The 5H: False Fame/Underrated Talent vs the 10H: Actual Fame/Sell Out

Remember that all interpretations of houses and planets of the 5H will only be found on my Patreon and the Patreon-only discord: Tai Soleil

To be famous, people want to be you. Fame has the root word bha- meaning:

Old French fameus (Modern French fameux), from Latin famosus "much talked of, renowned," often "infamous, notorious, of ill repute," from fama (from PIE root *bha- (2) "to speak, tell, say"). A native word for this was Old English namcuð, literally "name-known.

When we think of the word Bhaga also relates to the 10H of money and career.

I also think the 5H is the place of falsehoods. In order for dharma to switch, there needs to be a condition (2H) that cannot be broken (8H) based on the individual. Individual conduct is Dharma, and it changes, it switches up. This is a Lakshmi trikona where Maya exists. As far as the learning aspect goes, deep knowledge can be found here as it pertains to the lowest part of the chart, but also it comes after Moksha, so that means to gain knowledge comes from the sort of struggle. Rahu is also a Graha-Drsti in the 5H, which means that this is the house it desires. It’s similar to the 8H/9H axis I talk about where one can use the 8H to go through things, and the 9H helps us gain knowledge on a situation. The 9H is the house of the Sun, enlightenment. I’ll dive more into this in another post.

Let me get into WHY I feel like the 5H is false fame:

We are in an era of influencer culture where everyone and anyone can be an influencer. Because of this, the era of fame has become coagulated into this thing where it’s easier for people to achieve. However, this is not fame of traditional roles. The person isn’t recognized outside of their terrain, nor are they making as big of an impact as the traditional celebrity. The influencer can make an impact on a celebrity and it be undermined bc of the 5H. This is the night/lower/hidden part of the chart. They’re a cult fav. The area of super creative, underrated talent usually sits in the 5H. This is the era people typically miss about celebrities. That moment when they were just having fun with it.

Venus is the 5H planetary joy for a reason. Because of this, this is a celebrities most slept on era, but are cult faves by fans. This is what I consider an artists 5H era. We can consider the 5H pre fame, and the 10H when someone blows up. Rahu is also an illusion of reality, and it shows that most of these internet fame doesn’t always translate into something great.

There’s a reason why the 5H and 8H is debt conflict. You can end up owing money or having to pump out a lot of creations (5H) to meet demand if you’re not learning how to transmute the creativity through the 8H of refinement. The 10H is the 6H of the 5H in derivative astrology, so that means there’s a lot of work that needs to happen to reach the fame aspect. The 5H is also the 8H from the 10H, which means that to even maintain fame, you can essentially drain your creativity. This also falls in line to when labels tell the artist how to create, in which the 8H is the house of others money/investment, not your own money/investment. It becomes more about what the people want and not necessarily what you want. I remember on the astro podcast where they even said the 5H is the house where how you want things may not be what others want, and this can possibly be a great explanation as to why.

Now don’t get me wrong. The 5H can refine the 10H as a basis of who the person is and leverage that. The 5H can also mean what this person should go back to if they’re improperly using the 10H energy.

Let’s pull some examples (I’ll add more as time goes on):

Kim Kardashian

If we take a look at her 5H, it’s in Pisces. Her being Paris Hilton personal assistant was a stepping stone based on her POF

I would say her sextape is a real cheap shot to say that’s how she got famous. It was a nice way for her to come up, but we can say based on her having a Lunar 5H, in which Lunar activity can show lust. The leverage behind this can also come from this sextape leaking. Her Uttara Bhadrapada Moon conj hwr IC, which is a hidden part of the chart being exposed. UBP is already a hidden facet, but is also a Nakshatra of hidden value.

This made the leverage great because of her Purva Phalguni Venus, an already Venus ruled Nak, in her 10H. She’s also known for her relationships, fashion, and etc. I think marketing her in the direction brought her to a different level. It was taking what was hidden (sextape), using it to market self, and taking it to the next level. This put her in modeling positions and influenced a culture regardless of whether you think it was hers or not. To really chalk that up her Dharma (wealth)/9H has Rahu there. Rahu is also a Marsha Kāraka-Sthāna, which basically means Rahu doesn’t do well here because Rahu has to uphold dharma, when it likes to deceive.

Tai 💚
