Full Moon Eclipse in Cancer 2020

On January 10th, we’ll be experiencing an eclipse In Cancer. I pulled one card for the event and I got the 5 of Cups rx:


This is a more so cleansing card than a card to breakthrough anything. A full moon is coming up, so it’s important that you understand that whatever you’ve been through is coming to a better understanding for you. A lot of y’all are going to be in going through the rebuilding stage. The energy has been very stagnant for you and the final resting period has come in before you can go in the direction you’re looking for. You just have to let go. With you letting go of what was, you’re creating a clear trajectory of what is is that fills you. You’ve been doing with very little, so now it is time for you to start feeling everything again. No more limiting yourself because of fear. This period may even be overwhelming for you. Possibly overstimulating. It may make you feel like you’re getting nowhere in life due to other people making you feel inadequate. I’m getting the sense of people being spiritually insecure. You don’t know what people had to go through to become so enlightened. Focus on your gifts and I can see you understanding more of what those gifts entail. This resting period was important. It was here to tell you to quiet the mind and see below the surface. What was been taken away wasn’t because you are without, but because you are making room for what is needed. It’s for you to appreciate what was able to withstand the test of time. Lunar energy weathers the earth when the waves are constantly crashing on rock, what has survived the whirlwind of your life? That’s what’s really important in the grand scheme of this. That means it will always be available to you to help you learn. Trust those guides who have accepted all of you, not part of you. The inability to feel like you cannot turn a bad situation into that of benefit means that other people have power over what’s not theirs. You have complete control of bringing in the fruits of your labor, the light that is born after shadow work. The Sun and Moon are going through shifts coming from Mercury, Saturn, and Pluto. So understanding the shadow aspects of you and learning from pain will be very important for you.
