The Other Side of Shatabhisha: When Life Isn’t Fair



Shatabhisha is known as the observer. We often hear about Varuna, the deity of Shatabhisha, being the overseer of wrong doing in life. He is the punisher and is ruthless as the ruler of universal laws. Freedom Tobias Cole has stated when disease strikes during Shatabhisha season, it’s not a good thing and can have permanent effects. This is the extent  Shatabhisha will go to permify results.

As a human, how does Shatabhisha punish a native? For starters, the native is unaware of how to fix problems out of their control. It feels this injustice and takes things into their own hand. Playing God. The Sun rules over Leo and is the God counterpart of the chart. When we have this reversed in the Suns opposite, Aquarius, we see an extreme form of righteousness where the ends supersede the means. With Leo, the truth eventually comes to light. With Aquarius, they will force that truth to become known with a few fucked up ways of their own.

The disassociation I think that comes with Sidereal Aquarius is not the same as Ketu. The “detachment” people see from Aquarius is to be able to sustain all parts of life, you have to be extremely tolerant of people’s extremes. Why it won’t even touch the water as a water bearer. You can’t do shit if you’re feeling everyone’s feelings. However, you’re in control over the cosmic reality that is based on said hologram.

Shatabhisha gets to the truth within illusion. It’s the controller of Rahu because it knows the good and the bad. Especially when it comes to politics.

Shatabhisha understands the social game because of the air qualities and the game revolving around ways to manipulate others. As a Shatabhisha, when you are the creator of the game that’s much bigger than what the physical reality offers? Nobody can play you. That’s why Shatabhisha is Varuna. That of Universal Laws.


Daria - Shatabhisha Sun

“Suppose you were well known for not caring what other people think of you, and then suddenly, you did something that showed maybe you do care a little about what other people think of you. Would that invalidate everything you’d done and said up ’till then and make you a hypocrite?” – Daria

“I want my family to do something together..something that will really make him suffer.” - Daria

One thing I noticed about Daria is she’s able to meet people where they’re at. For example: When she taught Brittany how to draw perspective by relating to her looking at her favorite store having a sale. She also notes all the problems of typical local mentality through her commentary How they don’t focus on things outside of themselves. Observing the common idiot. Very Shatabhisha.


Created by James Wan: Shatabhisha Sun


William: I'm gonna be straight with you. At your age and with the development of your cancer, it's simply not feasible for Umbrella Health...

Jigsaw: Wait, wait, wait, wait. What's not feasible? By whose mathematical equation is this not feasible?

William: It's policy, John. It's policy. And if you go outside the system and seek out this treatment, which has been deemed ineffective, you will be in breach of policy and you will be dropped from coverage completely. I'm sorry.

Jigsaw:  Did you know that in the Far East, people pay their doctors when they're healthy? When they're sick, they don't have to pay them. So basically, they end up paying for what they want, not what they don't want.


Jigsaw: We got it all a**-backwards here. These politicians, they say the same thing over and over and over again; "Healthcare decisions should be made by doctors and their patients, not by the government." Well, now I know they're not made by doctors and their patients or by the government. They're made by the f***ing insurance companies.

If you don’t know, Jigsaw was a character that punished wrongdoers after he was diagnosed with cancer that his insurance wasn’t covering. The whole premise of the Saw movie was to test wrongdoers moral when it comes to themselves. How does it feel to be the victim this go around? If you valued your life, why harm others? Why not be a better person in a world where it is so easy to be cruel. Where people who are innocent that are suffering?

Death Note

Light: Shatabhisha Sun

"This world is still rotten...With too many rotten people." - Light

Light shares similar ideas. How the world is full of people who need to be punished. That’s why he used the Deathnote to kill prisoners and crime doers. Shatabhisha has a lot to do with jails as well. The problem is his twisted sense of justice caused him to kill people who didn’t follow his cause even though they’re trying to punish someone who is punishing punishers. A doozy? I know.

03/16/23 update

I forgot I talked about Black Mirror’s creator also has a Shatabhisha Sun on Twitter:

06/19/23 @ 9:33pm

LMFAOOOO the man that created Black Mirror has my same birthday. March 3rd. He’s a whole Shatabhisha Sun. He’s a Rahu Sun. What have I been telling y’all bout online and algorithms and etc. What have I been telling y’all about Rahu = The internet. LMFAOOOOO.

They have the same birthday as me: March 3rd. Black Mirror draws a lot of parallels to the Saw series..but even more twisted. It’s more of a public/societal torture that doesn’t just torture the individual. It humiliates, devalues, or makes the person question themselves. It takes a common theme and warps it into the least possible thing you can think of. It’s the Shatabhisha that understands exactly how unpredictability works, and covers the deeper corners of life that the average mind doesn’t think of. That’s because the Shatabhisha mind understands rules that go beyond the physical world. I mean, it is the concept of Universal Laws for a reason. Black Mirror, black phones, black universe. The phone is the extension of universal energy. It’s just man made. It’s Rahuvian. They work in very similar ways.

I cover more about this here:
