by Jupiter in the mythology, which represents the world or the universe energy, which is the cosmic energy coming from Satabhisha coming from Rahu, which in a way, is overconsumption of power Jupiter craves in a Greek way, just like Rahu. You also see the Emperor holding this in Tarot, which actually shows why exactly Capricorn (Saturn) is exalted in Mars (The Emperor). She also has a “Rich with no day job” theme because they don’t work! They just have because they obtain what they want when they want. Also look at the iridescent nails, giving off that galactic vibe, as well as the swirled edges if we wanna get super detailed and nuanced! As well as the pearls. Swati energy because pearls are basically eggs!


Look at Saweetie with the Kirby stuffed animal, very on theme 💗 they both love them some food sksksksks. You also see the two cats, that Ashlesha Venus (in which Venus rules over aesthetic) energy is still popping through when it comes to Ashlesha relating to cats:


I know y’all want me to bring up Drake bc I mention him a LOT in this convo…But he’s going to get his own article, stay tuned!

Next up we have Doja Cat. This was interesting bc when I was on Twitter I talked about how she was able to identify what was the cheap items vs the expensive ones better than anybody I saw on this segment. Rahu placements are sensory types. You have to when you are someone who wants the best for themselves through manifestation.

Update 11/29/2021: So because we got the birth time which is great now she doesn’t have Swati placements BUT she has Sun and ASC conj Rahu, which helps personify this placement so thankfully this is still applicable. See how much difference a degree makes in a chart 😂


Also, ofc we gotta do a bling check!


Next we have Cardi B, who has a Swati Mercury. I feel she speaks wealth into her life. Her music is also very motivating when it comes to rapping about having good shit in your life. Also, I noticed that (when I had twitter) Venusian placements bring on Hypnosis themes. My point got further proven months later watching a video because of that wealth illusion spell based only on wealth in reality, which is actually an illusion that gets casted by Rahu. Swati is also based in Maya, which means “illusion”. They say the moon has grass and is fertile as a celestial moon, and we only see the moon that we see because we cannot access that through our 3D reality. Since we cannot access the heavenly pleasures, we create different methods in our own lives, thus why Rahu goes hard to find pleasure in other ways, through illusions. Cardi has a Swati Mercury and Megan has a Swati Rahu and thus we get WAP having these hypnotic, sensual, sexually indulgent themes I’m talking about. You cannot not hear that song and feel your sacral activate. That energy of Maya is very prominent in that song and it opens that womb energy, in which the womb is also reminiscent of a black hole because we can create a lot through the zero, egg, the womb. WAP is that song personified. The whole video plays on a distorted reality and that’s why everything in the video looks like hypnosis. The beat does too. The beat hardly changes and is more consistent than your usual song, especially with that “there’s some whores in this house” consistently playing. The also mentions “I don’t cook, I don’t clean, but let me tell (Swati Mercury) you how I got this ring” means, similar to Saweetie, she doesn’t work, she gets what she wants while she does what she wants.


Also peep the hair as well. That’s our old school black mama hair style but also the swirls y’all! Hypnosis and it does pull off an optical illusion because of how mirrored this picture looks without it being so.


I’ll be adding more to this article and I’ll be updating y’all on my IG so you’re aware of this. My IG block on my site will help you view if you don’t have it. Thanks for the continued support y’all. It’s only up from here.

Cardi in Money also says “I need cheese for my egg” and Claire Nakti has mentioned Swati is represented by the egg 🥚 🍳

I have a YouTube Video explaining Rahuvian Celebs as well 💚

If you ever want to tip me for my contributions, please use my PayPal: to send! Thank you 💚


A mass drop from my Twitter. Ima organize all this another time sad add to it. Just wanted it out.

Ketu allows you to free yourself from the illusion of Rahu. Rahu can also let you know that just because something isn’t inherently real, as long as it’s real for you, you can validate yourself. Ketu can also help you release what doesn’t matter. A healing. A cleanse.

The connection between Aquarius Tarot cards (5 of Swords, 6 of Swords, and 7 of Swords) being literal shit cards for manipulation (aside from 6oS) and the connection to Rahu co-ruling Aquarius is funny. 6 of Swords can deal with the connection of water and air tho. Aqua energy.

Rahu being illusion and cats just makes the Cheshire Cat even more interesting and why they’re a fav of mine. Cats being Rahu makes so much sense they be seeing tf outta them illusions.

Ketu (left picture) vs Rahu (right picture)

Why Sidereal Scorpio/Ketuvian energy has a hard time concealing feelings if the native lacks Rahu’s distortion. Doesn’t mean Scorpio/Ketu is bad. Rahu isn’t bad either. It just means it’s easy to see how you’re going to react. You become a target. If you’re nodal you gotta learn to balance. Get your message across in other ways. It’ll stick in your actions. Leave some of the expressive feelings to the Lunar folk where it is better received. We are the shadow planets of the Moon. We gotta move different. We gotta organize and reflect on our feelings. We can’t go with our first mind until we understand that we filter first through our dark mind before we get to the core of the Moon’s mind. Our mind. When you learn where you can push, and when to pull, you’ll receive less conflict. We have off kilter ways that can harm if we don’t understand. Think of better ways. We need Ketu rawness as our first mind, but not always to be followed. Rahu knows how to deliver a punch that’s effective, but pillow soft. The Moon provides the best route that nurtures all.

The Moon doesn’t need to retrograde when its shadow placements Rahu and Ketu are already doing so, permanently.

Rahu is the sinister of the serpents compared to Ashlesha, the Nagas. Money is fake, human value.

Rahu = Junk Food

Rahu = Junk Food

Jupiter = Naturally Sweet, healthy food (fruit)

Talked on Patreon about how L is a Swati Sun and loves sweets. Rahu is a lover of Junk Food.

If fruit/natural sweet is Jupiter, and sweets are Rahu, would that mean Rahu conj Jupiter and or Jupiter in Rahu Naks/Rahu in Jupiter Naks is strawberry shortcake, carrot cake, apple pie, candied fruit etc. If dairy is Lunar and, sweets is Rahu, would that make Rahu conj Moon and/or Moon in Rahu Naks/Rahu in Lunar Naks be cheesecake, milkshakes, ice cream, etc. Sun conj Rahu is definitely dried mango and chili powder.

Rahu = Mirrors

Ever since I found out Rahu is mirrors it explained so much why I stare at myself in the mirror or any reflective surface for long periods of time like I’m obsessed. Would that mean I’m incidentally strengthening Rahu in a bad way or purifying it through the strength hmm.

As a Shatabhisha I will sometimes not tell people shit bc they’re so contingent on entertaining bs that they don’t don’t wanna unpack why they’re stuck in a loop and are going nowhere. Like the answer right there but you gon call me the opp/hater for being honest. I can tell you with my chest why certain things didn’t go the way I wanted to bc sometimes YOU can be your biggest enemy and I have been my biggest opp a LOT. I don’t like to blame everyone for my situation bc I’m ultimately in control of who I entertain in most regards. I tell my mom a list of where I f*cked up. I don’t take as many Ls bc I don’t let people push me to where I’m acting contrary to where I wanna be nor letting my emotion impact my long term peace. Nobody goes without cycles but certain hamster wheels had to go for me personally. I had times where I told people sweetly that this is probably why things don’t work so they can get out of a situation and behind my back they telling mfs I’m a hater when they got nothing I want. Sometimes I had to learn people wanna vent and so I mind my business.

Rahu = Long Nails

Lmfaooo people say Rahu rules long nails and I mean, as a Rahuvian:

Rahu vs Neptune and Ketu vs Uranus

The best way to get into traditional astro is replacing Neptune with Rahu and Uranus with Ketu. They’re not the same, but the nodes have a foundation. Rahu is illusion and falsehood that Neptune isn’t accomplishing. Ketu is the chaos  and “disorder” people think Uranus is. Just my two cents. Not sure why people utilize the outer planets more than the nodes. The nodes move wayy faster. How many times can you interpret a planet that isn’t moving. The outer planets are cute sometimes but I just don’t give them much at all. For whatttt.

Rahu & BAWDY

Being Rahuvian is having exaggerated body proportions and it may be hard to find clothes that fit your body. Libra Mars 12H and it’s so hard for me to fit jeans. They don’t wrap around bc my small waist and I’m short so they crinkle at the bottom. They only fit my thighs and butt lmfao I can go up to a 12 and it’ll only fit those areas and be big everywhere else. My proportions wild.

Even with my Cancer Rahu my bra size proportions are weird. I’m a 30 and I thought with weight gain I would go up a band and only went up a cup. Now I’m a 30DDD like wtf.


And Rahu ain’t really about even having large proportions but UNREALISTIC ones where you can be smaller than normal somewhere or large in places.

Adding onto this:

I agree with @mgastrotingz saying Rahu can be hidden thickness. Rahu is illusion and some parts of the body can be obscured with clothing. Rahu can bring any sort of illusion about you based on others perception in general whether hidden or a curation of others perception. Glad I was able to confirm that bc that’s true *Bia voice*

Rahu & Humanitarism

People don’t know this but Rahu has to thrive on being a humanitarian in order to balance that node so I’m not sure why people think that you can utilize Rahu without that.

Rahu & the Matrix

In 6 Man Drake said “I am in the Matrix and I just took the blue pill” is so funny bc the blue pill represents the matrix reality and Rahu is the controller of the false reality. Also with 6 being Venus, Venus taught Rahu what they know. Drake is a true Venusian/Rahuvian.

Also with Rahu being blue skinned and the Blue pill verse omggggggg. Rahu is truly matrix energy. Illusion Legend.

Imagine thinking you can avoid my presence when Swati Mars is my chart ruler 😂😂😂 Vayu is the air!

“Just like the air I’m everywhere, how you say it’s up with me” - Glorilla, Swati Mars. Likeeee stop playin. Mars is war too? It’s UP regardless ⚔️

6/18/2023: We are not in an age of Venus at all. Most of what you see is a dark side of Rahu. Rahu isn’t inherently bad. But it’s soooo easy to use this Node improperly based on pure basal ganglia, which deals with just reacting to first primal instinct. Like down bad LMFAOO and I love me a lil drama, a lil tussle, some sexual activity BUT I’ve also shown that I’m very smart and apply myself. Y’all however— This is all y’all got going on in that brain. Just grasping for anything to make you feel good but tryna sound smart.

There’s a lot of this Venus and even Moon talk and we aren’t even in the Guru’s section of Venus teaching Rahu. We are not looking at Lunar energy. We are seeing Rahu disguised as the Moon through being the dark side of it. We are seeing Rahu corrupt Venusian principles. Again, Rahu isn’t bad. But so easy to fall into these entrapments. It’s not fun anymore. It’s very try hard and trying to “keep up.” Tryna feed the beast and shit like y’all mfs not even human anymore if we being frank bc what’s driving you other than an algorithm built on Rahu?

What swims through your mind outside of your TL? Does it swim at all? Has your mind all dry up? Are you being force fed or are you actually eating? Do you continue to hold this wall up or will you surrender so you can see better? When is enough enough.


When we think about Aquarius being unique and robotic, we can tie that to Rahu. Sidereal Aquarius energy fits Rahu very well. Rahu is Ultraviolet light and artificial energy. When we look at how artificial foods are marketed, it’s all about “unnatural” colors to attract the eye.

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