10H: The House of Projections, Jealousy, and Social Media

All interpretations of individual houses and planets of the 10H will only be found on my Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/posts/71559139?utm_campaign=postshare_creator

The 10H is an interesting house. I consider it a target point for others projections. While the 4H is the private life, the 10H is your public life. The 10H tends to show us where exactly people tend to think where you should be above their projections, and where people tend to be jealous of you. This is where people can project their own insecurities onto you. This is the stuff people can give you the brunt of because they think you can handle those behaviors. While the Sun is at its joy in the 9H, the sun shines the highest in the 10H. When you are at your highest, it can make others feel insecure. We see this with celebrities all the time. They’re beloved, but one slip up and people are waiting to attack because they think you can handle that. With that said, there is an opportunity to use this house to gain the best for yourself, if you’re able to handle trying to use that against you when they have nothing else going on. Jealousy is a disease.

As far as social media, I been saying this since 2017, this is the house of social media. It is the public image where everything can be interpreted, even if that interpretation gets mixed up into some other shit that had nothing to do with your image. It’s a way for some people to corrupt the energy of your 10H, and apply darker traits to them whether they’re aware of this or not, because most aren’t.

On a derivative astrology standpoint, the 7H is the 10th from the 10H. Close bonds, contrats, and marriage is found here. If an energy is truly for you, some people will try to sever that connection so they can get close to what you have going on. Check in on your 7H and make your 10H your 1H on cosmic insights to peep the energy of how your 10H flows from an ASC POV.
