Aquarius in Tarotstrology

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From my 07/29/23 11:02pm tweet: People wonder why Aquarius has some fucked up cards in Tarotstrology (5 of Swords = Aqua Venus, 6 of Swords = Aqua Mercury, 7 of Swords = Aqua Moon) forget that Aquarius is co-ruled by Rahu, that of manipulation. So the 7 of Swords starts making more sense as being trickery.

Aquarius Sun is represented by The Star. You are someone who is always inspired by life and what it has to over. To you, there’s no limit to who you can become. All you can do is be better for the next day, and be the best for your future.

This also fits what I said about Aquarius energy in my thread I’ll put here. Since The Star really separates the water from the body, from the earth back to the sea visually:

I said this before but Aquarius energy understands water energy bc as the water bearer, they observe their emotions through the water they’re holding. It’s not attached to them. That’s what the detachment means. It’s not because they lack emotion, but they observe to understand. We don’t sit around trying to understand our feelings by feeling them and that’s it. We question why we are feeling this way by detaching to observe. By doing this, we are acknowledging the spiritual detachment/disconnect from what’s makes us feel good vs what’s making us upset. In turn we seek growth. Rain cannot exist without an atmosphere. To take it a step further, the ether influence of Aquarius is the act of detaching from all basic elements to see what separates our environment (air) from our emotions (water) to figure out the unfamiliar (ether). The ether is the form of nothingness. To truly understand the stages of air energy we experience, the last and oldest stage of true understanding is Aquarius energy. It’s when the neutrality of Gemini transcends and becomes something you cannot inhale, nor speak through like the ethers of space. Aquarius. Aquarius is the anti matter that knows in order to truly understand, you must start from nothing to see every perspective outside of that.

Aquarius Moon is represented by the 7 of Swords. I always say this is the card of deceit. This can be because the 7 of Swords types know how to keep a chilled demeanor so nobody really knows how they’re feeling until they use the air of their voice to let us know. This is a card that can be sneaky as well based on this, as Saturn still has ties to Devil energy. Learning how to be open and honest will be a lot better than thinking you have to fake an emotion because you fear being vulnerable.

From my 07/29/23 11:06pm tweet:

The 7 of Swords is the manipulation of truth. When it comes to the Moon, it can be seen as illusion because emotions/personal truth that is always going to be subjective. Rahu exploits the Moon even further through lies and deception.

Aquarius Mercury is represented by the 6 of Swords. This is someone who is always thinking a head, and that’s really what this card represents. This is the energy of an 6 of Swords person being able to see beyond their situation, going to the place that best suits their needs. Their adaptive energy helps them choose a pathway that brings them the most results.

From my 07/29/23 tweet:

While the 6 of Swords is the state of confusion Rahu brings when navigating uncharted territory. Lack of familiarity that removes Mercury in Aqua from its state of understanding, to that of confusion. Mercury is clarity, Rahu is confusion.

Aquarius Venus is represented by the 5 of Swords. This is a person that can have problems connecting, or will cut you off at any sign that you are not the person for them! They’ll gladly let you go and won’t thing twice. A reason why it’s hard to connect with these types at times is because they fear betrayal as much as this card represents. They can also become the villain in relationships when people start leaving them for being too cold. The energy can be best used to deal with conflict, not create conflict that isn’t actually there. It’s okay to loosen up a bit. You have the boundaries for it!

From my 07/29/23 tweet:

We can even see the 5 of Swords, Aqua Venus, disappointing others with their choice of love through the relationship of Rahu and Venus.

Aquarius Mars is represented by The Star and The Tower. This energy shows how much an Aquarius Mars won’t give up. This is because they are a fixed sign, and they are very consistent and willing to work on themselves to get what they want out of life. Life may be dark, but they don’t really give a fuck lol the show must go on.

Aquarius Jupiter is represented by The Star and The Wheel of Fortune. I feel like when life is adjusting to these people, they’re adjusting to life as equally. It may take some time for these people to adjust to life and their circumstances. They know how to bring their uniqueness to their life so they can live completely fulfilled. They know their creativity and knowledge deserves to be seen because of how much themselves goes into their own.

Aquarius Saturn is represented by The Star and The World. These people know that life is going to come with changes, but they are okay because they already know what their life is going to be like in the future. Because of this, they are able to channel their foresight into doing things that will benefit them 10 years down the line. People may not see it, but they have a vision like no other.

Tai 💚
