All About Chinese Astrology

So I’ve had this study in the vault for a ywars. I’m still learning this system and processing it bc I wanna buy the program when I get a laptop to really get into it. The website source is a bit complicated to navigate so with links and my interpretations, hopefully you’ll be able to understand. I’ll be linking the site in steps so this can understand this! Enjoy!

The site:

So Chinese astrology has actual chart information. Let’s start with the basics:

The 12 sign zodiac works in a cycle:

  1. Rat - Zi - Hexagram 24 - Yang

  2. Cow - Chou - Hexagram 19 - Yin

  3. Tiger - Yin - Hexagram 11 - Yang

  4. Rabbit - Mao - Hexagram 34 - Yin

  5. Dragon - Chen - Hexagram 43 - Yang

  6. Snake - Si - Hexagram 1 - Yin

  7. Horse - Wu - Hexagram 44 - Yang

  8. Sheep - Wei - Hexagram 33 - Yin

  9. Monkey - Shen - Hexagram 12 - Yang

  10. Chicken - You - Hexagram 20 - Yin

  11. Dog - Xu - Hexagram 23 - Yang

  12. Pig - Hai - Hexagram 2 - Yin

So last year (2023) was the year of the rabbit. This year is the dragon.

The 12 Stages of Life Cycle

The first thing you’re going to notice is your day master that has 12 strengths:















I worded this SPECIFICALLY for a reason so the next part can be easier.


Water mothers wood (child)

Wood mothers fire (child)

Earth mothers metal (child)

Metal mothers water (child)


Water dominates/extinguishes fire

Wood dominates/breaks earth

Fire dominates/melts metal

Earth dominates/evaporates water

Metal dominates/breaks wood


Water hates fire

Wood hates earth

Fire hates metal

Earth hates water

Metal hates wood

Metal is strongly associated with Venus. Jupiter prefers the fire sign Sag and doesn’t get along with Venus in Vedic astro. found that cool!

The 10 Gods

Companion Stars:

Robber Star is the Competitor. Opposite gender of your day master gender, but same element

Friend Star is the Brother/Sister. Same as your day master gender and same element.

Fame/Child Stars

Child of day master.

Performer star is the subordinates, business, celebs, etc. Opposite gender of your day master based on the child of the day master.

Food Star is the younger gen and cooking. Same gender as your day master based on child of the day master.

Money Stars

Dominates the day master

Property Star is real estate, something we can receive. Based on the description it reminds me of the rockstar lifestyle. Work hard, play hard. Lust. Opposite gender of your day master based on element that is dominated by your day master.

Windfall star is winning the lottery, gifts, bonuses, luck, tips, and donations. Same gender as your day master based on element that is dominated by your day master.

Career Stars

Dominates/destroys the day master.

Officer star is managers, honesty, morals, job positions, and governments. Opposite gender of your day master based on element that dominates/destroys the day master.

Evil star is like a bad cop that doesn’t understand regulations. Restriction, mean people, strict rules, etc. Same gender as your day master based on element that dominates/destroys the day master.

Mother Stars

is the mother of the day master

Parental Star = primary connection or mother. Unconditional protection, support, and resources. Opposite gender as your day master based on element that mothers the day master.

Guardian Star = care, support, assistance, and resources. Same gender as your day master based on element that mothers the day master.

Now, pull your chart here:

Let’s look at a sample chart:

1st row: 10 gods

2nd row: Heavenly Stem/elements

3rd row: Earthly branches/animals

4th row: Hidden stems/elements in branches/animals in Chinese

5th row: Hidden stems/elements in branches/animals in symbols

6th: 12 life stages

7th: 10 gods of hidden stems

8th: 10 gods of hidden stems in symbols

The hour, day, month, and year highlights your prominent stars for that period (circled orange/1st row). Below are the yin/Yang elements (circled red/2nd row). Under that is the animals(circled blue/3rd row). The elemental animals listed (circled blue/3rd row) are based on the combination of the two.

Okay so boom your day master will always carry what 12 stages/strengths you have . So this chart is a fire dog that is Yang fire. You find the chart of Yang fire and you see which stage of life it represents. You apply Yang fire column to the wood horse and you get these stages of life. I’m not sure why that’s applied that way and not the wood horse option but that’s the pattern. All is circled green.

NOW the very bottom row has the 10 gods that draws based on the elements of the animal (circled purple). So since the horse carries only yin earth and yin fire, the derivatives highlight the property star and robber star (circled purple). Why? Because the day star of this chart has yin fire as the robber star and yin earth as the performer star!

Do I know how to fully read this? Nah! But this is the guide! I’ll add more as I discover.

Tai 💚
