The 12H: The Hidden, Fears, and etc.

I update my articles on this site frequently, but full interpretations are exclusively on my Patreon:

My other 12H Articles and my article about profected year are in my index or just put 12H in the search bar!

I also have 6H/12H booking here:

Also here’s another 12H Article covering enemies:

Making sure what I post on my Twitter is available to y’all here for easier access. I talk about the 12H on my site, but here’s another article to put things into place:

Having 12H placements is knowing you’re right you just can’t prove it yet. That’s why it’s best as a 12Her to move over to the left when people are thinking you crazy. You’re not crazy, they just lack foresight. You know how many people think I’m crazy/weird all bc I just be knowing shit! People who have their ASC ruler in their 12H gon feel this/Sidereal Aquarius Risings. Stop doubting your first mind and do what you gotta do and follow through. Don’t forget the follow through!! Everytime a 12Her lives in regret is because they didn’t follow their first mind. Stop doing that. That alarming feeling but you’re also calm let’s you KNOW you need to do it. That “aw hell nah” feeling? Do what you know you gotta do. That’s a clear sign you need to do it. 12H Saturn Joy really tells us that the 12H can be understood. Saturn is Justice and Karma and can cut through situations with facts. I consider Saturn the BS detector. In order to manipulate/create confusion, you must understand how confusion even starts. This is Saturns role. This is why Saturn represents time. They understand that time can also be manipulated. This goes back to my point of Capricorn/Aquarius energy being Saturn ruled. This is also why The Devil is the Tarot card of manipulation, and represents Capricorn. I go into why I still considered Aquarius the manipulator in that article linked in my thread. Capricorn manipulates EARTH concepts. Aquarius transcends time as a concept. Pisces dissolves it.

The 12H is also the ability to move in silence. Not letting people know about the moves you make is important. It’s not for them to understand, it’s for you to produce the results, letting them wonder how you did it. I can go on about the 12H. That’s the last stage, so it can go on forever. It’s all previous houses in one conglomerate. It’s the definition of “we are all separate, but connected”. Why this lesson is the hardest spiritual concept to understand. The 12H of misunderstanding. Elder people abusing Saturn’s wisdom to manipulate and treat young people poorly is the exact reason why they end up in an elderly home. Mental asylums/Hospitals are 12H ruled and Saturn is in its joy there. Play stupid games, get stupid prizes.

Being a 12H Mars is remembering everything that made you mad since you were a child. The 12H energy just, sticks with you. A psychological permanence. Like the 12H Venus/Venus house will never forget their first love. That first love may hurt, then heal, but the scar may remain. I’m a 12H Mars. What I learned is that people tryna come for you is a spiritual attack. Handle that. You gotta become that haunted house people scared to step foot in. You’ll get a few dummies who think they invisible..They’ll prove that the legend is real. I was at work and almost everytime I walked by certain people stopped mid conversation. Had people say my energy put fear in them. Good. That’s exactly where you need to be.

Now when I’m talking about the 12H and fears, I’m talking about the fight vs the flight response to life. The 12H can be things that commonly worry the person based on the energy of the 12H. It doesn’t have to be something they don’t want to confront, but the 12H is an energy people may try to prevent, or somehow counteract in order to maintain good things in life. The 12H is the house that shows you where you commonly have fear/worry in life. This challenges your 1H of self, like a sort of shadow that lurks over your 1H to overperform their role to avoid that house. You can use derivative astrology to pull all of this together (ex. Making your Aries placement in your 1H to dissect the 12H of that) or you can use your rising as a starter.

Your Jordan year, 23, is a 12H profected year. To be great, you must go through lows to make you greater, stronger, and more powerful.

I can go on about the 12H. That’s the last stage, so it can go on forever. It’s all previous houses in one conglomerate. It’s the definition of “we are all separate, but connected”. Why this lesson is the hardest spiritual concept to understand. The 12H of misunderstanding.

My 12H thread from 04/23/2023:

We can unpack 12Hers being self destructive victims but really that can be easily remedied by gathering the evidence, and giving someone enough rope to fuck themselves up. 12Hers are bad at giving everything a reaction. Not me tho. You tryna let everyone know what you’re gonna do. You want immediate justice. Letting people know nothing will keep them lost. You wanna prove to everyone that you’re right. Why? Your moves are to be felt, not said, nor heard. Your silence and action wins. You’re not supposed to be saying what people don’t understand most of the time. You only do that with people you care about. You’re supposed to convey your feelings and not bottling them up with them. The strangers? They don’t need to know a damn thing and that’s your problem. You know how many people I fucked over bc I run this shit and not them? How many people think they got me but their lives are proof that their words were wrong? How many times I took the high road bc letting someone know about themselves enlightens them? I want you to suffer. It’s the unknown/self undoing bc you are the only one peeping the temperature. It’s not for others to understand. Making your issue everyone’s issue instead of moving how you need to, you’re making it harder on yourself. Some things cannot be explained, but need to be done. Tighten the fuck up. The most unknown house is backed by Saturn rejoicing here. Saturn knows exactly what to do. Move like it. Saturn don’t pick the weak. Saturn controls this whole planet. Since you know, move. Not everyone is supposed to know what you know. Fuck em. People who aren’t 12Hers not gon understand and you got some 12Hers who still don’t get it. Not for them to get lmfaooo. “Move move move move..Anything you do, will be held against you.” That’s what our 12H Sun Beyoncé said! Take mental note and move.

My 04/23/2023 thread on why Saturn is Joy in the 12H to give more insight on Saturn and the 12H in general:

Saturn just likes problems to help you grow for the sake of you always needing to be better. There’s a lot of rewards in Saturn that builds toughness. It’s doesn’t rejoice of one of the most gut wrenching houses (12H) for no reason. You WILL do better. And maybe this isn’t unpopular but people think it’s all bad. No nigga. Just grow. Saturn is mostly unimpressed bc you can be better. When you know you can always improve, your rewards will maximize. Saturn loves Venus and cohabitates with Rahu bc Saturn is aware of the issues with being dumb, lost, and pleasured. Your pleasure should come with discipline. If you can’t handle the depths that come with feeling good, you will get lost/snatched up in the 12H. When you know pleasure is a void that is insatiable, you will learn to never take it for granted and use it for your highest good. Control helps you not get lost in the sauce. Also Saturn is BDSM. Pain/pleasure dynamic falls here with the combination of Rahu/Venus connections. Life is this cycle of pain in growth. We can have fun in this illusion, but to grow means you can always have this life if you’re willing to do what you’re supposed to do.

12H article additions

12/17/2022: A 12H profected year (add profected year link) person and a person having their Saturn return have a level of unhinged energy I can’t explain you just gotta see it. Probably bc Saturn is in joy in the 12H and that’s why it’s similar energy.

Seems like having a Saturn return is the last bang before having to grow up so get all that 20s energy tf out. That’s why I don’t think 25 is the sweet spot of maturity regardless of frontal lobe development bc that Saturn return may undo all of that. Self undoing of the 12H.

02/04/2023: Uncanny valley and liminal spaces are 12H themes imo. I’ve been saying so. Liminal spaces are familiar until it’s not bc it’s devoid of people. Uncanny valley is a visual discomfort bc it is not what we usually see (a bear with teeth) and 12H/moksha is lonely and uncomfortable. The 12H is supposed to deal with discomfort. Those things you’ve been doing all backwards and got away with for a long time. Things sometimes may not make sense because you’ve been nonsensical this whole time. You’ve made what shouldn’t have been normal in your life, normal. Talked about this on my Patreon here:

10/27/2022: The 12H is the foresight people may not understand until later. The 12H is the melting pot of understanding. It is disillusioned. It is Moksha.

9/16/2022: The 12H year is a moksha house. Tbh the bad times are representations of your own hinderances. This is why it’s the house of self undoing. All the sh*t you don’t work on just becomes more blatant in the misfortune. The veil gets thinner. You need to do the work. It’s not everyone’s fault, it’s mostly gonna be you in certain situations. You need to deal with the elephant in the room bc the elephant just might be you. Then what? Who you gonna yell at? Yell at yourself. Your habits collect in the 6H year and dump in the 12H year. Whatever BS you was on at 17-22 and even before can gobsmack you at 23. Is what it is. Do the work. It may make you cry but you’ll be better and stronger. More here:

More from my Twitter (@taibunnii) archives:

12H and Saturn 12/27/2022 @ 9:25am

12H energy reminds me of in The Series of Unfortunate Events when the Baudelaires told everyone the hotel was on fire and some said they were a liar, stayed in the building, and perished in the fire. What makes this more interesting is there was a trial of if the Baudelaires were guilty or not and it makes me think about how Saturn/Karma/Law fits perfectly at a 12H joy because you cannot get everyone to believe you with Justice. You are working with unknown (12H) variables. Unknown variables (12H) need to be worked out when it comes to law and Saturn can do that. However the problem comes from the 12H theme of hidden enemies that can sabotage and manipulate the facts. This is also why Saturn and Venus may also have a friendship due to contrast. That book is the pure definition of the 12H/Saturn joy energy and now makes me wanna go back into the books bc I already had notes from The Grim Grotto earlier this year. Only responding for the sake of the topic but no. Can the house bring deceit? Yes. Confusion? Yes. House of enemies? Yes. But that’s not all the 12H has to offer. Sometimes it’s foresight the public does not have. How someone intenralizes the 12H only magnifies the belief. Now let’s expand. I have a 12H Mars. I would call things that people else didn’t notice and I would know play by play how something would go. Most times I’m right. However how I perceive something is MY business because the 12H is personal and open to interpretation. The amount of times I’ll tell someone how something will go just for them to find out I’m right. When I stopped trying to prove my truth and do what I do, I let everyone else get caught up. The ones who “listen” to me gon do what resonates by what they see me do. Perception. When you’re a 12Her and you lead by example you’re gonna have people more so study you than you trying to explain something people mentally cannot keep up with. We are human and we have mouths to communicate, but you should have a boundary of how much you say. As a 12Her your biggest success is going to be in the result, not what you say, but what you do based on what you express (Sun), know (Moon), process (Mercury), love (Venus), discover (Jupiter), build (Saturn), process the ego (Rahu), and what you let go of (Ketu).

11/30/2022 @ 9:07am

The 12H isn’t always an enemy activation. It can also be the house where someone just knows you deep down.

3/2/2022 @ 11:03am

Nothing is wrong with 12H synastry unless you have some skeletons in your closet/don’t like the person. Other than that? Great for someone who can know you without you saying much. They’ll pick up on your nonverbal cues the most. They see you for who you are! That’s why I said if you’re not willing to be seen for who you are/skeletons in your closet, you may not like 12H synastry!

1/12/2022 @ 1:43am

The reason why Capricorn and Aquarius are both Saturn Ruled traditionally is Capricorn follows the timeline and Aquarius likes to bend time and its limits. Both are important Time Gods of polarity. Capricorn is the foundation of time so Aquarius energy can have something to support itself when it starts to create on top of that. Aquarius cannot move without Capricorns rules. Aquarius just finds grey areas. As an example: It’s like when Capricorn tells Aquarius “Don’t go down to the left”. The Aquarius will go to the right, down the street and make another right to go to the same area that’s on the left, but as long as they didn’t go left, that’s the grey area of rules 😂

2/27/2023 @ 10:31am

4H/8H/12H synastry I would say is like breathing into someone’s mouth and not kissing them yet.

From my 6/4/2022 @ 12:56pm

12H Saturn Joy really tells us that the 12H can be understood. Saturn is Justice and Karma and can cut through situations with facts. I consider Saturn the BS detector. In order to manipulate/create confusion, you must understand how confusion even starts. This is Saturns role.

This is why Saturn represents rime. They understand that time can also be manipulated. This goes back to my point of Capricorn/Aquarius energy being Saturn ruled.

Article about Capricorn/Aquarius is here:

This is also why The Devil is the Tarot card of manipulation, and represents Capricorn. I go into why I still considered Aquarius the manipulator in that article linked in my thread. Capricorn manipulates EARTH concepts. Aquarius transcends time as a concept. Pisces dissolves it. I can’t believe I ain’t bring this up yet bc it stayed something I had in my brain. Not surprised tho bc I have stuff I ain’t even talk to y’all about 😂 all in the vault.

6/4/2022 @ 2:21pm

Elder people abusing Saturn’s wisdom to manipulate and treat young people poorly is the exact reason why they end up in an elderly home. Mental asylums/Hospitals are 12H ruled and Saturn is in its joy there. Play stupid games, get stupid prizes.

2/27/23 @ 9:12am

Saturn finds Joy in the 12H because it allows for them to figure things out step by step. Since Saturn is obstacles, it’s going to create problems because it’s better than staying stuck and still. “Fucking up” may show you something different.

From snippet from my Patreon:

The 12H specifically deals with the darkness of self, before it reaches the 1H of understanding.

To add to this derivative post:

Now, the 12H actually deals with confusion because of Saturns influence. Also, Saturn has heavy influence on Rahu, the place of confusion. The 1H of self understanding comes from Mercury, the planet of understanding.

The 12H is merely something you don't have immediate access to. It's not to say you cannot have access to it, it's just harder to find. That house is a sort of blindspot.

Tai 💚
