Sign Beneficiary Theory

Here’s my sign beneficiary therory I created years ago!

I’ve been thinking about this thing, idk if it exists, but I’m calling it a sign beneficiary theory in which the planet gives grace/thanks to the sign their rulership exalts in! Shoutout to @austral_taur for helping me pull all of this together as I looked to her for insight to see if this was concise.



I created graces based on exalted planets. The lord of the sign where a planet exalts will grace the sign the planet exalts in. Confusing? Here’s an example:

Sun has no graces because no planet exalts in Leo

Moon: Pisces bc Jupiter exalts in Cancer

Mercury: Virgo bc Mercury exalts in Virgo

Venus: Aquarius/Cancer bc Saturn/Moon signs exalts in Taurus

Mars: Leo bc Sun exalts in Aries

Jupiter: Taurus bc Venus exalts in Pisces

Saturn: Scorpio bc Mars exalts in Capricorn.

House graces based on planetary joys. I call keys to the kingdom:

Mercury finds grace in the 1H because Mercury is exalted in Virgo

Venus finds grace in the 3H because Moon exalts in Taurus

Jupiter finds grace in the 5H because Venus exalts in Pisces

Saturn finds grace in the 6H because Mars is exalted in Capricorn

Mars finds grace in the 9H because the Sun is exalted in Aries

The Moon finds grace in the 11H because Jupiter is exalted in Cancer

Venus finds grace in the 12H because Saturn is exalted in Libra


For signs that cannot see exaltation (Mars in Aquarius compared to Mars in Capricorn)..they can be pardoned, but not graced. It’s given the benefit of the doubt so to speak.

Moon can only Pardon Sagittarius because Jupiter prefers Pisces

Mercury only likes Virgo so we good here

Venus can only Pardon Capricorn because

Saturn prefers Aquarius, so I’ll let it grace.

Jupiter can only pardon Libra because Venus prefers Taurus

Saturn pardons nobody because Saturn falls in Aries. Which leads to..


This is already established as fallen planets so there’s nothing new here. Just a new name.

Sun disgraces Libra

Moon disgraces Scorpio

Mercury disgraces Pisces

Venus disgraces Virgo

Mars disgraces Cancer

Jupiter disgraces Capricorn

Saturn disgraces Aries


Basically detriments. Nothing new just renamed

Sun is disappointed by Aquarius

Moon is disappointed by Capricorn

Mercury is disappointed by Pisces

Venus is disappointed by Aries

Mars is disappointed by Taurus

Jupiter is disappointed by Gemini

Saturn is disappointed by Cancer


Outside of MKS here’s the banished houses I created based on opposing house joys:

1H: Jupiter banished

3H: Saturn banished

5H: Mars banished

6H: Venus banished

9H: Saturn banished

11H: Mercury banished

12H: Sun and Moon banished


Based on house graces. Here’s the exiled version of the house graces:

1H: Jupiter exile

3H: Mars exile

5H: Mercury exile

6H: Moon exile

9H: Venus exile

11H: Saturn exile

12H: Mars exile

Tai 💚
