The Numerology of Aspects In Astrology

I’m extra, idc. This applies. Anyway! This is good for people who need help with aspects and also wanna know how numerology works. This been in my notes for a minute and what’s a better time to post this now.

Intro to Numerology:

To book a Numerology Consultation:

By now you may have read my introductory article to Numerology and Astrology here:

I go over individual aspects on my Patreon. Building the collection here:

Now, let’s get started:

People with a lot of (can apply to aspects in general):

Trines: Can be lazy

Sextile: Too consumed in what they can do rather than improvement

Squares: Too critical and close minded

Oppositions: Too conflicted and uncertain

Conj: Can’t separate/ not know when to apply things

Trines show what you already know how to do. Sextiles show what you tend to pursue the most. Squares show conflict. Oppositions show misunderstanding. Conj show where things come together.

The Birth Chart= 0

Let’s start with 0. Zero is ruled by Scorpio. 0 is the chart, and 0 is the womb. The reason being is because this is your birth chart. You are born from the womb of your parent, which is 0 energy. The circular chart is the representation of your own delivery, and you revolve around the planets. The birth chart we commonly see is geocentric, which means this is the skys view from the earth. Scorpio rules over the genitals, and sex, and those are the very things that created you!

The Conjunction= 1

I correlate 1 to the conjunction is because the conjunction sign and the Sun look very similar, and has one point, while the base is a circle. The Sun shines light on whatever it comes into contact with, making it more relevant. This is why the conjunction adds characteristics to whatever other planet it is in contact with!

The Opposition= 2

The number 2 is the duality. It is also cancer ruled. I correlate this to the opposition because the opposition relates two signs and their polarity. Cancer is duality. Even take a look at the Cancer Symbol and the opposite symbol! People like to say sister signs aren’t a thing but two opposites make a whole. The opposition has two circles at its ends. The opposition is all about bringing two things together because in some way, they understand each other, they just go about it differently. They’re also like people who are arguing about the same thing. It’s the verbiage that gets in the way of agreement.

From my 05/12/2023 thread:

I disagree with the astro community about opposite signs not being “sister signs” because opposite ≠ conflict all the time. Yin cannot go without Yang. The Sun needs the Moon and vice versa. Opposites compliment where one goes without. The opposite can also be a lover. Oppositions offer perspective of what one doesn’t have. Trines coddle you based on relation. Sextiles just follow the hype. Squares are the true conflict imo. It is the opposition that compliments from a place of understanding. The people who understood me the best shared my opposition like no other. Friends and family. It wasn’t my sextile who understood. It was my opposition. Real niggas understand what’s going on. My friendship of 12 years is someone who is a Leo Stellium/Virgo while I’m Aqua/Pisces. Again it’s gon take for y’all to live it to get it. I don’t speak from a book. I speak from facts. This is quite facts in my situation and until y’all can show me otherwise that will be your perspective to have. It’s just not entirely true, just like how you would view my take. Oppositions also work as a before and after. The Sun is the beginning and the Moon is the slaughter, the end of light and beginning of darkness. Someone who compliments me opens my eyes.

The Trine= 3

The number 3 is Jupiter ruled. The trine has three points. It is what like you want to explore in life. It’s learning of spirit, it’s discovery, exploring. The trine is an aspect of what you already know how to do, but you tend to sleep on your talents. Jupiter can be inherently lazy because they think they know all they need to know. Though 3 rules over Sag energy, Jupiter in Pisces is the 9 of Cups in Tarotstrology. Pisces is Jupiter’s crouler in Astrology. This card reversed means that you are being lazy, only being better than your last efforts because you fear failure on the inside. The trine encourages you to keep what you already know how to do refined. Don’t fear failure, because life will always be about refinement. The trine is also looks like the sign for fire in Alchemy!

Updated 9/27 @ 5:09pm

Also in tarot, which I mention in another article covering Angels, Temperance is Sag energy and the Angel has an upwards triangle on their gown, representing Fire in Alchemy!

Article of angels can be found here:

The trine is also at 120°, which is 3 (1+2+0=3). Jupiter energy!

The square= 4

The number 4 is Saturn ruled. The square has four points. As you know, Saturn rules over restrictions and things of that nature. It is ancestral as well, and it also is the 4H of Ancestors and the home. The square aspect is an interesting one. Do you know why things square? It is more than just tension. Think of the box. The square can only square off with aspects of the same modality. Here’s an example of what pairs square off:

  • Cardinal Signs that get things started and moving: Aries/Libra/Capricorn/Cancer

  • Fixed signs that like consistent results: Taurus/Leo/Scorpio/Aquarius

  • Mutable signs that adjust to circumstances: Gemini/Sagittarius/Virgo/Pisces

You’ll notice these squares all create a square aspects as well. The square is also at 90° angles, which is Mars ruled. You may be asking yourself “bitch, what” but Capricorn is exalted in Mars and Mars rules over 9 so haha. Even though 4 rules over Aqua energy, I think it’s still a nice point of interest. I’ll go over aspect patterns in a later article. 

I also talk about the 4 aspect here:

I talk about 4 energy and ancestors here:

The reason why signs of the same modality create a square is because, I finally found the answer that can best convey the square:

People with the same thoughts can box you in a way of thinking, like the hive mind. So signs with the same modality can only block you into the same behaviors. You have to think outside the box in order to transmute the aspects energy. This is actually why squares and oppositions do a lot better than the “softer aspects”. Softer aspected people tend to be more laid back and not worried about much. This is because these aspects are ruled by softer planets that don’t really challenge anything outside their own dogma, which is definitely Jupiter’s toxic descriptions.

1/21/22 update bc I loved what I said on Twitter too 😌: The reason why the square aspect in astrology impacts signs with the same modality is bc the square is boxed thinking. Similar modalities are people with the same personality, but different bodies. The tension is from a confirmation bias, not actual conflict. The numerology of the square is 4, which is Aquarius/Saturn energy. Aquarius is a fixed sign ruled by a planet that rules over restriction. You do the math. You can transmute this energy because Aquarius likes to think outside, but the downside is fixed thinking.

2/4/2022 Update: This is why the goal is to transmute the square. It’s learning to think outside the box/square in order to gain better insight.

This goes for Venus as well only preferring their own standards outside of what others want. This leads me to:

The sextile= 6

6 rules over Venus. I just noticed how the word sextile has sex in it, which is Venus ruled when it comes to the more loving and compassionate part of sex, not primal and deep discovery like Mars. The sextile is shown to have 6 points to it as an aspect symbol. With this aspect, you are going to go out of your way to connect with things that you can work on. This aspect is known to help you pull yourself to things that you can be potentially good at due to magnetism.  This angle is also at 60°

You’re more often going to put more energy into whatever this is being a sextile than a trine due to you what it is you love about things based on that aspect between planets. It’s like when you love someone, you want to go out of your way to please them because you want to be satisfied and them to be satisfied with you. This aspect is the attraction you what you want to pursue in life, because you will go towards what you know you’ll be comfortable with in life. Venus rules over love and relationships for a reason!

5/11/2023 Update: The contrast between the sextile being Venus in numerology and the trine being Jupiter shows why we tend to focus more on sextiles that trines. Venus makes us interested in the moment. Jupiter gives us something we don’t always realize we need to uphold as it is a long term goal.
