Vishakha: The Doube-Headed, Double-Lifed Ladies

Let me tell you how I came up with this theory..

So I watched Black Mirror on 03/19/24 and I watched the Ashley O series. So I had a thought. Miley plays around with duality A LOT! I never checked out her Astro so I decided to do some digging.

This is what I was cryptically saying on 03/19/24 @ 9:58pm:

Lmfao I wanna do a dissertation on a celeb. It’ll def be left field from what I usually do. Just not sure how I wanna go about this one bc I can’t find the link. Lmfao nvm I found it 😂 actually TWO. Alright let’s get to it. Still gonna be a slight mess draft wise bc I think this is rasi/planetary coded. LMFAOO this kinda gon be on brand for what’s about to drop. I notice I been having some real coincidences happening. I’ll have it done by Friday bc I have no choice fr dkdkdk.

So from doing that digging I noticed Beyoncé had that Sasha Fierce thing going on and I was like THESE TWO GOT A LINK GOING ON AND IMA FIND OUT WHAT. Bc I saw Vishakha but I couldn’t put it together like WHAT this was. So I shelved the project.

Then tonight at 3/27/24 @ 9:57pm (lmfaooo irony) after I seen someone tweet about Miley going to be on the Bey album and @mangolavenderr said they’re both Vishakha and saying they play into contrast so well. So I knew I had to finish my theory tonight lmfao. Because my theory was about both Miley AND Beyoncé. I knew Vishakha had something to do with it but I couldn’t click it in. Then I realized Vishakha is literally two deities LMFAOO. DUH.

But I do think this is also Rasi Libra coded when we talk about Harley Quinn (played by Margot Robbie) who plays really well as a contrast as a Swati. Also me as a person lmfaooo. Let’s revisit this later tho.

The duality of Indra-Agni really shows up in women. The lore behind Vishakha is the Boss (Indra) and the consort (Agni). So we get the duality of the Head of the house (Indra) and the consort that deals with more of the spiritual/sacrificial nature of fire (Agni).

Vishakha is also associated with the “split” that comes from thunder. Now I wasn’t thinking this when I got into my theory..but it definitely adds to what I’m about to say about it.

Miley/Hannah Montana and the premise of Ashley O's persona and Beyoncé/Sasha Fierce is what I’m drawing a parallel to. These two have alter egos that are prominent in their careers. Miley plays a lot with the “regular girl” and “superstar” persona. The Black Mirror series was a deeper dive into the contrast between being who you are and wanting to break off and be someone else. The problem is when you have no control over your career, people can try to keep you in place. This is what ended up happening to her in the show.

Her Ashley Too was a persona used to entrap her into this image. When she wanted to break free, she was silenced through robotic control. They used her brain for AI music. As well as putting a limiter on Ashley Too to only give people what they like about her. Not who she is in her entirety.

Ain’t it funny how Beyoncé made BeyoncAI and Miley has an AI bot called Ashley Too? Lmfao. Both are AI-created. Really plays on the Venusian wanting to maintain image, and Jupiter in a sense needing to clean it up. You may be thinking “Well Tai, wouldn’t AI be too unnatural for Jupiter” and while you may be right, we are still dealing with Venus here. Venus is the counterpart that deals with the pleasures/art of reality and works with Rahu.

When things get reckless? I’ve had this theory for a minute that Venus turns to Rahu when it gets too reckless. With Jupiter being this Nakshatras signature, Jupiter tries to “clean this up” by getting rid of the recklessness. You’re left with a squeaky clean image with nothing of substance. Rahu does have its uses. Without it, it’s not as fun. This is exactly what happened with Ashley O getting her brain scanned in a coma to be used for art. They wiped away the harshness to bring the squeaky-clean image they’re looking for.

This happened with Beyoncé a lot too. I know she dealt a lot with needing to be perfect. She had a clean image for a long time. Now let me preface: Vishakha is not an “innocent” Nakshatra. This isn’t what I’m tryna get at. What I’m tryna say is that Vishakha can find greatness in art, and can have a hard time trying to break away from that because people will always be expecting “that” from them. This is why Beyoncé had a “so-so” era when 4 came out.

This is why Miley had a rocky time breaking (thunder/Vishakha) away from the Hannah Montana persona when she started shaking ass in the VMAs. They’ve been wanting to come out of their shell, they just tend to have a harder time doing so because of these contrasts. It took for them to grow up and grow into themselves. To be comfortable with all of them in the public eye. This is why Renaissance did so well. Beyoncé was already slowly easing into that more Sasha Fierce/bluntly sexy/vulgar part of herself. Renaissance was just the tip of the iceberg.

It’s learning when to be the professional (Indra) and when to be fierce and free from expectations. Which I think is very Agni. Agni burns it all. It is a sacrificial fire. It’s a ritual fire. Ritual is to release yourself from obstacles. To find freedom. Fire is the inner part of us that yearns. Agni is a rite of passage energy. It’s earning your stripes. Rite of passage often refers to puberty, life, and death. Lifestones. Vishakhas love to express these milestones of maturity in their music.

Tai 💚
