Pisces in Tarotstrology

Alright again if you wanna know more about Tarotstrology, check out the index:


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Remember that Tarotstrology can be for Tropical or Sidereal.

Pisces Sun is represented by The Moon. Yes, The Moon isn’t cancer ruled in this situation! This is because The Moon in tarot deals with the unknown, which is very Piscean in nature. Cancer emotions are a bit more known than Pisces in energy. This tarot placement is a Pisces energy of always figuring out the deeper meanings of things. This helps them understand life in a more connected way.

Pisces Moon is represented by The Moon and The High Priestess. This is similar to Pisces Sun, but this card is about finding what the spiritual meaning behind one’s feelings, and the emotional meaning behind why they’re connected to certain things. They seek to connect with things out of the need to be understood. These covert experiences help them understand the things that’s not easily able to be picked up even by themselves.

Pisces Mercury is represented by The Moon and The Magician. This is the ability to find new uses for things that are commonly looked over. There’s a deeper understanding for things most people consider otherwise useless. It’s like one man’s trash is another man’s treasure. The 5 of Pentacles and Pisces energy sextile for a reason!

Pisces Venus is represented by The Moon and The Empress. This is the person who likes to spend time alone. They do things that personally soothe them without interruption. These people may always need a break from connections in order to get back to self, and not caught up in energy that isn’t theirs.

Pisces Mars is represented by the 10 of Cups. This is the person that works hard to work on their dreams until fulfillment. These ideas doesn’t stay in their minds, or fantasies. They actually do something about their situation so they can live at their highest. This is really how Pisces energy should operate in general. Your dreams shouldn’t stay within. It’s about understanding them and knowing the Earth has enough bandwidth for what you can do.

Pisces Jupiter is represented by the 9 of Cups. The ability to come into your own dreams is nice if you don’t think that’s the only thing life has to offer. This card can also signify one being complacent after the fear of losing it all. From a Piscean standpoint, it’s like you finally figuring out something. You wanna keep that energy of familiarity so you don’t have to leave it behind anymore. The best thing to do is to know that every moment in your life is special at varying degrees. You’re not looking for the same feeling, but a good feeling you didn’t even know existed until that moment. You can use this energy to find the next moment in your life that needs to be explored. You are not here to learn everything, you are hear to learn and figure things out so you can unlock your other possibilities!

Pisces Saturn is is represented by the 8 of Cups. These are the people knowing that there is something emotionally better than what they’re holding onto. Saturn brings about maturity in areas. This is a person who searches to finally find the places that make them feel fulfilled, not used or dejected. They know their purpose is bigger than what people have tried to make it seem, they just have to move into the spaces where the cups of love are bigger than the portions they’ve been offered.

Tai 💚
