Ancestor Money 💵 ✨


Now you’re wondering, what is ancestor money? Ancestor money, aka, Joss Paper is used in Chinese traditions to give to ancestors. This got mixed into Hoodoo overtime, and it’s good to help release your ancestors of any Spiritual Debt. Our ancestors have been through a lot, and being in the spirit world, we don’t know of what blockages they suffer from because of it. Burning ancestor money is giving them what they need in the spirit world while also paying off any debts they had in the physical world that is causing them to not be able to do much in the spiritual world in the first place! The price on ancestor money is a lot because 1. You have a LOT of ancestors and 2. It gives them more than enough so you won’t feel like you’re underpaying them. This giving back can even relieve them of stress when you give them petitions. It’ll have them work faster without them feeling burdened or overwhelmed because they aren’t being compensated in some way. This is like their energetic batteries. Alcohol is still a great tool, but if you have the energy and no way to remove the obstacles, they’re going to end up using that extra energy to help you and deal with their own troubles. That’s like you drinking an energy drink to run in circles. Ancestor money helps with that so they can use that alcohol you give them as true fuel. Money is value, no matter what the plane is! You don’t have to dispose of this a certain way either. You can just throw it in the trash as burning it has already served its purpose. I got my ancestor money from Etsy. The person on the money is Mansa Musa, which is the richest man who ever lived.

Where to get the ancestor money I have. They also have more types of bills:
