Tarot Spread for January 2020


Cards: 2 of Swords, 9 of Cups rx, 9 of Wands rx

It's just the typical case of people being stuck in their ways when it comes to the new year. It's about clarity in one's intent. Nothing gets done without it. When you are clear about why you want things, it shouldn't come from you wanting to prove things to people, but your own sense of what satisfies you emotionally. When you can do that, many will receive clarity during the waxing moon. Go with what is right. This isn’t the time to be in tune with everyone else, but how you’re feeling, and how you are affected by your own doing, and others. Don’t look away from your want to have better, but think about what you’re doing it for. None of this will come easy, or even happen in a day. It’s all about how you handle this is what’s truly important for your growth. It’s okay to not do it all the first day, or even the 3rd day (today). Assess how you are FEELING. Most get nothing done because they’re so focused on doing rather than going with how they’re feeling to even make these goals applicable. If you’re sad, what on your goal list can be modified so you can feel better and get things done? It's about making your goals more flexible rather than what you confined them to. They shift as often as you change your mind. Go with that. This will keep you on track more than anything. Make your goals flexible to any mood you’re feeling. This is how you will not only get through the month, but the year as well. Get creative. Jupiter in Capricorn sounds very confining, but Jupiter is still a planet that will find a way to expand consecutively. Do the same 💚
