Scorpio in Tarotstrology

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Remember that Tarotstrology can be for Tropical or Sidereal.

Scorpio Sun is represented by the 6 of Cups. This is the card of Nostalgia. Scorpio Sun people often find themselves caught up in the past a lot, this is why! The past helps people improve their present. This is why they’re always focused on changing. Going back in the past helps them change things in the past for a better future. 

Scorpio Moon is represented by Death and The High Priestess. This is where when one is emotional, they decide to go on an emotional shed period where they let these emotional experiences change them into who they need to be to be able to handle life. Despite Scorpios fixed nature, they’re adept at adjusting to circumstances due to the Mars influence on their nature. They let their emotions strengthen their character, creating a new outlook on life.

Scorpio Mercury is represented by Death and The Magician. This is people who are always updating their thoughts. These are people who are going within self to find any sort of “weaknesses” and vulnerabilities within them that make them uncomfortable. In turn, this can actually create a mistrust in self. Scorpio Mercuries aren’t necessarily distrustful because they don’t trust other people, they don’t trust their ability to choose the right people to understand what they don’t talk about. 

Scorpio Venus is represented by the 7 of Cups. This is a placement, similar to Mercury, only they are scared of getting their heartbroken. They’re scared of picking the wrong person they may fall in love with. This is because they’ll then become hard to shake. Once a 7 of Pentacles commits, they’re committing. Don’t forget the 7s influence being Jupiter/Pisces, representing drugs. Love becomes a drug to them.

Scorpio Mars is represented by the 5 of Cups. This is about where one may cry over spilled milk, but it’s about knowing that walking through the valley of the shadow of death, you have to keep moving. I know it’s hard to lose things you’ve built, but there’s more and better where that came from. Sometimes it’s okay to leave that situation alone, and let it die. You will create something better due to your ability to evolve and adapt.

Scorpio Jupiter is represented by Death and the Wheel of Fortune. This is the people who are willing to throw away what isn’t serving them for better. This can become a self sabotaging energy in which you feel like that things seem too good to be true. As the saying goes, you cannot grow if you’re constantly pulling the roots out to see if things are growing.

Scorpio Saturn is represented by Death and The World. This can be an energy where one is hard on yourself. Don’t be! You’re putting as much as you can in what you’re doing. Don’t give up on things before they get the change to evolve. These lessons are here to grow you, not for you to force and inflict yourself on. You’re not going to be able to predict everything that comes your way! You’ll always be prepared to handle anything.

Tai 💚
