Profected Years + Solar Return

Basically profected years move up from the time you’re born and every birthday basically from 1H-12H, and repeat. Each house gives out themes of those houses which I’ll probably cover and update this article as time goes by. This is just a quick and simple guide.

I cover house themes here:

Here’s a profected house chart by Patrick Watson Astrology:

Here’s the house rulers article:

I have profected house booking here as well:

Along with this know that each house covers not only the themes of the houses, but you HAVE to look at the house rulerships which I cover here. The profected year starts at 0 is basically you at birth. You’re establishing your identity, and the 1H is that of the identity.

Solar Return

Solar return charts all change depending on where you live. The Solar return documents the exact degree of your natal Sun so that’s why you’ll sometimes see your Solar return date and time not be the same as your natal, especially depending on where you are celebrating your birthday. Always put in the city/town you’re in when you are doing your solar return chart if it’s not the same as where you were born! Solar Returns give a snap shot of the profected year in more detail than just House activations.

Examples! I talk about things slowly. Be patient I’m always updating my site with stuff haha 💚

2H Year

From my 5/15/2022 at 11:42am tweet:

25 is the age where you can get finer bc not only is the 2H year that of finances, it’s also about your face. The 2H represents the face. You’re hitting that age of maturity. It’s the start of your fine wine stage.Also 25 is around the age collagen breaks down in your face I’ve heard. The 2H is about longevity, and longevity comes with age.

Being 19 and 23 in Astrology (Feat. The 27 Club)

This section is can be triggering or sexual (Suicide, sexual themes) so just a fair warning

8H year: 19

12H year: 23

4H year: “Forever 27 club”

TW// Suicide Themes

4H Year

The 4H year and the 27 club topic of artists passing away at 27 is really about the 4H year I feel. You’ll notice everyone speak on bad years based on these particular ages, which actually form a trine/triad to each other in astrology

The 27 club can be a sign of deeply rooted issues that feel inescapable. I consider the 4H to be a garbage collection place as it sits in the bottom of the chart. Anything that’s been collecting for the length of time it has since your last 4H year can accumulate here. That can either make or break you.

I know during/around my 4H year when I was 15 I had my first panic attack. I really wanted to die bc wow. It was so bad I couldn’t even eat I felt so much trauma. The 4H is the house of privacy and I felt so anxious and felt like there were so many eyes on me in my own home. It was the worst feeling ever. I went through a lot but my 5H year I was “kinda” getting better but again that’s case by case. My profected years have a lot of watery/Ketu energy in them.

What’s the difference between the 8H year and the 12H year? I’ll explain:

8H Year

The concept of the 8H is that this is the gate to awakening that there are problems. This is when you’re realizing things are amiss, and they may come to the surface at this time. I know for me I had a LOT of purging and bowing to do. This is the last year of your teens, and things are ending for a reason. This is your time to grow up and get on your shit. What you do here I noticed had a positive impact on where I am now.

This is a recap of my 8H year:

TW// Sexual themes in this recap

My 8H year at 19 was wild for me all ima say is if you go down a BDSM/sex work/hoe era route just be mindful and stay safe because you can already in a state of confusion and survival. Possibly having problems with parents at home and looking for an escape. That was something nobody was teaching me bc tbh I’m one of the first people to experience an 8H year without any guidance. At the time there was nobody on social media documenting profected years. You’re just leaning it on your own. I had problems at home.

I was tryna move and figure things out. There’s a lot to learn about that world. I figured out what I liked, why I liked it, and unpacked a lot of trauma regarding sex. I learned how to finesse and get what I want verbally without anyone touching me lmfao. I was slightly in the kink world just a bit and I was able to communicate with someone who was apart of that world so I learned a bit about findom, etc. OF was just starting up and nobody was talking about it so what I learned was on a iykyk basis.

From my 2/28/23 tweet at 6:01pm:

The concept of the 8H is that this is the gate to awakening that there are problems. This is when you’re realizing things are amiss, and they may come to the surface at this time. I know for me I had a LOT of purging and bowing to do. This is the last year of your teens, and things are ending for a reason. The concept of the 8H is that this is the gate to awakening that there are problems. This is when you’re realizing things are amiss, and they may come to the surface at this time. I know for me I had a LOT of purging and bowing to do. This is the last year of your teens, and things are ending for a reason. Being kicked out can be a thing too.

From my 03/02/2022 tweet at 6:05pm:

To any 19 year old getting kicked out or wanting to leave. That’s a potential symptom of the 8H year. If you gon leave or stay I’m telling you now to double down on being great and make sure you are as knowledgeable and resourceful as possible. This is the year of possibly learning just how much pain life can bring on a different level. I want you to plant your feet deep in the ground and use that as momentum. When your 9H year comes, uproot and take off. You are being challenged for a reason. What you worked for in the 6H year, the bonds you cultivated in the 7H year all need the 8H to see things for what they truly are. That coddling you experienced was the adulthood you thought you would have. Wrong. Time to grow up and glo up.

Now I would add my thread to this BUT so much has changed bout this since my 12 profected year that made me asses the person I been on and off with since I was 19. The main thing was our connection did get stronger. But there was still problems with the person so I ultimately let go. Which gets me into the:

12H year

This is a no nonsense year where everything that aggravates you is gonna aggravate you more into doing better for yourself. That included the person I’ve known since my 8H year and someone I had a stellium in her 8H. I was irritated REAL bad she had to go lmfao. I wasn’t in a place to settle for what she was giving me even as a friend. It was done. Bc she couldn’t even be a good friend to me lmfaooo.

Overall though all that stuff I needed to refine from the 8H hit me like some bricks. I had to get a lot together and find out the spiritual reason as to why things were happening based on my 6H year, which is the house I consider habits. All of that collectively opened my eyes to during my 1H Year of self to have a brand new chapter.

ANYWAY. If you know me by now, you know I been talking about the 12H year as I was talking about it which I’ll post my archive tweets:

03/22/2023 2:35pm

The 12H: the unknown of self, before it reaches the 1H of self understanding.

The 8H: Blatant problems until it reaches the 9H of spiritual/general understanding.

The 4H: ancestors, private life until it reaches the 5H of self cultivation/ creating based on your individual terms. Now, the 12H actually deals with confusion because of Saturns influence. Also, Saturn has heavy influence on Rahu, the place of confusion. The 1H of self understanding comes from Mercury, the planet of understanding.

05/27/2023 at 11:37am

My 12H year is why I have 0 tolerance for anyone. I don’t care bout no bitch, no annoying ass people tryna be my friend, or any randoms. Your pussy not good enough, your friendship not good enough, your love not loving. And fuck Sarah. Idk the bitch but just in case, I’ll say it. I will delete all the contacts off my phone and start over if I have to. I do NOT care. Don’t stress me the fuck out. Period.

04/23/2023 10:55pm

Saturn return is just the 12H year part 2 because Saturn rejoices in the 12H.

02/04/2023 at 11:00am

Like the 12H year where you could be separating from yourself because there’s a lot of stuff you’re learning about you that may change your landscape? Imagine tryna find someone long term during a purge house period if you’re into astrology.

05/21/2023 at 11:21am

Ja Morant is 23???? LMFAOOO them 12H year allegations are never gonna be beat. That’s the house of SELF UNDOING. All y’all literally had to say was this nigga was 23. LMFAOOOOO nowwww I get it. He just doing anything. The 12H year you don’t know what to do fr. You just figuring things out.

05/27/2023 11:29pm

The 12H year is case by case. Having hard transits or no hard transits, it’s not about that. The 12H year is the backlog of shit you didn’t deal with on your 6H year or overall. If nothing happened for you during the 6H year or overall? Then nothing may happen your 12H year. It’s not about who is and ain’t struggling, it’s about what you have yet to learn that you need to do for yourself to get to the next level. Saturn rejoices in the 12H. The 12H year can be considered the prequel to the Saturn return.

2/28/2023 1:12pm

Realizing my 4H year started my spiritual journey from a panic attack, my 8H year I made my first sex magic post and I was also going through a lot of turmoil, and 12H year made me improve everything surrounding my journey. The 4H year broke me entirely. I ain’t ever felt a weight so heavy in my life. I think I had 2 panic attacks that year I wouldn’t even leave my room.

03/04/2023 9:28am

Really certain age periods can feel bad even if it’s not a 4H/6H/8H/12H year is because of the houses rulership can be in a tough place, some tough aspects, or that rulership dealing with another planet it doesn’t like. You can also have these house rulerships that rule your profected years in moksha houses and that can add another layer of context. Or the house being activated rules your moksha houses. That’s why astrology is very case by case. You gotta know the difference between universal themes and what’s just impacting you specifically.

How to prepare for your Solar Return via transits

I talk more about this on Patreon here covering each aspect transit in detail:

In Planets in Transit by Robert Hand, there’s a few steps one should take to prepare for their Solar return. You must pay attention to the Sun sextile, square, trine, and oppose.

Aspects that sextile, square, trine, and oppose each other have dexter and sinister energy. Dexter aspects are ones that come before the sign. The sign looks forward to the dexter energy. However, it does not look forward to the sinister energy. From a sign.

The Sun sextile Sun: 2 months before and after your birthday, which is a Sun conj Sun

This is your Sun Crescent. What are you getting started on? You are in creative mode.

Before: Where have you succeeded?

After: What is your progress?

Sun square Sun: 3 months before and after your bday.

These are your Sun Quarters. What do you need to act immediately on?

Before: What do you need to finish?

After: What do you need to work on?

Sun trine Sun: 4 months before and after your birthday

This is your Sun Gibbous. Reflect on what you’ve been working on.

Before: What have you accomplished?

After: What has been working towards success?

Sun opposite Sun: 6 months after your birthday

This is your Full Sun, what problems are being highlighted? What has cumulated?

Either you will manifest or have to deal with the disconnects from manifesting.

Tai 💚
