Planet Exaltations

Planet Exaltations from my tweets from 3/18/2023 @ 12:31PM

Planet exaltations is where that planet is getting the mightiest head of all time and doesn’t wanna come down. Exaltations are the side peace they cannot stop fucking because they don’t get that sort of rush with their rulerships. So, the energy becomes potent for their pleasure. Exaltations are selfish. It has nothing to do with doing what’s best for the planet, but what that planet craves.

Venus is a conditional lover but Pisces is like “I can give you a drug that’ll make you love everyone! You won’t have to worry about heartbreak when you love 100 mfs”

As a Sidereal Pisces Venus. I’m constantly in love LMFAOO the last two women I was in talks with were like “have fun” but the latest one I was like “I’m ready” but she was like “I want you to enjoy yourself” and I was like “I can commit 🤨” and she was like “You have needs, satisfy them”

And that basically that Venus exaltation lmfao. We have Moon-Venus synastry I don’t think that helped. But overall with people who like me like me they wanna be around even if it’s not them. It’s very wild to see 🫠 some be hoping it changes but they also do what they want 💀For me I really will be in deep with someone but if you not claiming me I will be in love with 3 other bitches idc.

Mars wants to work until there’s no more work. Capricorn is like “Hey, let’s sweeten the pot. You work, I give you money, you gain power. C’mere” and Mars then works for pleasures. I don’t know a Sidereal Cap Mars that doesn’t. Saturn wants to do what’s right to gain but Libra is like “Not only will you gain, but you will also know what’s worth gaining, and what’s hard work for no reason.” And how could Saturn pass that up?

“Slow motion is better than no motion” is why Mars exalts in Capricorn.

Capricorn is the Goat. Scorpio is not. The Devil is a horned figure. Scorpio is not. Saturn manipulates. Scorpio/Mars is all about routines and cycles till Death. Hence their tarot card. Mars finds Joy in the 6H of routine. For The Devil to be earth/Saturn/cardinal. It’s going to manipulate energy and enjoy earthly pleasures. Scorpio is watery and Ketu/Mars. It doesn’t care about earthly pleasures. Death is what matters. The end. Capricorn finds preservation in Saturn. Earth likes to keep. If you go back to the mythology of Kronos, The Golden Age was when everything was bountiful. He also swallowed his children. In Vedic astrology Saturn likes Venus, the counsel of DEMONS and Saturn exalts in LIBRA. Capricorn exalts in Mars but that’s because Mars likes the ability to be consistently productive. Scorpio wants out of this shit. Just like how Pisces loves Venus so they can love all. Taurus/Libra loves conditionally. Planets exaltation “pleasures” that planet to the max.

The Sun wants to sustain energy and their own power/confidence without question but Aries is like “I’ll let you want when you want. I’ll keep feeding you to explore more. Have more energy to maintain things outside of who you are, but what you can do” and ofc, the Sun loves that.

The Moon likes to nurture others, take care of their bonds with people, and feel their feelings and Taurus is like “Well you don’t have to really feel shit if you don’t want to, I can also give you the ability to drop someone so fast and move on” and the Moon gon grab!

Mercury likes Virgo bc it keeps them in place when they feel like they’re everywhere. Gemini cannot give structure like Virgo can to where it makes sense and it’s applicable. The exaltation allows for application here. Not just thrown in the air.

Jupiter likes to make these worldly plans but loves Cancer bc it gives them a home to house these feelings. Deeper connections. The teaching now becomes intimate. Something Sag/Pisces cannot give because their energy is spread too far and wide to help everyone.

Venus domiciles “cannot give” Venus unconditional love like Pisces can. Mars domiciles “cannot give” Mars that pleasure and reward with work like Capricorn can. Saturns domiciles cannot give the boost in status in doing what’s “right” like Libra can. Sun domicile cannot give that spark, erratic fire like Aries can. Moon domicile cannot give discretion of pleasure like Taurus can. Jupiters domiciles cannot give the intimacy like Cancer can. Mercury from Gemini cannot give them the application like Virgo can.
