Libra in Tarotstrology

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Remember that Tarotstrology can be for Tropical or Sidereal.

Libra Sun is represented by Justice. I meannnn, what more can we say about this card that are don’t already say about Libra in general? Y’all love to get what’s fair and right for life you! This is nothing wrong with that. You want to make sure life is peaceful and digestible. You consider what’s best for you as well, making sure you’re making the best decision for your interests. You are also the confidant people go to when they need honesty, since justice holds no bias, the facts are only presented.

Libra Moon is represented by the 2 of Swords. It may be hard for you to really come to a decision. This is because your emotional happiness depends on your decisions. Which one is best? Do you go towards the right, towards more active parts of life, or do you go left, the more tame parts of life. Will these decisions hold you back, or carry you towards detriment? The waxing crescent means to start on something and see where it carries you later. You can’t predict everything, just take life as it goes and stay objective. It’s all you can do. 

Libra Mercury is ruled by Justice and The Magician. This is an understanding that there’s many viewpoints to a situation. You are the understanding friend that people can go to for anything. You may even be someone that gives good advice. You may take a minute to make decisions because you’re trying to find the best way for you to go about things. Never stall though. Your diligence will take you where you need to be.

Libra Venus is ruled by Justice and The Empress. You seek peaceful environments that are away from drama. You seek self improvement so your life can be as great in other areas of life. You’re someone who tries to maintain a peaceful environment anywhere you go so you won’t have to get out of you element. You’re already balancing life, why do you wanna deal with anything outside of that? Because of not wanting to deal with that, you’re going to have to learn there will be multiple types of things that impact the scale you’ll be balancing in life. You’re going to have to learn that life has more facets than what you think. Take care of you universally. Healing is also self care!

Libra Mars is ruled by Justice and The Tower. Everything has its place, and sometimes conflict-resulting is one of that. I know you placements like to avoid problems, but sometimes justice is throwing the gavel down on someone and calling them out on their wrongs! Always learn to maintain your integrity is living in your truth. Faking like everything is okay only makes you tolerate uncomfortable situations you would always have to maintain. That’s exhausting. There’s a way to convey things without stirring too much up, and that’s with speech that is solid, but graceful.

Libra Jupiter is ruled by the 4 of Swords. Being able to maintain greatness comes with a lot! Make sure you’re not getting overwhelmed with an opportunity. Learn that life is supposed to be able to maintain itself overtime. Some of you overworking to make sure things go the way you want it to. Make sure that you don’t always have to check in with that energy all the time by making sustainable options. It’s okay to take breaks! For some of you, it’s best for you to learn that you resting too much doesn’t mean you should let life always figure things out. Your part in life is the reason why things can happen. Apply yourself as needed.

Libra Saturn is ruled by the 3 of Swords. I actually talk about Libra Saturn here so:

Anyway the 3 of Swords is all about you doing what is right within your heart. Even if it’s painful, you will only do what will serve you in the future. This is because, again, Libra energy is all about Justice. Getting to the truth of the matter is going to help you heavily with connecting with your inner truth, and living your life in happiness.

Tai 💚
