All About The Moon

Moon Phases

From my tweets ftom 07/16/2023:

I just think the Gregorian calendar is not a good and accurate source of time periods and that they purposely made Moon Day a day for the “first day of work” to corrupt the planetary symbolism. You hate Monday’s/MOONdays bc you’re supposed to be relaxing. Not working. In REALITY, work should start on Tuesdays-Saturdays because the start of the day is Mars day. Friday, Venus day, isn’t bad for work because it can be more so creative work and merchandising to make a store look presentable. Wednesday’s should be for price checking and sales understanding as Mercury is commerce. Mars/Saturn run on work bc they’re Tamastic. They all about the hard shit. Having the luminaries off give you time to connect back with spirit (Sun = SUNday) and connect back with nurturing yourself (Moon = Monday). My job now gave me Tuesdays as my start date and I’m not even mad at it. Probably because Mars day is a time to work. I’m glad I have my luminary days off 😌 you probably hate working weekends more because of Sunday you don’t have off, not Saturday.

I come from a family of Lunar people. The mom’s were stay at home or should have been home instead. My mom didn’t live that soft life and I can see how much that impacted her as a Lunar beauty. People take advantage of their kindness and willingness to help. I think lunar people who work fast paced jobs literally are not supposed to. It’s debilitating. Why do you think the Moon falls in Scorpio, a Mars sign? They’re not meant to work at those paces. Mercurials truly are because they can separate feelings from work. Moon signs are heavily connected and shouldn’t be connected to every stranger. Lunar placements are just misdirecting their energy thinking service work means they should be doing said service in the module of a corporate world that invalidates their feelings. Mercury can handle that bc Mercury represents capitalism. Like we really need to talk about it 4H/Cancer (in Vedic terms) is the home for the reason. Even Moon finding joy in the 3H represents smaller groups of people compared to the 7H/11H. Every Lunar person/Nak needs to be at home chillin. Not doing this shit. Mercurials can follow a corporate module bc again Mercury is capitalism and they can understand what is needed to sell. Only issue is Mercurials are more so management positions. As a woman I eventually break but I can usually handle my emotions better than lunar folk until I do break. I think the Moon moves fast because of the array of emotions, not necessarily Mars movement. You know what represents fast movements? Mercury and Venus. Those signs do well in fast paced environments. I’m really good at multitasking at my job. I was an inventory counter who had to count 2000 pieces an hour to keep my job. I kept my job for almost a year before I quit. As a Venusian I was good at selling products and doing fittings. I damn near got a beauty industry job.

Since Mercury is capitalism we can see how capitalism works in a fast paced environment, and how quality gets lost as well because Mercury just does what seems to work. It doesn’t dig deeper than that. This is why Mercury loves Jyestha. It works (Mars) direction (Mercury is neutral). I don’t question my job too much bc I’m not here to make it better other than it being easier for myself. I tell people “I’m doing my job.” Besides I hate working under people. I’m actually overqualified. I’m a boss. That’s Jyestha. A boss. The core module of capitalism. Venus loves wealth and Moon likes birthing. When we are thinking of the Moon we are also thinking of the Mother. The Mother is not a biproduct of capitalism. She’s someone who does what she can UNDER the module of capitalism. But she wants out. Venusians don’t inherently like capitalism. I wish we lived a world where people were paid for their quality work. Taurus is a fixed, which is slow moving. Quality control. Venus is a Raja, fast paced, which is a balance the Moon likes. And let’s actually break Tamas down. Tamas from Mars are all about strife and transformation. The slow paced we would really be talking about from Tamas is more so Saturn. Taurus is an Earth Tama which means it moves slow to build quality. Taurus isn’t destruction. It is a builder of security. The 2H quality. The Moon likes that. Safety. And also my mom is lunar and mercurial and bc she’s a combo of lunar naks, cancer moon, and 6H gemini, that’s what kept her afloat, but the convo is where she needed to redirect that energy.

Kdkdkd I got to know Lunar energy on such a deep level y’all please leave that work shit to the Mercurials. Why you think Nicki will never retire. She’s a Jyestha Sun, Virgo Moon. Why Beyoncé, a Sidereal Virgo Stellium, keeps touring. Why Doja worked SO much. It was hard for her but still produced. She’s a Jyestha placement and Virgo Moon. Beyoncé got a Cancer Mars and bc of that she’s picky about who she works with and doesn’t work with many. Other than that her workaholicism comes from being a Mercurial. Why she keeps producing. I don’t know a mf that works more than me as a Sidereal Virgo Moon/Jyestha Rising. Gordon Ramsay is a Sidereal Virgo Moon with a Gemini Rising with a 6H Stellium, the Virgo house in Vedic. How many shows has he’s done? How many people has he yelled at to do their job? How many restaurants he got? And he ain’t letting up. Naomi Campbell a Jyestha Moon and 6H Gemini Venus. That woman is still an active model. She never stopped. Tyra Banks is a Jyestha Sun and did how many cycles of ANTM? Like Mercurials/Mercury Naks don’t STOPPPPP. Jay-Z one of the oldest rappers still performing and said he was gon retire 948484382 times and never did. He still doing a lot of business stuff. He’s a Jyestha Sun. Y’all forget when Rihanna was putting out albums every year? She’s a Revati Moon and Rising, a Mercury Nak.

Mercury is an invalidating ass planet. In reality we should have a Lunar based module for customer service but under the guise of Capitalsm, which Mercury rules, it invalidates the worker and validates the customer. Hence why the customer is always right. Mercury is a neutral, defaulting planet for a reason. This is the problem with applying Lunar laws to these modules where it’s not about quality, but what’s good for profit. Mercury doesn’t inherently care for quality, but what makes sense and right to get to a goal. A straightforward approach that doesn’t factor in the depth and nuance that can show cracks in the future. The Moon accounts for that and can see things coming from a mile away. From running my own business, working jobs, working labor jobs, and working in sales, they all cut corners. Mercury says to “work smarter, not harder” and that’s why we have a lot of flaws. Hard work is Saturn, but why do you think the Moon compliments Saturn in opposition? Bc when I say hard work, I mean working for a length of time. Moon likes to work softly and cover those bases. The Moon and Saturn create harmony to create quality. Making sure bases are cover and things are accounted for.

Mercury is detailed logically. The Moon sees detail that has more depth. Why do you think Mom’s can sense danger? Why do you think a Mom can tell you “that’s not your friend” and be right? Because she sees the things from a detailed, emotionally patterned eye. The Moon finds Joy in the 3H because this is where they can take it a step further than Mercury and sense even more details. Why the Moon exalts in Taurus because Venus is a socialite that can understand what people like. How Jupiter exalts in Cancer because it gives Cancer more base to cover. More to see and understand. We mustn’t forget that the Moon also doesn’t retrograde. It moves fast, and gets its light from the Sun, but it is also ritualistic and falls into a pattern no other planet can. It controls our moods, it shows us the patterns of our feelings so we can understand ourselves. You’ll keep getting the lesson (Saturn) from the Moons patterns until you learn (3H/Moon’s Joy) it. Let’s take it a step further: The Moon exalts in a Venus sign and Venus finds Joy in the 5H of knowledge. Cancer exalts in Jupiter, the place of higher knowledge. Both Venus and Jupiter are Brahmin, which are the caste of Priests and Spiritual teachers. The Moon loves to learn the spirit. The Moon is the mind in Vedic for a reason. The Moon is the left eye for a reason. Perception is key to the Moon in analysis.

2/25/2022 @ 1:57pm:

What I noticed about Sidereal Cancer energy is that they be quick to snap, but will repeat the same cycle. As long as they get their feelings out they’re able to deal with the energy again. The Cancer symbol does looks like a cycle ♋️ They deal with push/pull energy to a fault. That was something I understood about Cancer energy but couldn’t fully explain. Sidereal Cancers let go faster than Pisces do but whereas Pisces people dwell in the energy, a Cancer will spin the block on the energy when they’re in a state of recovery.

From my 09/07/2022 tweet:

Your Natal Moon/Cancer House represents showers. This is a great way to clue you in on how to do any cleansing of energy/bath rituals you can do in order to maintain your emotional well being 🌙

From my 03/14/2023 tweet:

Coraline movie has a Magha Rising, exalted Venus, and Punarvasu Moon makes sense. Dolls are Venusian, the rats in the movie is Maghas animal type, and PV is the cat. Aditi is the mother archetype that is the goddess of the sky and the cosmos. The Moon squaring Venus? Dark mother. And the Moon square Venus is specifically Moon in the 11H, wanting to be Coraline’s friend.  Venus is in the 8H. Moon rulership in the 12H where Ketu sat. Very dark mother energy. This movie is heavyyyy Aditi. The Aditi energy is corrupted due to the square to that Moon. Aditi spoils her children and the PV 11H represents abundance as the 11H is money. The 8H of debt is what she was giving Coraline came with a price (8H) eye for an eye. Literally.

From my 2/6/23 tweets:

Hmm I wonder if Sidereal Cancer women have problems with their moms. If your mom has a Sidereal Cancer placement disregard it may cancel out. I haven’t met one who didn’t have a strained relationship with their mom but they still have love for them but also, they hate them 💀 I see this more with Cancer Moons/Rising women. Some Sidereal Cancer placements are more daddy’s girls. On a real toxic level I knew one who was just very internally misogynistic but I’m not gonna put that on all of y’all bc that’s a specific case. Sidereal Cancer men are mamas boys to the max and I feel like their relationship with their mom always interferes with their relationships. Also, some never grow tf up. My Sidereal Cancer biological and stepdad at the time are the least self sufficient people/lazy it’s wild.

Just the male trend overall is a legit sad case bc in my experience Sidereal Cancer fathers have this ranking and I’ve dealt with it twice with the father figures in my life:

1. Their mom

2. Themselves

3. Their girlfriend

4. The dog

100. The daughter

And yes there’s like almost always a dog lmfaoooo.

From my 7/19/23 tweets:

I think a lot of moms are jealous of their Sidereal Cancer daughters bc they’re everything they wish they were. That’s just my opinion and the funny thing is their hatered towards their daughter automatically makes them a better mother than they are so like..

OKAY SO. I think Sidereal Cancers are super understanding. They be real rah rah but overall these mfs be listening imo. Very supportive and loyal. My Sidereal Cancer mama literally got my name tattooed on her like we locked in.

In regards to their parents I think they hate how the Sidereal Cancer gets loved by others. I think somewhat karmic they teach their mothers how to love, but the mother is resisting it. This teaches Cancer to have a hard shell and why they cannot beat the angry crab allegations. Not inherently their fault.

I feel like people be draining and taking advantage of my Krabby Patties like plssss if my Sidereal Cancer folk popped off earlier I would love that. The DOWNSIDE is I notice Sidereal Cancers can get mad at the wrong people at an earlier age. You have to get mad at the right people. Misdirected energy wrecks havoc on your Moon and drains you further.

Having an emotionally unavailable mother I feel like was Sidereal Virgo Moon karma I was dealing with. These Moon signs are trickle effects from a tree. With my moms Sidereal Cancer Moon, her mother drained her emotions. My Sidereal Virgo Moon, my emotions were voided. The womb, the chart, the child is a manifestation of the child based on how she felt. I still hold this theory dear to my heart. We are another version of our mother’s projection. What she wants us to be for herself, whether she resents that or not.

From my 12/16/22 tweets (18+ !!!)
At the end of the day if I wanna know how someone I like f*cks I’m checking their Moon sign over any planet bc the Moon be lusty. Sexy or anything else gon go to that Moon too I will be conducting research on that so everyone can tap in. Moon is Jala for another reason 💦

People telling me they don’t agree when in Vedic the Moon is a sexual planet and I didn’t tell y’all to check the moon. I said EYE check the Moon. Don’t get involved. I don’t wanna f*ck y’all so idc what you check.

In Vedic Mars is CELIBATE. Read my bio. I am not a western astrologer. Venus is sexuality as well as the Kama houses of 3H, 7H, 11H. Those are the houses to check as well when it comes to sex in VEDIC. The Moon is Lusty. Mars gets weakened by Venus and breaks celibacy.

“Ain’t Mars sexual?”

That deduction isn’t bad and I can agree Mars can be sexual but Indra has a sexual discipline that he mastered bc being promiscuous worked against him when vaginas covered his body. Bharani is a Venus Nak and Krittika/Agni is Indras priest. Celibate ≠ non sexual. Let’s take it a step further. Scorpio is a great example of sexual DISCIPLINE. That’s where Venus falls short, where the Moon can become too giving and vulnerable. « Le petit morte » is little death bc parts of the brain that regulate fear shut down during organism. Letting go. Mars needs a set of conditions in order to be vulnerable because Sidereal Aries/Scorpio live with their guard up. So yes, we can say Mars is sexual, and that Mara get minimized. But, again, celibacy means being picky about who you f*ck. Mars needs to feel safe during sex. You cannot have an orgasm (Scorpio) when you don’t feel safe and comfortable with the person you’re f*cking (Mars). This is why Mars is celibate. I’m a Jyestha rising and I have yet to f*ck bc I simply don’t trust y’all. Period. Lmfao it’s just not gonna happen. Venus breaks Mars sexual discipline through lust. Scorpio/Mars seeks a deeper connection especially when in Vedic it gets correlated to the 8H. I explain the 8H here. The 8H can only be fulfilled sexually when there is a deep, spiritual connection. Moksha. (8H sextrology meme). And the letting go is moksha. A lot of planets work in components but again I was just speaking on the moon and again what EYE do but this is a great conversation to have. I’m still gon use the moon as primary. Mars gets too much in the sex category when there’s variances. So in the end Mars should really be checked if you’re tryna commit. If you’re not I wouldn’t really bother but there’s nothing wrong with checking it anyway to get the sex “drive” part. I’m not tryna commit to everyone so I will be using the moon since the moon was f*cking a LOT. And again celibacy is “I’m waiting for the right person” 😌

From my 07/28/23 tweet: Cancerian energy being what I consider the surface waters/lowtide as crabs also live more so on the surface makes sense as to how currents swirl and orbital wave paths, the oceans natural flow. The swirls look just like the Cancer symbol ♋️

The Moon having no beef with any planet in Vedic astrology can be shown with Hello Kitty. She’s a Sidereal Taurus Moon. The Moon’s exaltation! Hello Kitty is all about making friends and finding peace.

The Moon is neutral with a lot of planets if they’re not friendly with them. The Moon loves the Sun and Mercury (even tho Mercury doesn’t). The planets that beef with the Moon (Mercury, Venus, Saturn) are met with neutrality by the Moon.

1/10/24 @ 12:16pm

The Moon having no beef with any planet in Vedic astrology can be shown with Hello Kitty. She’s a Sidereal Taurus Moon. The Moon’s exaltation! Hello Kitty is all about making friends and finding peace. The Moon is neutral with a lot of planets if they’re not friendly with them. The Moon loves the Sun and Mercury (even tho Mercury doesn’t). The planets that beef with the Moon (Mercury, Venus, Saturn) are met with neutrality by the Moon. And here’s how that goes as a gif of Hello Kitty neutralizing an attack with love:

12/6/2023 @ 3:28pm

Learning the art of sweetness is important and something you learn as you get older. Especially in your Moon (24) and Venus (25) maturity ages. Those are the best times to cultivate that energy. Kindness is everything and it opens more doors.

Ketu, that of doors and liberation, is found in Ashlesha, a Moon Rasi and the birth star of Ketu. Venus exalts in Pisces/Mīna. The Vishnu avatara of Ketu. Jala/Water is nurturing and supportive 💧🩵

11/3/23 @ 6:38am

I think Lunar energy is the planet of arousal because when the moon can switch into signs fast a Sidereal Cancer person can think of another energy that gets them off and puts them into a whole new mode bc I swear these mfs don’t get tired. I say all that to say that I’m actually NOT a fan of Mars being the planet of sex. Why? Because sex isn’t just a physical act. It’s more so in the psyche. It’s in the mind. The mind is lunar. A war planet, Mars, ain’t thinking about sex. Sex is supposed to be fun and loving.

There’s only going to be two planets that satisfy that: Moon and Venus. Moon is the emotional connection and Venus is the seductive quality. Only time where sex exists within Mars is within the Nakshatra of Bharani. Where the deity of death and Venus are in the same quarters. Le Petit Mort = A mini death/orgasm. NOW still hear me out. There is def times where someone (aka me) has Martian placements or when someone has Venus in a Martian sign. But see, that’s different. I’m referring to a specification of a sign. I think a lot of people get caught up in finding significations in any planet saying “any planet is sex” well actually, no it’s not, but in the context where Venus is in the sign of Mars, the context now shifts to sex. Do you follow me?

Jupiter deals with sex in a way that Venus exalts in a Piscean sign and deals with phala/fruit, also is significator for higher bed pleasures. However, that’s read in contexts where Venus goes into Pisces or when planets transit the Phalguni Naks. Nobody is reading Jupiter as sex in a general sense.So what do I think of Aries Venus/Moon and Scorpio Venus/Moon. I don’t think their main focus is sex. They actually have the most tame demeanor on it. If they make plans to have sex, they’ll do it. But that came with a bunch of planning before they committed to the act of sex w someone. Aries is just quicker to make a decision.

Libra, Taurus, and Cancer Mars are “bound” by Mars and sets conditions. Quite literally there’s a coochie lock here and only a certain person, a certain key, has access to them. Mars is defensive and needs to feel safe. Those conditions need to be met. Indra tried to be sexually manipulative and got fucked up. It’s more about alchemizing sex on the Mars end. Mars is abstinent/celibate for a reason. Even with the “fuckin like rabbits” Jyestha symbolism they have high morality (death/Scorpio) rates.
